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December 12th

Emo brat: Hey, Itachi. I know you're still at work, but once you get a break could you text me. I need advice on something.

Emo brat: Also, I made some onigiri and a few other things last night. They're in the fridge for when you get home from work.

(mid morning)

Itachi: Thx

Itachi: What do u need advice 4

Itachi: ?

Emo brat: How do I ask someone to be my girlfriend?

Itachi: U have a crush

Itachi: Whos the lucky grl

Itachi: ?

Emo brat: Yes, and it doesn't matter. Advice?

Itachi: It depends

Itachi: Have u been talking? Or is it a confess also

Emo brat: We have been talking, if you can count it as that, for a while. And we hang out a few times too.

Itachi: Then just ask

Itachi: keep it simple

Itachi: MayB ask the next time u see her

Itachi: Unless it's in the hallway or sth

Emo brat: So simple and private?

Itachi: Yep

Emo brat: What if she ends up calling it a hang out afterwards? Or playing it off as not serious

Itachi: idk

Itachi: Mayb get her flowers when u ask

Itachi: or like a reminder that it's rom basiclly

Itachi: So she cant say u r just friends

Itachi: Do smth romantic

Emo brat: Okay.

Itachi: But not 2 much

Itachi: Don't put her under pressure to say yes

Itachi: And if she says no, thank her for her tjme

Emo brat: What if she does say no? Or that she doesn't want a relationship. What then?

Itachi: Then i ll take you out 4 ice cream, like in those movies

Itachi: if she says yes I'll pay for u to take her to a fancy rstraunt

Itachi: And dw , she'll say yes

Itachi: U r handsome and smart, and an uchiha

Emo brat: Thank you, Itachi.

Emo brat: Also, I told my friend they could come over this weekend. Is that okay with you?

Emo brat: I can tell him another time, if not.

Itachi: yes, it's ok

Itachi: Make sure 2 do ur hw and stuff b4

Emo brat: I will.

Emo brat: I'll see you later.

Itachi: ttyl ily


AN: Sorry for not updating for a while. I was busy with work and everything keeps piling on now that I'm an adult.

I think that's it. Thank you for reading!!! <3

Also, Itachi's texting style is so fun to write. I feel like he is always rushed when texting at work, even if he gets off he can't stop, and has developed a super rushed form?? Also he's doing his best to be a good big brother

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