Coding Issues?!?

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December 6th

Sasuke and Naruto haven't talked since their last encounter, whether over text or in person. The ravenette was clearly set on the idea of Naruto at least apologizing or something before he would get a second of his time. Which was understandable for the situation. However, Naruto was not sure if he should even try to make up after he hurt the other boy, no matter how much he wanted to talk to him.

"Hey, Sakura, could I talk to you for a moment? It's really important." Naruto decided to ask as his group sat around that morning. The pink haired girl nodded and followed him away to a secluded area. He had looked down for the past few days, and no one could figure out what was wrong. Maybe she was about to find out?

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked gently, as Naruto squatted down and she sat on the ground beside him.

"I think I fucked up." He stated plainly with a glance over to the green eyes studying him. "You know the guy I've been talking to?" Sakura nodded sympathetically, expecting the worst, "He may have asked me if I was leading him on, and I tried to explain that I wasn't. But everything that came out of my mouth just made it worse."

"What did you say exactly?" Sakura asked, placing a caring hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Naruto made an awkwardly confused face as he tried to recall exactly where he went wrong.

"Well, I tried to tell him that I like him. But I also tried to say I wasn't sure how much. Or in what way." He said, pulling on the cuffs of his jeans. "And then I may have said something along the lines of I want to keep flirting and kissing him-."

     "Wait! You have been making out with him? And you don't even know if you want to return his feelings or anything?" Sakura asked, shocked by her friends cluelessness. Naruto shook his head simply.

     "No, just a kiss on the cheek once. But the way I said it made it sound like I wanted to be friends with benefits and do nothing romantic. Probably because I said I didn't." He explained, feeling Sakura's judgmental eyes stabbing into his soul. "And then he basically stormed out and told me to figure it out before talking to him again. And he hasn't texted or even looked at me since it happened." He sighed, using his knee as a support for his chin. "But, it's so hard not talking to him. He would text me all day long, and I finally got to start seeing him in person right before break. And now it's weird."

     "Naruto, I don't know what to tell you. It sounds like you really are in the wrong here. You should try to apologize and explain what you meant." She suggested, giving the Uzumaki a hopeful smile. "Just make sure to stay on topic and explain carefully what you mean. I'm sure he'll understand, I mean he likes you so he must know that you make mistakes. All of the time."

"But I still don't know exactly what I mean yet."

"Then tell him that. I'm sure he'll understand if you explain it correctly." Naruto nodded, and gave a small 'thank you' to his best friend. "How did you even get on the topic anyway, did he bring it up or did you say something dumb and you started to fight?" Sakura asked.

"Well he sent me a bunch of texts in the middle of the night about it. And then when I tried to talk about it he ignored me. So I basically forced him to talk about it."

"You really are a dumbass."

"What about you and Ino? Have you decided what you're going to do yet?" Naruto asked kindly, making Sakura blush a few too many shades past her hair color. While he waited patiently for a response he slip down to the floor to sit, rather then squat awkwardly beside her.

     "I've been working on something. I'm going to try to ask her out this weekend, but like to the dance as a backup. Incase she says no." Sakura explained and pushed a small strand of her pink bob behind her ear. She has been thinking of the perfect way to confess to her other best friend, ever since she discovered her own feelings. While the realization had been a huge shock, Sakura rolled with this new found assurance to gather courage in her love life. Did that make sense?

     "That's awesome. How are you going to ask her?" Naruto encouraged, delicately smiling at the girl beside him. He thought the two would be perfect for each other, both Ino and Sakura had been friends since they were kids so taking the next step wasn't very far off for Sakura. And he was sure that Ino also liked her back, judging by the amount of giggling and blushing around Sakura.

     "I was going to plan a little mock date day, which I guess is just our usual hang outs but more planned." She said, pulling one of her knees to her chest to comfort her nerves. "First, I want us to walk around downtown after she gets off of work. And then we can go back to my house and bake cookies, while we watch some movie we both like. And at the end of the night I'll offer to walk her home, since she is on the same street anyway. And right as we reach her door, I'll stop her and tell her that I would be very happy if she would be my date to the dance."

     "That sounds like a great plan actually. And knowing you it will go amazingly well." Naruto beamed, happy that are least one of their love lives was working out. "I'm sure she'll say yes. I mean who could refuse a sweet piece of bubblegum like you." The blond teased, making the both of them laugh.

     After that the two returned back to the rest of their group before the school day officially started. Naruto was distracted for most of it as he tried to think of how to properly confront Sasuke. He also tried to think deeply about his relationship with him, if you could call it that.


AN: I really wanted to show some cute friendship moments between Sakura and Naruto. I like to think Sakura is very good at coming up with solutions to things, and Naruto is just her absolutely chaotic best friend who can't properly relay his words. I'm also trying to stagger these next few updates so I can re-edit some of the things I want to change.

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