Screen Freeze!!!

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December 2nd

     Naruto quickly ran though the parking lot, avoiding the cars in his way to Sasuke. The air was freezing and while he did like the other boys company, asking for a ride home was more selfish than that. He simply didn't want to die of hypothermia in the brisk winter weather.

     Soon, Naruto spotted Sasuke's car, an old Nissan Versa model in black. He quickly shot a small wave at Sasuke through the side window as he opened the door to the passenger seat. "Thank you." He said, throwing his bag onto the ground and looking back at the other teenager.

"N-no problem. I did say I would give you rides home if you wanted them anyway." Naruto nodded, smiling gently at the blushing boy in front of him. He couldn't put much of a name to the feelings he had for Sasuke yet, but he assumed they had to be at least a little bit more than friendship. "So, you ready to go?"

"Oh, right." Naruto said, buckling his seatbelt and looking back to Sasuke. The black haired boy carefully put the car in reverse and then drive before joining the long string of cars waiting to exit the property. Living in a city certainly had its perks, but traffic wasn't one of them. "So, how was your day?"

"It was fine. What about yours?" Sasuke answered, turning a glance to the blond beside himself. Naruto shrugged before pondering how to respond.

     "Well, I got to see this really cute boy in my bio class. He looked great in goggles, which I thought was impossible. Only he's a bit of an asshole so he told me to stop 'distracting' him." Naruto smirked to himself, proud of his little jab at Sasuke. "And then later this other dude, thought it would be nice to threaten me. But boy, did I show him when I hysterically apologized." Sasuke laughed at the last part, easing his nerves as Naruto tried to make him laugh.

"Aw, poor little blondie is getting bullied by everyone." Sasuke quipped as he turned on his left turn signal and pulled out onto the road. Naruto chuckled beside him, and looked out the window to see kids still making their way out of the school.

     "Oh, shut it. I'm sure I could take Gaara if needed anyway. I mean it's not like I haven't been in fights before. I used to be a bad boy you know." Naruto said, grinning proudly over his petty fights in junior high. Sasuke rolled his eyes and refocused back in the road. Naruto's apartment building complex wasn't that far from the school and his time was slowly running out to spend with him.

     "And here, I thought you were an angel." Sasuke said casually, giving more of his attention to the stoplight than his crush beside him.

     "Always a flirt huh? Two can play at that game." Naruto state's, smirking over as they began driving again.

      "What does that mean?"

     "You'll see." The blond answered, glancing up ahead at where he lived. He wished he lived further away from school, so that way he could tease Sasuke a bit longer. Though he supposed if he was too far from the school he wouldn't drive in the opposite direction of his own home just to drop Naruto off. Or maybe he would with how much he seemed to like the boy.

     "Hey, do you perhaps want to study together for the upcoming AP civics test sometime? I could share my notes with you, and I could even make us some snacks." Sasuke suggested as he slowed down and pulled into a parking lot. Naruto's complex was fairly tall and modern, but not too sleek to look out of his uncle's price range.

     "That would be nice. You could maybe even show me how to bake some cookies while I'm there." Naruto said, taking off his seatbelt as they parked off in a spot near his building. "As you are the best chef, right?" He teased as Sasuke's cheeks became redder than a moment before.

     "Yeah." Sasuke said breathlessly. Naruto has slowly made his way closer towards him, their faces less than foot apart.

     "I better get going now." Naruto said, leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on Sasuke's cheek. Then he grabbed his bag off the car floor and got out of his door. "I'll see you tomorrow." And with that he ran up the steps to his building, disappearing from sight.

     In the car the ravenette was panicking, had Naruto really just given him a kiss? Was that real? About a million small questions flowed through his mind before he decided to take a deep breath to calm himself. Much to his dismay, it didn't help much, only enough for him to drive back to his own home with butterflies in his stomach.

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