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November 26th

Prettyboy: Good morning, Sunshine!

Naruto: Good morning :)))

Prettyboy: Itachi said I'm leaving today.

Prettyboy: I'm going to miss you.

Prettyboy: :(

Naruto: You say that like we didn't talk irl for the first time yesterday

Prettyboy: We've talked before that.

Naruto: You mean you calling me an annoying idiot in the middle of class a couple of times?? Because those weren't exactly pleasant conversations

Prettyboy: Sorry.

Prettyboy: But that is still talking.

Prettyboy: You even said I was a jerk because of how I talked to you. So you can't deny we've talked before.

Naruto: Fine, I guess you're right

Naruto: :<

Prettyboy: And I can miss you all I want.

Prettyboy: I can even miss you rn, in fact I will.

Naruto: You're so dramatic

Naruto: :P

Prettyboy: Will you miss me?

Naruto: Maybe a pinch...

Naruto: But, don't flatter yourself, I just happen to be a very caring person

Prettyboy: Maybe you can care for me for the rest of our lives.

Naruto: You'r such a flirt

Prettyboy: I try my best. :)

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