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December 10th
(mid morning)

Prettyboy♥︎: Did you have lucky charms for breakfast?

Naruto: No, I had eggs and toast :)

Prettyboy♥︎: Then why do you look so magically delicious?

Naruto: I will smack you

Prettyboy♥︎: I can see you smiling.

Prettyboy♥︎: But if you would like to smack me I wouldn't mind. ;)

Naruto: Why are you like this?!?!

Prettyboy♥︎: Because I'm a sexy bastard.

Naruto: GDKSHShd kaKALB bahFHM!!!!

Prettyboy♥︎: You're blushing. Like a lot.

Prettyboy♥︎: You are so fucking adorable.

Naruto: I can't

Naruto: Talk to you later


Naruto: Where are you at??

Prettyboy♥︎: The library, I have to return my books.

Naruto: Books?

Prettyboy♥︎: Yes. You know, the things with words in them.

Prettyboy♥︎: Some even have pictures if that's more your style.

Naruto: I'm not that dumb

Naruto: I just meant like, you read? :)

Prettyboy♥︎: Yes, it's like the only hobby my brother lets me have.

Prettyboy♥︎: Besides studying and the occasional gaming session with him after I'm done with school stuff.

Naruto: So,,, what kind of books do you read??

Prettyboy♥︎: All sorts. Mostly fiction, but I enjoy a biography or something every once in a while.

Naruto: What's your favorite??

Prettyboy♥︎: Why are so interested anyway?

Naruto: Because I want to get to know you better, I mean it hasn't been very long since I even realized who you are. And I wan tot try for you

Naruto: :)

Prettyboy♥︎: Oh.

Prettyboy♥︎: That's sweet actually.

Prettyboy♥︎: Um, I like Shaun David Hutchinson. Recently anyway, I used to mostly read more fantasy books than stuff I do now. But he has a good sci-fi/zombie base.

Naruto: Good to know

Prettyboy♥︎: Do you have any suggestions while I'm still browsing the shelves?

Naruto: Nope. I don't read that much

Prettyboy♥︎: :/


Prettyboy♥︎: Do you need a ride home today?

Naruto: No, but thank you.

Naruto: Sakura is supposed to fill me in on her latest drama, and I promised I would talk about you some too. I'll be sure to avoid using your name though, Just Bastard

Prettyboy♥︎: What happened to pretty boy?

Naruto: I don't know what you're talking about

Naruto: ;)))

Prettyboy♥︎: I just want a cute nickname, you get sunshine. I want one too.

Naruto: You're such a baby

Prettyboy♥︎: I'm not a baby.

Naruto: Well drive safe, baby

Naruto: I have to go. <3

Prettyboy♥︎: Have fun. :)


Naruto: Wyd

Prettyboy♥︎: I'm making dinner for Itachi and I.

Naruto: Ooh, what is it??

Prettyboy♥︎: Just some rice and curry, something simple.

Naruto: You day that, but I can't even properly make popcorn without burning it in the microwave

Prettyboy♥︎: Sounds like you really do need those cooking lessons.

Naruto: Maybe this weekend?!

Naruto: I'll try not to burn your house down

Prettyboy♥︎: I guess, not stop distracting me. I'll text you later.

Prettyboy♥︎: :)

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