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December 3rd

Sasuke♥︎: I cant sleep.

Sasuke♥︎: This is all of your fault, I can't stop think about the little kiss you gave me on the cheek.

Sasuke♥︎: It meant something right? It wasn't just because you were trying to show my flirty like you said earlier?

Sasuke♥︎: Don't answer that, either way it will only make me panic more.

Sasuke♥︎: It was just on the cheek anyway, I'm probably worrying too much.

Sasuke♥︎: Fuvk, I like you so much.

Sasuke♥︎: Did you know that? I mean I know I tell you, but I like you more than you probably think.

Sasuke♥︎: I have liked you for over a year now, and that's just after I admitted it to myself. If I think back I may have even liked you since the middle school when you started hanging out with Sakura all of the time.

Sasuke♥︎: I remember you got so jealous at the beginning of the year when her and I got seated together.

Sasuke♥︎: I was probably jealous of her then. I remember I glared at you for the whole first week because I couldn't figure out why you made me feel pissed off, but like in a good way.

Sasuke♥︎: Sorry for being rude to you all of those times.

Sasuke♥︎: I was a jerk for so long, almost anytime I saw or talked to you. I know you probably think I'm a mean douchebag still.

Sasuke♥︎: I guess that's probably, also, around the time I realized I didn't like girls. In middle school.

Sasuke♥︎: Not because of you, just because all of them were so annoying and I couldn't understand why other guys were starting to talk about them.

Sasuke♥︎: And then I asked my brother about it, and he just told me I would get it when I got older.

Sasuke♥︎: Guess not.

Sasuke♥︎: I really want to go on that date, I know I said no pressure but I feel like you're not even considering it.

Sasuke♥︎: Maybe I'm just being overdramatic and clingy since you gave me attention.

Sasuke♥︎: I know you're a flirty person, and that you probably only talk to me because I talk to you.

Sasuke♥︎: Like you don't text first or last, you only talk to me because I'm here and sending you messages 24/7.

Sasuke♥︎: And the only reason you used to respond was for your weekly clues about my identity.

Sasuke♥︎: A d then you gave me a kiss, and I'm confused again.

Sasuke♥︎: Do you like he at all?

Sasuke♥︎: Are you just leading me on?

Sasuke♥︎: I just like you so much. And I fell like you don't like me back. And that this is all because you feel obligated to talk to me.

Sasuke♥︎: I knwk I'm probably reading into nothing.

Sasuke♥︎: I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Sasuke♥︎: Sorry for texting you so late, I know you're most likely asleep. And even if not you probably don't want to hear me talking about this ki d of stuff at the moment.

Sasuke♥︎: I better try to fall asleep.

Sasuke♥︎: Goodnight.


Naruto: WOW, you spammed me 30 new messages at like 4 am!!

Naruto: I just read them all and I think we need to talk.

Naruto: Preferably in person.

Naruto: Sasuke??

Naruto: You can't just send me all of that and not respond


Naruto: I'm going to come up to you after class

Naruto: I feel like this is a bad time but you really look cute today.

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