-Chapter 1-

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You jerked your head up from the stationary swing you were sitting on and looked at Nishinoya's bright confident brown eyes. His eyes were so captivating and full of life, they were probably one of your favourite features of his. He held out a small, but beautifully delicate crimson-red rose in his hands.

"Let's get married!"

Your eyes lit up and your heart skipped a beat (maybe more than just one). You looked at the boy standing in front of you. His soft shiny black hair that swayed with the wind, his cute lil nose that would scrunch up ever so slightly whenever he was frustrated or shy, and his eyes. Those pretty brown eyes that were so bright, full of hopes and dreams. You didn't hesitate one bit.

"Yes, Noya-san!"

You watched him as his smile turned brighter than ever.

"Let's pinky-promise to that!"

Your pinkies intertwined gently and then the tip of your thumbs rested on each other as Nishinoya rested his forehead on yours. This special pinky-promise only you and Nishinoya had sealed every promise you made together.

"I promise."


That was 9 years ago when you were the tiny age of 5 and Nishinoya was 6. You and Nishinoya had been neighbours ever since you were born. Call it fate or destiny, but the way you clicked so well with each other despite being kids definitely was not a coincidence. The Nishinoyas and the Misakis had been living side by side for a long time, so you were all basically one big family.

Both you and Nishinoya were energetic and athletic, so it was no surprise when both of you took up volleyball together. You and Nishinoya would practice tossing and receiving the ball and it was clear that receiving was yours and his best skill.

At age 13, you both entered Chidoriyama Junior High and its volleyball teams. The boys' volleyball team was pretty well-known for having a powerhouse team, and the girls' team was just as good. Not long after, you and Nishinoya became the regular libero in each of your teams. You both even dyed the front and center part of your hair brown, to show that you both were the best of friends and a reminder of that promise. You both grew so close, you called each other by your first names. Whenever you had free time, you would practice volleyball with Nishinoya and that would always be the highlight of your day. However, that soon came to an end.

In the Junior High Volleyball Tournaments, after you won the "Best Libero" award for the Girls' Volleyball, you were given a scholarship for volleyball and to study overseas. Your parents had decided to move with you, but this meant that they would sell the house. The house beside his. It was painful to leave the memories behind, but not being able to see Nishinoya everyday hurt you the most.


<time skip: 3 years later, present time>

(you are now 16 and noya is 17)

Karasuno?  You read the name of your new high school off your new uniform.  You smirked. Karasuno, the high school that was once a powerhouse school for boys' volleyball. You had done your research on the school, especially the boys' volleyball team, and they had peaked your interest. You wore your new uniform and dashed out of the house, excited to start your first year of high school.

Hey guys! I know this part of the story isn't that interesting >< just wanted to give some background and all that hehe :) I became super invested in Haikyuu this year and i had some ideas for a fanfiction! Let me know what i can improve and I'll try my best to make this story better and more interesting :D

This is also my first wattpad story.. i hope its not too sucky HAHAHAH

In case you didn't read the description, in this story you are Misaki Haru. (It felt nicer for the reader to have a name/identity instead of Y/N in my opinion)

Thanks for reading! <3

Next chapter is out!

I Promise // Haikyuu Nishinoya YuuWhere stories live. Discover now