-Chapter 5-

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It was 7pm and the training officially ended. Coach Ukai dismissed everyone and some people, including you, continued to stay for their own individual practices. You wanted to watch Kageyama and Hinata's quick again, it was mesmerizing. The speed, the timing, the accuracy of the toss and the perfect spike, it left you bewildered.


You shook your head as you were too focused on Hinata jumping and Kageyama setting. You looked up from the bench where you were sitting on to see him. Noya held a volleyball in his hand and extended it to you, he some how managed to look extremely cool doing it. Maybe it was the way the gym lighting shined on him, or maybe he was just THAT good looking.

"O-Oh, Yuu-kun! Wassup?" you stuttered as your cheeks turned red. He wasn't even doing anything, but he made the butterflies in your stomach as energetic as they could be.

"Teach me."

"Teach you?"

"Yeah. Teach me how to receive a jump-float serve."


Kinoshita stayed behind to help with Noya's and your practice since Yamaguchi had left with Tsukki. Hinata and Kageyama left a little earlier too, they were apparently going to the old Coach Ukai's place to practice with him.

You and Noya stood on the opposite side of the court from Kinoshita, ready to receive his serve. With a graceful jump and a perfect jump serve, the ball came floating over the net. You watched the course of the ball carefully.

Its short!

You ran a little to the front of the court and put your hands up, fingers making contact with the ball as you tossed the ball to where the setter would normally be. Noya stood at the side, studying your every move.

"Like that!" you turned and smiled at him.

"Ah, that was an easy one wasn't it... You received it so easily..." Kinoshita sighed.

"Hisashi! Give me a good one!" Noya called and got into position.

"You won't get this one!" Kinoshita shouted as he served to the same place he had served to you. Kinoshita was consistent. He would aim for the same place each time he served, but would change the course of the ball. Sometimes it would be long, other times it would be extremely short or even touching the net, but you could never predict his moves. If he was feeling a little more daring, Kinoshita would change the place he aimed for and control the ball to go wherever he wanted it to. He really was an excellent pinch server.

Just then, the ball touched Noya's fingers and fell right behind him.

"GAHHHHHHHH!" Noya yelled as he rubbed his hands on his face. He fell onto the floor with a loud 'thud'.

"GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHH!" Noya growled as he did multiple finger push-ups like they were nothing. After 15-20 more push-ups, Noya dropped on the floor, his cheeks puffing up as he panted lightly.

"PFFFTT HAHAHAHAHAH" you laughed at the sight of this masculine man being so adorable. You were amused at the strength he had despite his small body frame.

"Yuu-channn~ you hesitated just now. You were right on point though!" you stretched your hand out for him to grab. He looked up at you and smirked. He grabbed your hand and pulled you down, now you were face to face.

You knelt down in front of Noya, both of you taking in each others' presence, not breaking eye contact for a single moment. Damn, it didn't feel real at all. Just 3 years ago, you left his side. For 3 years, you yearned to hear his voice again. 3 years, you couldn't see him. After you returned to Japan, there was no guarantee that you would find him again, in your new highschool of all places. But now, he was right in front of you. His pretty brown eyes staring into yours.

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