-Chapter 3-

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-Your POV-

<whistle blows!>

"Okay, settle down people! I have arranged a practice match with my very own Karasuno Neighbourhood Association Volleyball team, so get the team together and get the vests! " Coach Ukai instructed.

A loud roar of "YES SIR" echoed throughout the gym. You sat beside Shimizu-san to watch the match. You were blown away by their energy and passion for the sport, but you knew you possessed the same burning passion for volleyball. You watched as they got into positions and got as warm as possible. Then the doors of the gym opened.

"We're here! Karasuno's Neighbourhood Association team!" the team of 4 men in their mid 20s-30s stepped in.

"Finally, what took y'all so long? Anyway we need a setter, another winged-spiker and a libero on the N.A. team. Hmmm, Sugawara setter and Asahi winged-spiker. " Coach Ukai said.

The 2 senpais stepped forward and hi-fived in the air. All that was left was the libero position.

"The regular and only legitimate libero is warming up now since he was late tch. Ennoshita is playing as libero for Karasuno now but we need one more." Coach Ukai sighed.

"Oh, Haru-chan! You could be the libero!" Suga suggested while looking at you. He smiled reassuringly and promised you wouldn't get hurt.

How am I supposed to say no to that smile? You thought to yourself, but you weren't satisfied with his promise. You quickly changed into your favourite t-shirt, "A Match For A Thousand", and tight black shorts, and put your knee guards on. You walked out of the storeroom where you changed and stood on the court.

"Sure, I'll be the libero for the N.A. team, but I have one condition." you smirked.

"Don't go easy on me."

{for context, daichi, tanaka, hinata, kageyama, ennoshita and tsukki are on the karasuno team.}


""BEEEEEEEEEP!" The start of the match's first set commenced. You got used to being in the court and in a game again. It was exhilarating. Adrenaline pumping through your veins, your focus 100% on the game, your saves and receives on point. You managed to successfully receive almost all of Tanaka's spikes which was very hard, but it was more difficult to receive Hinata and Kageyama's combo the way you wanted to. Touch the ball, just touch it. This thought stayed in your mind every time they used the insane quick.

Ennoshita, on the other hand, was having trouble receiving spikes from the N.A team, but Daichi's skilled defences made up for it. At the same time, Karasuno had Hinata and Kageyama's quick attack that helped to score many points. Kageyama also liked to go for feints and dumps which was really annoying for you, but you managed well.

It was down to match point. Karasuno at 23 points while the N.A. team at 24. Tanaka hit a cross-shot to the opposite side of the court that you weren't expecting with amazing power. You were too far away, well, almost too far away.

If I don't go now, it will be a deuce. If I don't run for the ball now, it really will be too far away. Its not too far away...

You dashed for the ball and dived onto the ground as your hand slipped under the ball right as it was about to touch down. You flicked the ball upwards with your wrist as high as possible and rolled off the court.

"CHANCE BALL!!!" you yelled. Suga got into position and set the ball.

"GIVE ME ONE!" Asahi asked Suga. Suga nodded and smiled.

Asahi likes his ball tossed a little... higher, Suga thought to himself as he gave the toss to Asahi who was already doing his starting run-up. With a loud "BAAM!", the volleyball broke through Tsukishima, Kageyama and Daichi's wall, landing on the floor of Karasuno's side of the court with a "pom".

"BEEEEEEEP!". With that, the first set was over and taken by the N.A team.


"Wahhh, Karasuno's really good." Shimada, the winged-spiker of the N.A team commented. "That quick really is something..." he continued.

"Right?! They are really incredible! But we need to do something about the quick, or we may lose the next set." you added. The team nodded in response. While you all drank water and discussed a strategy, Coach Ukai suddenly announced, "Okay, the libero is finally back. Nishinoya, get on the court." he turned to look at the boy beside him and nodded.

Wait, Nishinoya? You looked around the gym and finally spotted the boy with his soft shiny black hair that was gelled up with a small streak of brown in the center of his hair, similar to yours. His cute lil nose that was scrunched up as he beamed with happiness and excitement, so ready to get on the court. His eyes. Those pretty brown eyes that were so bright, full of hopes and dreams.

Oh my god, Nishinoya. Its you.


oya oya oya is this a good cliffhanger or WHAT HAHAHA

i had more time this weekend since there was no homework hehe yay, so i finished this chapter early!

i spent really long thinking of the ending and whether i should continue the game or do it in the next chapter. is the chapter too short or too long or just right? im still experimenting with what im able to write so let me know and give me your thoughts!

also, i dont really know if i can get noya's personality right/completely accurate but this is what i think he would be like. ill try my best tho!

thanks for reading! <3

Next chapter is out!

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