-Chapter 8-

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"Then, I'll see you later Haru-chan!" Noya said as you walked into the classroom before he left to go to his own. You fell into your chair, dropping your bag on the floor and resting your forehead on the table.

"Oh, was that Noya-san?" Yachi said, looking out of the classroom window. You nodded, not lifting your head up. You were trying to hide that stupid smile that his name could bring to your face. Noya had insisted on walking you to class because of the 'fans', and you loved that. But now, you had to wait until school was over to see him again, and you would be finishing your incomplete homework during lunch. You sighed and prayed for the lessons to end quicker.




"One minute..."

"30 seconds... soon!"



"Don't forget the homework. Class dismissed." the teacher announced, sorting the stack of worksheets on her desk. 

"Finally..." you sighed, putting your pencil case and notes in your bag. 

"Ne, Yachi-san! Let's go change together! Hurryyyyyy!" you stood up from your seat and held Yachi's hand. She quickly packed her things and both of you ran out, mainly you dragging the tired blondie along.

"Yachi-san, you've been more quiet around me nowadays, is something bothering you?" you inquired while putting on your shirt. Yachi ponders for a while before answering you.

"Sorry, I've just been distracted recently, don't worry about it..." she brushed off your question. She wan't acting normal and you knew it, but you didn't want to push her further so you dropped the topic.

<baam you in da gym now>

"Guys! I have important news for you!" Takeda announces loudly, waving a piece of paper in his hand enthusiastically. The boys had just finished their warm-ups and hurriedly gathered in front of the kind man. 

"Tokyo. Away. Games. In 2 weeks, we'll be going to Tokyo for 7 days of intensive volleyball training before you go for the Spring Tournament preliminary rounds!" Takeda adjusts his spectacles as he spoke with confidence. Apparently, Nekomata had invited Karasuno to join the 4 Tokyo powerhouse schools in their annual Golden Training Week, also known as the Tokyo Away Games. 

The boys' eyes lit up in anticipation.

"We're going to destroy those shitty boys(again, city boys*)! BRING IT ON! KORRRRAAAAAAAAAAA" Tanaka hyped his teammates and himself up, screaming at the top of his lungs. 

"Pfft, shitty boy?" Tsukki mocked silently, laughing together with Yamaguchi.

"Okay okay, calm down no-"

"UWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Noya joined his best friend, running around the gym with Hinata.

"SHUT UP!" Daichi scolded, annoyed that Noya had cut off his sentence. You stood beside Takeda and giggled at the child-like personas the team had. It was nice to see them get along so well but in a weird way.

"But..." Takeda continued, his face grew serious and sat down, motioning for the boys to also sit.

"You all know that your final exams are coming right? If you fail any of your exams, there will be supplementary lessons over the week that we will be going to Tokyo."

Silence. Silence in the gym. Complete silence, for the very first time. Everyone turned to look at the 4 people, now avoiding eye contact with Takeda. Hinata, Kageyama, Noya and Tanaka.

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