-Chapter 11-

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The days and the matches went by so quickly and Karasuno dominated every single match! I've been at the stands together with Yachi, cheering for them all as they played. Shimizu stayed on the bench with Ukai and Takeda. As much as I wanted to be as close to Yuu during his games, it was only fair for Shimizu. 

After the first 2 days, Karasuno had defeated 4 teams and advanced to the semi-finals! We saw a 2 meter guy, and Hinata wanted to bind with a fujikujira HAHAHA! There was also a guy who's play style was the most similar to the Little Giant, Hinata's idol.

Yuu had so many cool plays too... saving a ball with his foot 0.0 and picking almost every spike he could! He pulled off the tosses so well and got really excited everytime they scored a point! He really is amazing, I'm gonna train to his level.

Tomorrow will be the semi-final match before they go to finals and I have no doubt they're gonna make it! I'm not sure who the opponent will be, but Shiratorizawa will probably be in the finals and I'll see Wakatoshi-kun again! Even if we are up against them, the managers and I have done enough research, so we'll be ready.

I've been feeling kind of weird lately, especially after that impromptu date we had, it was everything I could ever want. Everytime I see Yuu, my stomach does somersaults and my heart starts beating abnormally fast. I become insanely happy and excited to see him and the sound of his name brightens my day instantly... I think maybe, just maybe...

You put your pen down and look out the window at the starry sky. The moon was shining bright and the wind was blowing into your room gently. You took a deep breath of the night air and closed your diary.

I think I'm in love.


"Everyone suddenly seems on the edge, did something happen?" Yachi asked as you and Shimizu packed up the water bottles. You looked up and noticed the boys looking a little more tensed than usual in their warmups.

"The last time they fought against Seijoh at the Inter-Highs, they gave it their all and still lost." Shimizu explained, an annoyed look on her face.

"They'll make it this time! You told me Hinata and Kageyama had a quick that evolved from the last time, and we all saw Karasuno's evolution during the away games!" you exclaimed, gaining the attention of all the boys. You turned around and faced them, clenching your fists and a determined look in your eyes.

"You guys are going to win this match and go to Nationals! I believe in you!"

The boys looked at you and smirked. If their manager was so confident in them, shouldn't they be confident in themselves too? They nod at you and the referee blows on his whistle. The 6 boys walk onto the court proudly and you stood at the stands, watching their backs.

Noya looked back at you once more, and you mouth 'you got this!' to him. He smiles and sends an 'okay!' with his hands and diverted his focus onto the ball that was in the server's hands.

"Yachi-san, that's Oikawa Toru, right?" you peaked at the brochure the blondie was holding. You remember Ushiwaka mentioning something about a setter in Seijoh who should have come to Shiratorizawa.

(in your backstory, it said that you were invited to train with the All Japan Representative Team, which is where you met Ushijima!)

"Yeah, he earned the best setter award in middle school and is known to give the best tosses to bring out each spiker's best abilities. He's indeed the best setter in the prefecture, as of now at least." she tells you, smiling. 

You knew that Karasuno themselves had an amazing setter, and it won't be long before Kageyama surpasses the Great King. From the stands, you screamed as loud as you could:

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