-Chapter 6-

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The smell of pancakes and sweet maple syrup crept into your room. You faintly heard your door creak open. Still half-asleep, you sniffed the air a little, the delicious smell made your mouth water. Your eyes fluttered open, only to find a tall woman with an angelic smile, standing right beside your bed, with the plate of heaven.

"Hi sweetie, if you want this plate of food..." she hummed.

"Yes mama.." you whispered, still not registering what was going on, other than the fact that an angel had sent you food from the sky. Life is good, you thought.

"You better get up, NOW!" she threatened, the angelic face gone in a flash, revealing your mother's eyes that were wide open, staring deep into your soul.

"OKAY OKAY I'M AWAKE!" you jerk your body up from the bed, instantly waking yourself up. Just in time, your alarm started ringing.

"Mommy, you're scary, don't wake me up like that geez..." you shuddered at how quickly the emotions on your beautiful mother's face could change.

"Hehehe it's still fun to mess with you every now and then! Hurry up, you don't want to be late do you?" your mother hands you the plate of hot pancakes covered in maple syrup. It was rare that she would wake up early just to make you breakfast since she was a busy woman and you were so grateful for her. You left the plate on your table and rushed to brush your teeth. (eating your breakfast before brushing ur teeth is kinda nasty imo HAHAHA)

You hastily finished your hearty breakfast, had a cup of hot milo and got into your uniform. You put your hair up in a ponytail and combed your bangs down, making sure to get the brown streaks of hair down by the side of your face as well. 

<Ding Dong!>

Hahhh, he's right on time!

You run down the stairs, swinging your bag around your shoulder clumsily. You open the door and see Noya, hair gelled up and his brown hairs resting on his forehead, looking super fresh. You couldn't stop yourself from feeling excited to see him. 

"Morning, Haru-chan and Mr and Mrs Misaki!" Noya greeted and bowed a deep 90 degrees. You turned around and saw your parents right behind you, with a disturbing grin on their faces. You got a little shocked.

"You two really need to stop doing that. Appearing out of nowhere... and what's with the face?" you sighed, pushing your parents away from the door.

"Nishinoya, take care of her okay? If anything happens, I'll find you!" your father smirked. Noya nodded with a wide smile on his face. 

Pft, idiot...

"Okay, I'm leaving! See ya later!" you and Noya waved goodbye to your parents as you stepped out of the house, walking side by side.

"She'll be fine, he's a good one." your mother swung her hands around your father's neck and gave him a small peck on his cheek, earning a relaxed expression on his face.


"I love your parents! They are amazing!" Noya burst out. You laughed, glad that he could understand them. 

"I love them too! They're the best!" you replied, beaming with joy.

You and Noya had been walking together for a while, when your heard someone call out from behind you.

"Oi! Noya-san! Haru-chan!"

You and Noya turned around, recognising Tanaka's energetic voice. Tanaka came running up to you two and waving frantically at the same time, dragging a tired Ennoshita with him. 

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