-Chapter 15-

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<2 years later>

News spread fast and the 'Guardians of Japan' had become the talk of the town. The teams kept conquering matches and stayed winning. You and Noya continued dating for 2 years, both maintaining volleyball and relationship. The coaches were in favour of the relationship too. Kagehina was also going strong.

The tournament season had just ended, your company once again clinching the top place overall after your team won easily. You lay in your dorm with your wet hair and a towel around your neck, scrolling through Instagram. 

Yuu <3: hey

A notification appeared at the top of your screen and you quickly opened it. You and Noya barely had any time to spend together during tournament seasons, you were both occupied by trainings and matches at the same time that you could only text each other. 

H: sup

Y: we havent gone out in quite a while 

H: yeh, we should hv more time now tho

Y: i know, get dressed rn hehe im taking you somewhere f a n c y so wear something nice!

H: huh? whr we goin?

Y: its a secret ;)

H: fine...

Y: see ya~ <3 you have 15 minutes :3


You looked at your texts and smiled like an idiot. You hugged your phone near your chest and rolled around, and then off the bed. You sprung to your feet and rummaged through the closet, taking out a dark red off-shoulder a-line dress. Quickly, you blow-dried your hair and put on light makeup, then you slipped on a pair of black heals and swung a cute handbag over your shoulder.

Just in time, 2 knocks were heard.

You slowly pulled the door open and there stood Noya, in all his sexy glory.

"Damn, you look good."

You blurted out, holding his arm. 

"I know."

He chuckles and kisses you tenderly while you smack him on the arm playfully.

"You know you look gorgeous too, Haru."

You blush and snuggle his arm tighter as you got into the car. Noya put on some tunes and you just jammed along to it. Both of you started singing your heart out while Noya drove, laughing at your terrible voices.

After a good 15-20 minutes drive, you stare out at the road and it starts to look familiar to you. A building appears in the distance.

"Oh? We're at Karasuno..."

You say, tilting your head to the side. Noya nods and parks the car. 

"Wait here." Noya commands and scurries out of the car, then he opens your door and holds his hand out.


"Pfft, what the hell Yuu..." you giggle, but still take his hand. He walks you into the school that was unlocked, to your surprise. He walked you around the building and to the gym, you started hearing chatters from the inside. A waft of delicious smell filled your nose and your stomach grumbled.

"Woah, something smells hella good." your mouth watered.

"Heheh, wait till you see the inside babe."

Noya swings open the door and announces loudly.

"We're here!"


I Promise // Haikyuu Nishinoya YuuWhere stories live. Discover now