-Chapter 4-

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A/N: hi! just before we start, i'll start using the name Noya instead of Nishinoya, and you will be addressing him as Yuu-kun/chan. i didn't want to use Yuu in the storyline cuz thats like reading"you" twice HAHAHAH, enjoy the story!



"Let's get married!"

"Yes, Noya-san!"

"Let's pinky-promise to that!"

Your pinkies intertwined gently and then the tip of your thumbs rested on each other as Nishinoya rested his forehead on yours. This special pinky-promise only you and Nishinoya had sealed every promise you made together.

"I promise."

<end of flasback!>

Memories of that day when you were 5 came flooding back in your brain as you stared at the boy who proposed to you 11 years ago, after you lost him for 3 years. 3 years may seem like nothing to some people, but it meant everything to you. The time that had been lost, the time you could have been spending with Nishinoy- no. He wasn't Nishinoya to you, he was Yuu.

You flinched at the sight of him. His features still as striking as you remembered, in fact, nothing much had changed, other than the way you saw him now. He was a man.

"Y-Yuu-kun?" you stuttered.

"Eh? Haru-chan? Ah so it really is you! I saw you when I came in just now but I didn't know if it actually was you or not." he exclaimed wide-eyed with glee and walked over to you. You were both the same height and your eyes met.

"I missed you." he whispered and smiled. His million dollar smile.

"I missed you too

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"I missed you too..." you blushed. How did he become so handsome? He was already perfect before but now? Damn it.

"Oh, you guys are wearing matching tees!" Hinata noticed from the court and pointed at your shirts. "A Match For A Thousand" boldly written at the back of your shirts. You glanced at Noya and giggled. Noya watched you as your eyes creased with your small laugh, his heart melting inside.

"Okay lovebirds enough chit-chat. Misaki, you are still gonna be the libero for the N.A team. You're good. Nishinoya, get on the court." Coach Ukai instructed firmly.

"Let's catch up after the match." you suggested.

As you and Noya turned to walked back onto the court, you heard Noya shout, "Hey, just because we have history doesn't mean I'm going easy on you!" You smirked and took your position on the court, right opposite Noya, and looked him in his striking eyes.

"Please, do your worst."

"BEEEEEEEEP!" With the blow of the whistle, the second set commenced. Both you and Noya shout out:

I Promise // Haikyuu Nishinoya YuuWhere stories live. Discover now