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You flung the blankets off the bed and exchanged glances with your dear husband. 





"Oh... my god... we made it..." Noya panted, flopping down into one of the spectator seats with you beside him.

"You turned off the alarm didn't you?"  you huffed, smacking his sneaky arm away from your shoulders.

"Heheh sorry... we had a rough night-"



You sighed and leaned on his shoulder. You looked out on the court and the first set had barely started. Noya tapped your arm and pointed excitedly, grinning like a child.


You immediately sit upright and spotted Kaito on the court, standing out from his orange teammates in his black jersey. 


He yelled and dived for a feint, getting it up successfully, Karasuno eventually gaining the point.

"NICE RECEIVE, KAITO!" Noya screamed, standing up and cheering as loudly as he could. 

"He really is our son..." you shook your head and giggled, joining in the cheers.

The boy with Noya's black hair (when it's down) and your brown eyes looked back up to his parents, beaming with pride as he waved his hand coolly.

The game went on and ended pretty quickly, Karasuno winning the game easily with both sets. After the game, you and Noya hurried down to the gym where Kaito would be.


A familiar voice called from behind and both you and Noya turn around.

"Ukai-kun!" you both call out and walk over to him, hand in hand.

"How's professional volleyball?" the ex-coach asked.

"It's pretty challenging, but fun." Noya exclaimed, and you nodded happily along. Ukai chuckled proudly at you both, glad to know he played a part in your development.

"Has it been harder for you, Haru? After your -"


The libero came running over and you quickly pulled him into a hug.

"Kaito! You were so good out there!" You pat his head and ruffled his hair. 

"Kaito, am I invisible to you?"

"I'm just the favourite, Yuu." you poke out your tongue and high-five Kaito, then the 3 of you laughed and huddled together and had a small moment.

"To answer your question, Ukai-kun, it was hard to immediately get back into volleyball after recovery, but I'm lucky to still have been able to maintain my standard." 

Ukai nodded approvingly with your answer.

"Well, good job out there, son." Noya gave Kaito a little noogie. Not long after, the rest of Karasuno volleyball team came over.

"Woah!! Kaito, these are really your parents?"

"It's really Nishinoya Yuu!"

"Misaki Haru too!"

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