-Chapter 10-

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-Your POV-

The golden morning rays of the sun sneaked through the gaps in the curtains, shining right onto your face. Your eyes flutter open and you look outside the window. The grass was so green and vibrant.

Only then did you realise a pair of toned arms around your small waist. You whipped your head around and saw the most precious looking fella.

His eyes were shut lightly and his breathing was slow, his hair was was let down and messy, the brown streak still standing out.  You had no idea how you ended up here, but you were going to savour every second with him. Not wanting to leave his grasp, you snuggled closer into him, but then you felt him move.

His eyes opened slowly, and then he locked eyes with you. The 2 of you, legs entangled together underneath the sheets and bodies fully touching each other. You felt the warmth of Noya's body on yours and it felt good. It was nice to be in his arms, you felt safe and at home. He smelled so good too.

"A-Ah Yuu! Sorry for waking you up!" you whispered and sat up flustered.

"At least say good morning, geez." he teased.

"I must have went to the wrong dorm last night, aaaahh I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, I saw you in my bed but I didn't wanna wake you up. You were so sound asleep!" 

"N-Noya-san, is that... a girl's voice?" Tanaka who was sleeping beside you 2 said, still half-asleep.

"Then, I'll see you later, Yuu-kun!" you got up and quickly left the room as quietly as you could, closing the door behind you. You slumped down on the floor, back leaning against the door.

Uwahhh, I can't believe I slept beside him... it was... so nice... Damn it, stop smiling you idiot!

You hugged your knees close to yourself and chuckled into your clothes and then looked back up after hearing a voice calling your name in the distance.

"Haru-chan! Ah, there you are!"

Shimizu came running up to you and helped you stand up.

"Where were you? I couldn't find the whole morning, and then Yachi said she didn't think you came back to the dorm last night." 

"I went to the wrong dorm... sorry for worrying you Shimizu-san!"

"Wrong dorm? HUH YOU SLEPT IN THERE?" Shimizu pointed at the door behind you in shock.

"SHHHH!! They'll hear us!" you panicked and put your finger on your lips.

"A-ah right... okay we need to wash up quickly and help with breakfast. Walk with me and tell me everything." she commanded and the 2 of you made your way to the toilet. You told Shimizu about how you were too sleepy and probably didn't notice you went to the wrong room, and how you ended up sleeping with Noya.

"Woah... You sure move fast Haru-chan!" Shimizu teased after hearing the full story.

"HYEH? It's n-nothing like t-that..." 

"I know I know, but I think Nishinoya may actually really like you! Ever since you came to Karasuno, he stopped paying attention to me and always had his eyes on you."

"Really...? I never noticed..."

"Of course you wouldn't." She laughed.

"He looks at you when you're smiling and laughing with everyone else."

<after breakfast>

"Okay guys. Last match before we leave and start the preliminary rounds. Make this match count." Ukai encourages confidently. The rest of the team nod, feeling a sense of pride. Daichi suddenly stood up and the team gathered around him.

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