The Past Is In The Past

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Elsa's POV

"Psst, Elsa" I heard Anna say. "Wake up wake up wake up!" Ugh what time is it? "Anna go back to sleep" I'm so tired. "I just can't! The sky's awake so I'm awake so we have to play!" Wait the sky's awake? Aww that means Jack can't come play with us. "Go play by yourself!" I pushed Anna off the bed. "Oof" I hear a gasp. Great I know what that means. It's my only weakness. "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

Anna and I run downstairs so we can play. We open the ballroom doors so we can play in a huge area. Too bad Jack isn't here to play. I know he would love to. "Do the magic, do the magic!" I made a snowball in my hand and threw it up in the air and it exploded into a million tiny snowflakes! "Watch this!" I stomped my slipper on the floor and covered it in a thin sheet of ice! Now we can have some real fun! Me and Anna had a blast! We even made a snowman. "Hi I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!" I said in a silly voice. "I LOVE YOU OLAF!" We played and played. Until I did something awful.

Anna was jumping from snow platforms that I was making under her feet as she jumped. "Catch me!" Until she went to fast. I tried to make a platform but instead hit her head with my ice! "Mama papa!" I can't believe this. I hurt my own sister...

Jack's POV

I can't believe North thought Pitch was back. He said he could 'feel it in his belly' but it was just indigestion. Well now that that's finally over with I can finally go visit Elsa and Anna. "Wind take me to Arendelle!" I flew as fast as I could, so I could get there to wake them up and play, but when I got there, I saw a horrible sight. Anna was unconscious in Queen Iduna's arms while King Agnarr was speaking. I tried to go and comfort Elsa but when I went to put my hand on her shoulder it went right through her. No! Nononono. NOOOOO. I can't believe this. Elsa doesn't believe? How could this happen? Well, even though she can't see me. I'm still going to be there for her. No matter what.

Elsa's POV

We raced to where the so called 'rock trolls' live, whatever that means. I'm so scared. My powers, I can't stop them. It's like...I'm not in control anymore. We arrived at the rock troll place? "Please, help! My daughter!" Is my dad crazy? I don't think so. A bunch of boulders started rolling down the hill all at once around us. "It's the king!" So they know who we are? I cling to my moms dress. I'm still nervous about what could happen. Then an older looking troll came up to us. "Your majesty. Born with the powers or cursed?" They feel like a curse. "Uh born, and there getting stronger." He said Anna was going to be okay. "But she won't remember I have powers?" That confused me. "It's for the best." Well I trust papa. He knows best I think. "Listen to me, Elsa. Your power will only grow. There is beauty in it, but also great danger!" He showed me images of what could happen. It was scary! "You must learn to control it. Fear will be your enemy!" Oh no! "No. We'll protect her. She'll learn to control it I'm sure." I hope your right papa. "Until then, we'll lock the gates, reduce the staff, limit her contact with people, and keep her powers hidden from everyone. Including Anna." I'm sorry Anna. I have to keep you safe.

I heard a rhythmic knock, and then Anna's voice.

Do you wanna build a snowman?

Cmon let's go and play!

I never see you anymore, come out the door it's like you've gone away!

We used to be best buddies but now we're not, I wish you would tell me why!

Do you wanna build a snowman?

It doesn't have to be a snowman!

"Go away Anna"

"Okay bye..."

Papa was helping me control my powers. "The gloves will help, see? Conceal it." "Don't feel it." ''Don't let it show''

Four Years Later

Theres Anna's Knock again.

Do you want to build a snowman?

Or ride our bike around the halls?

I think some company is overdue, I've started talking to the pictures on the walls!

"Hang in there Joan!"

It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms, just watching the hours tick by!

"Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock."

"I'm scared! It's getting stronger!" "Getting upset only makes it worse."
"NO! Don't touch me. Please...I don't want to hurt you." Mama and papa looked at me sympathetically.

Six years later

I haven't heard the knocking in awhile...

Mama and papa are leaving today. I'll be in charge for two whole weeks. "Do you have to go?" I ask. They said they were going to Corona to my cousins wedding. "You'll be fine Elsa."

I finally heard the news and it broke me. My parents, the only people who knew about my powers. Gone. Died at sea. What am I going to do. I hear a knock. Not Anna's usual knock, but a sad one.


Please I know you're in there.

People are asking where you've been.

They say have courage, and I'm trying to, I'm right out here for you, just let me in.

We only have each other.

Just you and me.

What are we gonna do?

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

At that point I broke even more. And my ice covered room just kept getting colder and the ice, thicker.

Word Count: 973
Hey guys! I know this chapter was really sad :( but next is coronation day! What will happen next you will see! Just some helpful info for this chapter, the reason "Do You Wanna Build A Snowman" was in italics was because it was a song. I'm going to put songs in italics and at the end I'll tell you the parts who is what font. I know that's not very practical but I want this to be professional. Second if you don't know already Corona is Rapunzel's kingdom from "Tangled" some people might not know. Any-who thanks for reading my story! Feedback is always appreciated! Much Love Everyone!!

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