The End?

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Elsa's POV

"Elsa! You can't run from this!" Hans, he was back? Where's Anna? "Just take care of my sister!" "Your sister? She returned from the mountain weak and cold, she said that you frozen her heart!" "No!" "I tried to save her but it was too late! Her skin was ice her hair turned white. Your sister is dead, because of you!" "No. No!" I collapsed on the icy ground in grief. I killed my own sister! Anna, sweet, carefree Anna, gone. The snow around me froze I in midair. I sobbed and sobbed. Anna. I heard a sword unsheathe. I don't care if someone wants to kill me. Let me die, it would be better that way. "No!" What? I heard a heavy exhale. I turned around to see, "Anna!" She was a frozen statue. She saved me, but at what cost? "Oh. Anna!" I put my hands on her crystalline face. "No. No! Please, no." I threw myself on her ice cold body and cried. Cried more than I ever had before. I heard a voice say to me "Elsa, it's not your fault." I knew it was Jack trying to comfort me, but it really is my fault. Everyone was upset. I heard soft sniffles everywhere around me. Then I heard gasps around me. I felt warmth on my body. Anna? I looked up to see Anna, alive! "Anna?" "Oh Elsa." I hugged her tightly. She's alive! "See Elsa, you did it." Jack, he's been my support through this. What would I have done without him? "You sacrificed yourself for me?" "I love you." Is that it? Is that what I've been looking for this whole time. Will love thaw the ice? I heard a gasp from Olaf. "An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart! "Love will thaw. Love. Of course!" "Elsa?" "Love!" I slowly lifted my hands in the air and sure enough the ice started to melt! I kept going until all the ice and snow formed a giant snowflake in the air, and dispersed it into snowflakes. "I knew you could do it." Oh Anna. "Hands down, this is the best day of my life! And quite possibly the last." I looked to see Olaf melting! "Oh, Olaf! Hang in there little guy!" I fixed him up and even made a tiny cloud above him. He gasped, "My own personal flurry!" Then I saw Hans getting up from where he had fallen. I saw that man Anna was with going to him, then Anna stopped him and went over. "Anna? But, she frozen your heart." "The only frozen heart around here is yours." She turned around about to walk away then she whipped around quickly, punched him square in the face, and he fell of the boat. Perfect.

Everything was better in the kingdom. Hans was jailed for his crimes. I stopped trade with Westleton, or "Weaseltown" as I like to call it. The kingdom accepted me for who I am. One day Anna came into my study and asked a strange question. "Hey Elsa?" "Yes Anna?" "So, this might sound strange, but can you get me the best sled in the whole kingdom?" "Why is that Anna?" "Well you see, when I met Kristoff, and was trying to find you, we ran into wolves and has to jump over a ravine. We all made it okay, but his sled...didn't." "Oh! Of course! I'll get him the best sled the kingdom has to offer. We also need some new ice deliverers so since he helped you on your journey, I'm willing to give him the job of the official "Arendelle Ice Master and Deliverer" here take this pendant for Sven. I'm sure he'll love it." "Thank you so much Elsa!" She said it went well with him, and I guess it did because they're dating now. I decided to have a party in the courtyard for what I call "The Great Thaw" I want everyone to be comfortable with me. So that's what I did.

"Are you ready?" I heard sounds of agreement so I stomped my heel on the ground and made a thin sheet of ice for skating. Anna slid over to me. "I like the open gates!" I'm glad she does because I do too. "We are never closing them again." I made ice skates for her with my magic and she tried to object. "Elsa, they're beautiful but you know I don't skat-" "Come on! It'll be fun!" She slipped and slid until Olaf came over to her and helped. Soon Kristoff came over and skated with her. I looked in the palace window and saw Jack looking in the courtyard. I went inside and saw him sitting in a window seat. "Hey." I said trying not to startle him. "Hey." "You seem upset." "I just- never mind." "You can tell me anything." "I just wish everyone in the kingdom could see me." "Well I can fix that!" I dragged him out to the courtyard and got everyone's attention. "People of Arendelle! I am so thankful to everyone who helped me during my absence, especially someone who you might not be able to see." I heard questioning murmurs but continued on. "We have all heard of the legend Jack Frost, and I would like to tell you all that he is real. Now try your hardest and believe, then you will see him. Everyone looked at me questioningly then I heard gasps and a few "Oh my goodness, he really isn't a myth!" I was glad that everyone could see Jack. It made me happy. He took me inside the castle for a bit to talk. "Elsa, I know we haven't known each other for long, but over the years that you've grown, you've become more and more beautiful. I wanted to ask if you would be my girlfriend." I smiled softly. I'm glad he asked me. That made my day even better. "Okay I under-" before he finished I softly kissed him. "I take it that's a yes?" He asked. "Yes." I replied. We thought that that was the end, but it was only the beginning.

Word Count: 1032
Hi! Book one is finally done! Don't worry, there is more to come! I'm so glad Jelsa happened in this book, I was contemplating weather to do it later on or not but here it is! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, it makes me so happy!Much love!

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