The Next Right Thing

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Jack's POV

I flew as fast as the wind could take me to Anna. I knew if anyone could save Elsa, the Forest, and Arendelle it was her. I flew to see her standing on a rock, tears in her eyes. "Anna!" "Jack?" She sniffled. "Yeah it's me. Do you know what to do?" "Yeah...we have to destroy the dam." "What? But that would destroy Arendelle!" "I know, but its the only thing we can do to free the forest, and possibly save my sister." "Right..." I said letting a tear fall, for the woman I love. "Let's destroy that dam." "Okay here's the plan..."

Anna and I quickly ran over to where the rock giants were, they were ginormous. I don't remember them being that large. "Wake up!" Anna yelled. They moved but didn't awaken. "WAKE UP!" We both screamed. One of the giants started to move around, getting up from its sleeping position. The giant slipped falling onto another sleeping giant, who pushed it away making the first fall onto another giant, waking it. "That's it." Anna said. "Come and get us! Come on!" I yelled flying away from the giants toward the dam. They all got up and started to roar, knocking Anna down in the process. I was about to help her up but she did it herself. "That'll work." She said, and bolted away again. "This way, guys!" They started to come after her, seeming a bit confused. I flew up into the sky and spotted Kristoff and Sven, pointing them in the direction of Anna, as they felt the Earth rumbling because of the giants footsteps.

The giants feet were getting closer and closer to squishing Anna. I tried fending them off with snowballs but to no avail. They just kept trying to smush her. She yelped as one got so close that it lifted her off the ground. Then the inevitable happened, Anna fell. The giants got closer and closer to her. I tried and tried to distract them but nothing worked. Anna was squirming away until Kristoff raced over on Sven and scooped her up safely. "Kristoff!" "I'm here. What do you need?" "To get to the dam." "You got it." "Thank you."

As soon as I saw Anna was safe I raced over to the dam, when I saw Lieutenant Mattias and the rest of the guards get to the rock. Anna climbed up soon after the guards got up. "Lieutenant Mattias." "Your Highness, what are you doing?" "The dam must fall. It's the only way to break the mist and free the Forest." "But we've sworn to protect Arendelle at all costs." "Arendelle has no future until we make this right. King Runeard betrayed everyone." "How do you know that?" "Queen Elsa gave her life for the truth." I said letting a few tears fall. "Please. Before we lose anyone else." Anna said, desperation evident in her voice. The Lieutenant looked at us with pity, then sighed. Then he did what everyone thought he wouldn't, he started banging his sword on his shield. Then the others joined in. The rock giants noticed, then me and Anna went onto the bridge on top of the dam. They started to throw their boulders at me and Anna. They flew through the air and landed near the dam, almost crushing the soldiers. "Destroy the dam! Come on! Throw your boulders!" Anna yelled, getting the attention of the Earth giants. Just then a boulder sailed through the air, narrowly missing myself and landed onto the dam. "That's it." I said. More boulders sailed through the air as the giants threw them at the dam, destroying it further. A giant boulder landed by the exit Anna was running to, then she turned around, as another boulder hit, collapsing the dam under Anna's feet. She ran as fast as she could with me flying next to her, ready to catch her if she fell. That's when the giants stopped throwing the rocks and saw what Anna was doing. Then the dam started to collapse on the other side.

Anna jumped, almost reaching the other side but barely missed. I flew down to catch her but then I heard the Lieutenant and Kristoff. "I've got her!" "Anna!" I sighed in relief as I saw Anna being hoisted up by the two men. She quickly got up onto solid ground and hugged Kristoff.

Third Person POV

Meanwhile, after the dam had broken, Elsa had unfrozen. The icy ground beneath her broke and she fell into the water below. The water spirit, or the Nokk, saw this and quickly grabbed Elsa and helped her. The Nokk dragged her to land as she coughed out water, realizing what had happened Elsa quickly leapt onto the Nokk and ran toward Arendelle to hopefully save her kingdom. As expected she saw a giant wave coming toward Arendelle ready to destroy it. She guided the Nokk onto the wave and raced in front of it. They bounded to the bottom of the wave onto the still waters and she and the Nokk made a giant ice wall, stopping the water from destroying the kingdom. With the help of the water spirit, the water settled keeping Arendelle safe. Elsa turned to see her subjects cheering for her. The wind picked up, blowing her capes behind her. The earth settled, the fountains flowed again, the waterfalls fell again, and the lights were lit aflame once again. Elsa turned and smiled at all her subjects cheering for her, now there was only one thing left to do.

Jack's POV

The dam was broken, the Forest was freed, but Arendelle has fallen, and there has been no sign of Elsa. We all watched as the reindeer ran around in circles, excited to finally be free, but Anna, Kristoff, and I were upset, because we knew that she would never be back, or so we thought. I stood there, thinking about her, and how I would never see her again, when I heard a whooshing by my ear. I turned and saw an intricate snowflake, made of different ice crystals. I gasped and ran to a bluff that was near the sea. There was a figure in the distance, and there I saw my snowflake in white, riding on the majestic water spirit. I saw her pick up speed as I ran toward the beach. She approached the beach and got off the horse and looked at me with a smile. "Elsa?" "Jack!" I ran over to her and squeezed her into a tight hug. "Yes." She said. "What?" "I'll marry you Jack." I laughed out loud as I picked her up and spun her around. "Wait, does this mean?" "I'm immortal now Jack, I'm the fifth spirit." I heard a gasp behind me and turned to see Anna, standing there with tears in her eyes.

"Is it really you?" She put her arms out for a hug, "Anna." At this point Anna was in tears, running to her sister, hugging her tight. "I thought I'd lost you!" "Lost me, you saved me, again. All of you did." "I did?" "And Anna, Arendelle did not fall." "It didn't?" "The spirits all agreed. Arendelle deserves to stand, with you." "Me?" "You did what was right. For everyone." "Did you find the fifth spirit?" We both looked at her with a smile. "You are the fifth spirit! You're the bridge." "Well, actually, a bridge has two sides, and mother had two daughters. We did this together, and we'll continue to do this together." "Together." There was some running and panting, then Kristoffs voice was heard. "Elsa! You're okay!" Kristoff pulled Elsa into a big brotherly hug, we all had huge smiles on our faces. "You look different. Did you cut your hair or something?" "Or somehting." She chuckled.

"Anna, I need to ask you a question." "Okay." "Do you wanna build a snowman?" "What?" Elsa closed her eyes, seeming to conjure something, and with the help of Gale, a pile of snow appeared "Thank goodness water has memory." She waved her hand around and built Olaf. Anna laughed and gathered the pieces of coal, the twigs, and the carrot nose out of her bag, and Olaf had come back.

"Anna? Elsa! Jack, and Kristoff and Sven!" He giggled. "You all came back! Oh, I love happy endings. I mean, I presume we're done. Or is this 'putting us in mortal danger situation gonna be a regular thing?" "No we're done." Elsa said giggling. "Actually, there is one more thing." Kristoff said. "Anna," He said getting down on one knee. "You are the most extraordinary person I've ever known. I love you with all I am. Will you marry me." Anna started to sob. "Oh. Yes!" Anna and Elsa started talking about wedding things while I talked to Kristoff. "So you finally did it." "Yeah I did, still waiting on you Jack." "Oh, about that she already said yes." Anna squealed in the background and tackled me into a hug from behind. "You better treat my sister right mister." "I will, I will." I chuckled. And that was that.


Word Count: 1518

Omg she updated again! Look at me go! The story is almost done! I just have the epilogue left and then its over :( Tell me what you think!! Anyways much love! Bye!! 💙

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