Into The Unknown

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Elsa's POV

Ah ah ah ah

I woke up to the sound of the voice again. This time I wanted to just ignore it.

Ah ah ah ahhhh ah ahhhhh

I sat up. This is too much. I tried putting my head under my pillow to block out the noise.

Ah ah ah ahh

That's enough. I quietly got off the bed careful to not wake Jack. And went out the door.

Ah ah ah ahhhh

Ah ah ah ahhh ah ahhh

I can hear you
But I won't

Some look for trouble
While others don't

There's a thousand reasons
I should go about my day

And ignore your whispers
Which I wish would go away

Oh oh oh

Ah ah ah ahhh


Ah ah ah ahhh ah ahh

You're not a voice
You're just a ringing in my ear

And if I heard you
Which I don't

I'm spoken for I fear

Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls

I'm sorry secret siren but I'm blocking out your call

I've had my adventure
I don't need something new

I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you

Into the unknown!

Into the unknown!

Into the unknown!

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ahhh ah ah

What do you want

Cause you've been keeping me awake

Are you here to distract me
So I make a big mistake

Or are you someone out there
Who's a little bit like me

Who knows deep down
I'm not where I'm meant to be

Every day's a little harder
As I feel my power grow

Don't you know
There's part of me
That longs to go

Into the unknown!

Into the unknown!

Into the unknown!

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah


Are you out there
Do you know me
Can you feel me
Can you show me!

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

Ahh ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah

Ah ahh ah ahhhh

Where are you going don't leave me alone

How do I
Follow you?

Into the unknown!

Ah ah ahhhhhh

Small crystals floated around me as I stood on the ledge I created. They seemed to have inscriptions on them. "Air, fire, water, earth..." just like the ones father told us about. Just then there was a flash of color in the distance and the crystals fell out of midair and crashed to the ground. I started running to the kingdom when the lamps started going out. Then the water disappeared, and the air seemed to have a mind of its own. I hid behind a building and thought out loud. "The air rages, no fire, no water...the earth is next! We have to get out!" I ran to everyone who were running out of the kingdom. "It'll be okay! Evacuate to the cliffs!" The stones on our feet started to rumble and seemed to be trying to force us out.

We all got to the cliffs and grouped together. I finally told Anna about the voice and let's just say she wasn't very happy. "Okay, wait, I don't understand. You've been hearing a voice and you didn't think to tell me?" "I didn't want to worry you." "We made a promise not to shut each other out!" "Anna's right Els..." I heard Jack walk up behind me. "Just tell us what it is!" I took a breath, "I woke the magical spirits of the enchanted forest." Anna looked surprised. "Okay that's definitely not what I thought you were gonna say. Wait, the enchanted forest? The one father warned us about?" "Yes..." "Why would you do that?" "Because of the voice. I know it sounds crazy, but I believe whoever is calling us is good." "How could you say that? Look at our kingdom!" "I know, it's just that my magic can feel it. I can feel it." "Okay." We heard a rumbling. "What now?" Jack exclaimed. "The trolls?" Grandpabbie rolled in front of us. "Never a dull moment with you two. I hope you're prepared for what you've done, Elsa. Angry magical spirits are not for the faint of heart." "Why are they still angry?" Jack queried. "Let me see what I can see..." Pabbie used his magic to see what the future could bring. "The past is, not what is seems. A wrong demands to be righted. Arendelle is not safe. The truth must be found. Without it...I see no future." "No future?" "When one can see no future...all one can do, is the next right thing." "The next right thing, is for me to go to the enchanted forest and make things right. Kristoff can I borrow your wagon, and Sven?" "I'm not vey comfortable with the idea of that." "Wait you are not going alone." Anna said. "Anna, no. I have my powers to protect me you don't." "Excuse me I climbed the north mountain, survived a frozen heart, and saved you from my ex boyfriend and I did it all without powers, so you know, I'm coming." "I'm coming too." "I'll bring the snacks." "Don't think I'm not coming to help Snowflake, you can't get rid of us." "I will look after your people." We heard the quiet voice of grandpabbie say. "Please make sure they stay out of the kingdom until we return." "Of course." "Lets let them know." I walked off to tell the Arendellians that we would be going to fix the kingdom. Then we were ready.

We rode Kristoff's sled for a long time before I heard the voice again.

Ah ah ah ah

It woke me up again so I woke Jack and told Kristoff to stop. "I hear it, I hear the voice." "You do? Are you sure Els?" "Yes we're here."

Word Count: 978

Song index:

Elsa: italics
The Voice: Bold and italics

Another chapter is done!! I hope you like this one even though there isn't a whole lot of Jelsa moments. I'll make sure to add more in the next chapter. Thanks so much for reading! Your comments make me so happy!!! Much love! 💙❄️

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