I said, Enough!

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Elsa's POV

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle!" that's my cue. I walked in slowly but regally, I am the queen after all. I saw a flash of a man in front of me for a split second but it vanished. Probably a trick if the light. "Princess Anna of Arendelle!" Okay Anna is here. It's okay, just small talk, I can do that. I read all about small talk before. Anna stood a bit far away from me then Kai moved her closer to me. Oaky here goes. "Hi." Okay that's a start. "Hi-hi me?" I nodded. "Oh um...hi?" Okay definitely not the reaction I was thinking, maybe she's surprised that I'm speaking to her. "You look beautiful." "Thank you. You look 'beautifuller' er, not fuller you don't look fuller bu- more beautiful." Oh I forgot how silly she is. "Thank you. So...this is what a party looks like." I've never been to a party before. "It's warmer than I thought." Wait, something smells amazing. "And what is that amazing smell?" We both smelled the air at the same time "chocolate!" We giggle then a strange little man comes forward.

"Your majesty, the Duke of 'Weaseltown'" Kai introduces the man. "Weselton! The Duke of Weselton, your majesty. As your closest partner in trade, it seems only fitting that I offer you your first dance as Queen." He did some very strange dance moves and bowed to me making his toupee fall off his head! Me and Anna stifled our giggles. "Um thank you, only I don't dance." Which was true. Mama and papa never taught me how to dance, that and the fact I was too afraid to touch them. "Oh-" "but my sister does!" She giggled and the duke entangled their arms, "Lucky you!" "Oh I don't think-" "If you swoon let me know, I'll catch you!" I giggled and muttered an apology.

After that silly encounter with the duke Anna came back all tired out. "Well he was sprightly!" "Especially for a man in heels!" I giggle. "Are you okay?" "I've never been better, this is so nice! I wish it could be like this all the time." "Me too." The words came out too quickly for me to stop them. I quickly realized what I had said, "but it can't-" Anna seemed confused, "why not I mean-" "it just can't!" I shouldn't have snapped, but I need to protect her. "Excuse me for a minute." She walked away before I could say anything else. I hope she's okay.

Jack's POV

After seeing Elsa snap at Anna I decided to follow Anna and see if she was okay. She walked away from the podium and was leaving. She looked sad. Suddenly a man accidentally bumped her pushing her almost making her fall, thankfully some guy caught her. "Glad I caught you." He said. I already don't like this guy. "Hans!" She exclaimed. They danced and talked for hours. It was boring me. "Wait wait wait, so you have how many brothers?" "Twelve older brothers." This just got interesting. "Three of them pretended I was invisible, literally, for two years!" Thats sad. "That's horrible!" "It's what brothers do." "And sisters, Elsa and I were really close when we were little but, one day she just shut me out and, I never knew why." "I would never shut you out." Okay Hans watch the flirting. "Okay can I just say something crazy?" "I love crazy!"

All my life has been a series of doors in my face, and then suddenly I bump into you!

I was thinking the same thing! Cause like, I've been searching my whole life to find my own place, and maybe it's the party talkin' or the chocolate fondue!

But with you!

But with you I found my place!

I see your face!

And it's nothin like I've ever known before,

Love is an open door!

Love is an open door!

Love is an open door,

With you!

With you

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