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Third Person POV

Jack and Elsa moved into the enchanted forest, where their life was happy. Elsa and Anna exchanged letters all the time, with help from Gale of course. Jack and Elsa made their home in Ahtohallan, where they made an ice palace, much like Elsa's old one, with a few changes. Most of the time Elsa and Jack were in the forest looking after the Northuldra, and the spirits. Today they were in the forest when Elsa received yet another letter from Anna. She read "Charades Friday night, don't be late, P.S. I love you, I love you too sis." She walked toward the lake, waiting for the Nokk, "Hey Gale, we're going for a ride, wanna come?" Gale looped around in circles obviously excited for the ride. The spirit arrived and Elsa frosted him over so he could walk on land, and he obviously was excited about this. Elsa got on top of her steed and rode out onto the sea, when she heard a whooshing noise beside her. "You didn't think you guys could go on a ride without me, did you?" Jack pouted. "Of course not." Elsa chuckled "I knew you would find me eventually..." She grinned at him mischievously. "Race you!" She said, bolting off to who knows where. "Hey! You cheated!" He laughed as he flew to catch up with her.


Friday night had come and Elsa and Jack had just arrived at the castle, greeting the staff. "Hello Kai, Gerta, Olina, Lord Peterssen!" "Welcome back Princess Elsa." "Lord Peterssen, you don't have to address me like that when we're with the staff you don't have to use formalities. We're all like family after all." "I will stop calling you princess, when you stop calling me lord." "Touche. Well we have to go, Anna doesn't want to be late." Elsa giggled. "Bye!"

Elsa and Jack got to the game room where Anna had set up charades. "Elsa! Welcome back! I've missed you." "It's been two days, Anna. We've been planning our double wedding that you insisted on having." "I know, but two days is so long!" Anna complained." The princess laughed. "Oh Anna." "Are we ready to play?" Olaf asked, excited to play charades again, and beat everyone. "Yeah lets do this." Kristoff said. 

They all played charades for the rest of the night, and surprisingly the girls won this time. "I've been practicing." Elsa chuckled. "Well we have to go, the fifth spirit doesn't get a day off you know." Jack said, knowing even though she was immortal that his fiancee still needed to sleep. "Okay, see you soon guys!" Anna called after them. "Bye!" They called back.

And they all lived happily ever after

The End


Word Count: 450

Guys, its over :( BUT this gives me time to do new things! I'm considering writing a book of one-shots, pure Jelsa! Thanks so much for reading guys! You make me so happy! Much Love! 💙

P.S. The staff members I mentioned are canon, I hope you know Kai and Gerta because they've been there for awhile and Lord Peterssen and Olina are characters in the book 'Conceal Don't Feel' which i HIGHLY recommend if you love Frozen! Also, I looked it up and it says the the Nokk is indeed male, gotta do my research am I right?

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