The Fire Spirit

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Elsa's POV

"Fire Spirit!" The 'fire spirit' started running frantically. Setting everything in its path on fire. I chased after it whilst everyone else ran away. Jack helped me with the fires so we could put it out easier. Anna started running after me deeper into the fire, but I didn't notice until Kristoff grabbed her. "Get her out of here!" The spirit ran past me and I chased it, putting out the purple flames. It ran into a tiny cave and I was just about to blast it with ice, until I saw what it was. A tiny salamander. He spit fire at me but missed and hit a tree. I put it out immediately, then he looked at me seemingly confused. He hesitantly came closer to me as I put my hands out for him to crawl upon. He finally did but he was a bit hot. He cooled down on my hands and I realized that he was really cute! As he cooled off the fires went out. I made little snowflakes above him and one landed on his tongue. "They're all looking at us aren't they?" He squeaked. "Got any advice?" He grunted. "Nothing?" He licked his eyeball. I giggled. "Should I know what that means?" Ah ah ah ah He turned around seeming to be looking for the voice too. "You hear it too. Somebody's calling us. Who is it? What should we do?" He jumped off my hands and walked to a rock. He pointed in that direction and walked off. "Okay keep going north." I whispered.

I heard running behind me when I was suddenly embraced by Anna. "Elsa! Oh thank goodness!" "Anna!" "Are you okay?" "What were you doing? You could've been killed. You can't just follow me into fire!" "You don't want me to follow you into fire, then don't run into fire. You're not being careful Elsa." "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" "I've been better." "I know what you need." I took mothers scarf from her cloak since she thought we might've needed it. Turns out we did.

I put it on Anna's shoulders then there was a gasp behind us. "Where did you get that scarf?" "That's a Northuldra scarf." "What?" "This is from one of our oldest families." "It was our mothers." The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I grabbed Anna's hand and ran towards the statue of father and the girl when I saw it. "Anna look. It's mother." "Mother saved father that day." I turned to look at all the people, "Our mother was Northuldra." They all gasped and whispered around us. The everything lit up. The trees, the sculptures, everything. Jack put a comforting hand on my shoulder. I took his hand in mine. Then they all started to sing. It was a beautiful song and even Olaf joined in. They all held hands and gathered together. "We are called Northuldra. We are, the people of the sun." "I promise you...I will free this forest, and restore Arendelle." "That's a pretty big promise Elsa." "I know she can do it Anna." Jack whispered. I'm glad he believes in me.

"I heard the voice again, we need to go North." "But the earth giants now roam the north at night." "You can leave in the morning." Yelena led me to their camp. It was very beautiful. Not to mention all the happy people there. I sat on a log with Jack beside me. "What if I can't do this? What if I'm not good enough?" He grabbed my hands. "Elsa, you're the strongest person I know. You can do this." "Thanks Jack, I love you." "I love you too Els." Honeymaren came and sat beside us. "Can I show you something?" I nodded as she took the scarf. "You know air, fire, water, and earth?" "Yes?" "But look, there's a fifth spirit, said to be the bridge between us and the magic of nature." "A fifth spirit?" "Some say, they heard it call out the day the forest fell." "My father heard it. Do you think that's who's calling me?" "Maybe. Alas, only Atohollan knows." "Atohollan."

Dive down deep into her sound

But not too far
Or you'll be drowned

"Why do lullabies always have to have some terrible warning in them?" "I wonder that all the time." I giggled. There was a thumping and the whole earth seemed to shake. I hid behind a tree when I heard 'earth giants' Jack and Anna were hidden behind a rock not too far from me. I looked at the fascinating creatures. And was about to follow them when there was a tight grip on my wrist. "Please don't tell me you were about to follow them." Anna said in a stern voice. "What if I can settle them like I did the wind and fire." "Or what if they can crush you before you get the chance! Remember, the goal, is to find the voice, find the truth, and get us home." Olaf ran up to us panting and Jack came up behind me. "Hey guys that was close." "I know. The giants sensed me. They may come back here. I don't wanna put anyone at risk again. We're leaving now. I walked a bit north looking at the horizon. Jack stood next to me, my hand in his grasp. I leaned my head on his shoulder when Olaf came up to us and grabbed my hand. I looked to Anna and she came with us. It's time to find the truth.

Word count: 931

Song index:
Elsa: Italics
Both: Bold and Italics

Yay! Another chapter done!! I hope you liked this one! I'm excited to keep writing. Thanks for reading! I love your comments you guys are so sweet! Much love! 💙❄️

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