Show Yourself

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Elsa's POV

Every inch of me is trembling
But not from the cold

Something is familiar
Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold

I can sense you there
Like a friend I've always known

I'm arriving
And it feels like I am home

I have always been a fortress
Cold secrets deep inside

You have secrets too
But you don't have too hide

Show yourself

I'm dying to meet you

Show yourself

It's your turn

Are you the one I've been looking for
All of my life

Show yourself

I'm ready to learn
Ah ahh ah ahhh

Ah ahh ahh ah ahhhh

I've never felt so certain
All my life I've been torn

But I'm here for a reason
Could it be the reason I was born

I have always been so different
Normal rules did not apply

Is this the day
Are you the way
I finally find out why

Show yourself

I'm no longer trembling

Here I am
I've come so far

You are the answer I've waited for
All of my life

Oh show yourself

Let me see who you are

Come to me now
Open you door
Don't make me wait
One moment more oh

Come to me now
Open you door
Don't make me wait
One moment more

Where the north wind
Meets the sea
"Ah ah ah ahhh"

There's a river
"Ah ah ah ahh"
Full of memory

Come my darling homeward bound

I am found!

Show yourself

Step into your power

Grow yourself

Into something new

You are the one you've been waiting for

All of my life
Oh show yourself

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ahhhhhh

I cleared all the memories around me, and in a white cloud of frost, they were gone. I stood up and looked around astounded. I heard so many voices, some I knew, and some not so familiar, all the memories around me, I didn't notice Jack there until he spoke. "Oh wow. Oh my goodness. This is amazing! This place is gorgeous! You're gorgeous! Oh my goodness." I looked around at all the memories around me, listened to the voices, while Jack was still rambling. "Hi I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs." "I love you Olaf!" "Come on, you can do it!" I gasped as I saw myself with Anna, all the happy memories. "Here I stand in the light of day!" "Oh." I cringed at my past self. "Oh! Like a chicken with the face of a monkey, I fly." I chuckled at the Duke from the past, he sure was a card. "I just wasn't looking where I was going. I'm great actually." I heard my sisters voice and quickly came over to that memory. "Prince Hans of the Southern Isles" I quickly turned around and destroyed the memory of Hans. Last I heard he was working in the stables in the Southern Isles. I heard Jack chuckle. "Still haven't let that one go have we Snowflake?" "He tried to kill me Jack." I chuckled knowing he was joking. "I love you." When I heard my fathers voice I immediately ran over. "I need to tell you about my past. And where I'm from." "I'm listening." I heard a young girl giggling and quickly went to where it was. "Iduna!" "What are you reading your majesty?" "Some new Danish author. "The Little Mermaid, interesting." Jack observed coming up next to me. "I read that one a lot Jack, it's really good." "I'll take your word for it." I saw another memory and immediately recognized my younger mother, when she was saving my father, Gale helping her hide.

"King Runeard, I'm sorry. I don't understand." I gasp hearing the name. "Grandfather?" I whispered. "We bring Arendelle's full guard." "But they have given us no reason not to trust them." "The Northuldra follow magic. Which means we can never trust them." "Grandfather?" I queried. "What?" Jack whispered. "Magic makes people feel too powerful. Too entitled. It makes them think they can defy the will of a king." "That is not what magic does. That's just your fear. Fear is what can't be trusted." I said to the memory, even though I knew they couldn't hear me. "I should know." Jack chuckled. The two memories went through a wall and I quickly made an entrance through the wall to listen more. I kept going until I reached the ledge listening to the memories. "You see, the dam will weaken their lands, so they will have to turn to me."

Dive down deep into her sound but not too far or you'll be drowned...

I heard my mothers song as I went deeper into the cavern, but I couldn't stop now, I was so close to figuring out what happened. "They will come in celebration. And then, we will know their size and strength." Now I knew my grandfather did not have good interests at heart. "As you have welcomed us, we welcome you...our neighbors, our friends." "Elsa maybe you should stop, I think we know enough now." Jack told me, grabbing my hands. "I can't stop now, I have to figure out what happened. I'm sorry Jack." I jumped off the ledge diving deeper into this story. "Elsa!" Jack yelled. As soon as I got to the bottom I started, shivering. That's never happened before...strange. I looked at my hands and saw, ice, coating my hands. I looked around trying too see anything. Then I heard shouting. I looked over and saw more memories, people running around, having fun. Then, I spotted my grandfather. I froze over more as they started speaking.

"King Runeard, the dam isn't strengthening our waters. Its hurting the Forest. It's cutting off the North..." My grandfather cut off the Northuldra leader. "Let...Let's not discuss this here. Let's meet on the fjord. Have tea. Find a solution." I froze more and more as I looked around, shivering. I saw the leader kneel down, sipping tea, then to my horror, I saw my grandfather come up behind him with a sword, murdering the leader. "No!" I said as I started freezing faster from the bottom up. "Jack! Tell Anna!" I said as I raised my hand up to send the memory to Anna, and that's the last thing I remember before freezing into solid ice.


Word Count: 1039

Song Index:
Elsa: Italics
Iduna: Bold & Italics
Other: Bold

Wow! 2 updates in one day! look at me go. The story is almost done! i'm so excitedddddd. Thanks so much for reading! Much love! 💙

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