The Truth

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Elsa's POV

We were all walking to the north while I was also trying to hear the voice again, "Ah ah ah aaahhhh!" Olaf was trying too...sort of. "Aaahhh ooohhh ohhh!" "ah ahh ah ah ahhh!" "ohhh waahhhh ooooohhh ohwaaaah!" Beside me Jack cringed, he rested his hand on my shoulder, in a comforting manner, I turned to look at him. "Do you hear anything?" "No...just, silence." Then I heard Olaf, "Hey Gale's back!" Gale came over to me, like he was trying to show me something. I looked over to where he went and saw a flag, an Arendellian flag. I ran over to the ship, trying to see if it was what I thought it was, Anna came up next to me on the hill I was standing on. I looked straight at the ship and knew exactly which one it was. "How can it be?" "What is it?" Olaf queried. "Mother and fathers ship." Anna cried, sounding as if she was going to burst into tears. "But this isn't the Southern Sea." Olaf observed. "No, it isn't." I ran straight toward the ship, if I was going to find answers, this is where they would be. Anna and I ran in through a hole that was in the bottom of the ship. We looked around confused. "Why is their ship here?" I asked, breathless. "How is it here?" "It must have been washed in from the Dark Sea." Jack stated, looking out into the sea from the giant hole. "What were they doing in the Dark Sea?" "I don't know." Anna said, on the verge of tears. "How did the ship get through the mist? I thought nobody could but us?" Olaf gasped, " one was on it..." Jack came over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "There's gotta be something here." He whispered. "Wait. Wait. Look around. Every Arendellian ship has a compartment. Waterproof." We all began searching, but not without the remark from Olaf. "That's very clever. Although it does make me wonder why they don't just make the whole ship waterproof." 

We checked all the nooks and crannies around the ship until Jack gasped. "Here!" He took out a scroll from a hidden compartment. I took it from Jack and me and Anna gathered around to read it. "What language is this?" "I don't know. But look, this is mothers handwriting." I pointed to a note at the bottom of the page, "The end of the ice age. The river found, but lost. Magic's source. Elsa's source?" Anna read. She took out another piece of paper from the compartment while I was looking at the paper, trying to figure out what it meant. Then Anna gasped while inspecting it, "A map!" She laid it down on a table for all of us to see then pointed out their route. "They traveled North, and planned to cross the Dark Sea to..." "Ahtohallan." I breathed. "Its real?" Anna gasped. "Octa-who-what?" Olaf asked, just like Anna did those many years ago. "Ahtohallan. It's a magical river said to hold all the answers about the past." "Reinforcing my water has memory theory." Olaf stated while he and Jack high-fived. Then I had an idea. "Water has memory." I whispered. I keeled on the ship floor and put my hands on it, focusing all my power into the water in the wooden boards, trying to see what happened. "Elsa?" Jack came over to me worried. "I want to know what happened to them." I cried. The water slowly formed into two figures in the middle, and we could all hear the voices. "Ahtohallan has to be the source of her magic." "We keep going, for Elsa." Jacks grip on my tightened as tears streamed down my face. "The waves are too high!" "Iduna!" "Agnarr!" 

That was it. So many thoughts in my head, but the most prominent, 'My fault' 'My fault 'My fault'. I ran, sobbing. I didn't know where but I did. I stopped at a rock and cried. I heard Jack, Anna, and Olaf run behind me. Jack enveloped me in a tight hug. "This is my fault. They were looking for answers about me!" "You aren't responsible for their choices, Elsa." Anna reasoned. "No. Just their deaths!" I sobbed. I fought out of Jacks embrace and started to walk away, but Jack stopped me. "Stop. No. Yelena asked, why would the spirits reward Arendelle with a magical queen? Because your mother saved your father. She saved her enemy. Her good deed was rewarded with you. You are a gift." "For what? " I queried. What could I possibly be a gift for. "If anyone can resolve the past...if anyone can save Arendelle and free this forest, it's you. I believe in you, Elsa. More than anyone or anything." Anna said. I looked toward the ship, and remembered what went on in the forest. "Honeymaren said there was a fifth spirit. A bridge between the magic of nature, and us." Anna looked at me with intrigue. "A fifth spirit?" "That's who's been calling me, from Atohallan. The answers about the past are all there." "So we go to Ahtohallan." Anna said with a determined face. 

I looked at her, guilt in my eyes. "Not 'we', me and Jack." Anna looked at me, shocked. "What?" "The Dark Sea is too dangerous for you." "No. No! We do this together. Remember the song? 'go too far and you'll be drowned.' Who will stop you from going too far?" "You said you believed in me, that this is what I was born to do." "And- I don't wanna stop you from that. I don't wanna stop you from being, whatever you need to be. I just don't want you dying..." Olaf seemed to get how serious this was after hearing her say that. "trying to be everything for everyone else, too. Don't do this without me. Let me help you, please. I can't lose you, Elsa." "I can't lose you either Anna." I looked at her desperate face and knew what I needed to do. I wrapped Anna in a hug, and gestured Olaf to come too, and when I let go...I made an ice boat, and sent them off, to safety. "Wait, what? What are you doing? Elsa!"


Word Count: 1051

OMGGGGGGG GUYS I'M BACK!! Hi! I missed this. Honestly I forgot how fun writing is...but I'm here! I'm not dead! My love of Jelsa is still alive, along with some new obsessions. Any Twilight fans here????? Yeah so I've been reading a lot of different stories and got distracted......I'M SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Forgive me please? Anyway thanks for reading! <3 Love you guys soooooooo muchhhhh. If you can, comment bc they make me so happy!!! Anyway Bye! Much Love! 💙

(Also I am now writing on computer btw.)

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