Some Things Never Change

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It was harvest festival season in Arendelle. Everyone was excited but something is bothering Elsa meanwhile the whole kingdom is dancing and singing...

🌸 Yes the wind blows a little bit colder
And we're all getting older

And the clouds are moving on with every autumn breeze!

Peter pumpkin just became fertilizer

☃️ And my leafs a little sadder and wiser

🌸 That's why I rely on certain certainties

Some things never change
Like the feel of your hand in mine
Some things stay the same

Like how we get along just fine

Like an old stone wall
That'll never fall

Some things are always true!

Some things never change
Like how I'm holding on tight to you

🦌 The leaves are already falling
Guys it feels like the future is callin

🦌🦌 Are you telling me tonight you're gonna get down on one knee

🦌 Yep but I'm really bad at planning these things out

Like candlelight and pulling up rings out

🦌🦌 Maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me

🦌 Yeah some things never change

Like the love that I feel for her

Some things stay the same

Like how reindeers are easier

but if I commit

And I go for it

I'll know what to say and do...right?

🦌🦌 some things never change

🦌 Sven the pressure is all on you

❄️ The winds are restless

Could that be why I'm hearing this call

Is something coming?
I'm not sure I want things to change at all

These days are precious
Can't let them slip away

I can't freeze this moment
But I can still go out and seize this day!

👑 ah ah ah ahhhh ah

The wind blows a little bit colder

☃️ and you all look a little bit older

🌸it's time to count our blessings

🌸🦌beneath the autumn sky!

👑We'll always live in the kingdom of plenty

That stands for the good of the many

❄️And I promise you the flag of Arendelle will always fly!

🌸Our flag will always fly!

👑our flag will always fly
(Our flag will always fly!)

Some things never change
Turn around and the time has flown

Some things stay the same
Though the future remains unknown

May our good luck last
May our past be past

Times will be fast its true

Some things never change

🌸And I'm holding on tight to you
❄️Holding on tight to you
🌨Holding on tight to you
☃️Holding in tight to you
🦌Holding on tight to you

🌸I'm holding on tight to you

Elsa's POV

We all went into the game room to play charades. The voice seemed to just...stop for now anyway. Anna was standing in front of us acting out...something? "Hans!" Olaf shouted. She gave us a signal saying we were close. "Unredeemable monster!" "Greatest mistake of your life!" "Murderer!" "Wouldn't even kiss you!" Sven rang the bell signaling the end of the round. "Villain!" Anna exclaimed. "Oh!" "We all kind of got it." I nodded at Olaf's statement. "Okay Olaf you're up." "So much easier now that I can read, lightning round, boys against girls." "Okay I'm ready." Olaf rearranged over and over again and Kristoff got all of them. "Unicorn. Ice Cream. Castle. Oaken. Teapot. Mouse!" Jack got the last one. "Ohh Elsa!" Sven rang the bell once again and now it was my turn. "I don't think Olaf should get to rearrange." The boys made a face. "Doesn't matter this is gonna be a cinch. Two sisters one mind." I walked up to the front of the room and Sven took my pillow from me. I took a piece of paper out of the basket and looked at it. It read 'ice' how original. I moved my body in all sorts of ways to try and act out 'ice' but it didn't work. "Uh, nothing. Air. Tree. People. Treeple! Oh that's not a word. Uh shovel boy! Cmon you gotta give me something." Just then I heard the voice again. I turned to face the window. What was it? I heard Anna's voice muffled behind me. "Oh! um, alarmed. Distracted. Um, worried? Panicking? Disturbed? Oh come on you definitely look disturbed!" The bell rang and the round was over. "We won!" "Rematch?" Anna queried. "Oh you know what? I think I'll turn in." "Are you okay?" "Just-just tired, goodnight."

I walked to my room not without getting my mother's scarf. I looked out the window to see if I could find some sign of what the voice is, but...nothing. Then there was a knock at my door. "Come in." "Anna was right, there is something wrong." "With you?" "Nope with you, you're wearing your mothers scarf, you do that when you're upset, what's going on?" I went to my bed and sat down, patting the spot next to me for him to sit. "There's this-" I sighed thinking that telling him about the voice would worry him even more. I sighed knowing I would have to tell a half-truth. "I just don't want to mess things up..." "Mess things up? You mean the kingdom? Elsa you're the perfect fact..." He sighed. "I was going to ask you later but I think now is a good time." He held a box and opened it, inside was a snowflake ring, I gasped. "Els, I love you so much, and I couldn't think of anyone else to spend the rest of my life with, Will you marry me?" Tears came down my face as I looked into his eyes. "Jack..." I whispered. "I love you so much but, I-I'm not immortal, I'm going to pass on eventually and..." I sniffled, I can't believe I'm doing this to him, but it's for the best. "I'm gonna need to think about it, please give me some time?" "If that's what you need, I'm willing to wait for you." "Thank you Jack." He kissed my forehead and we laid down to sleep since we were both extremely tired.

Word Count: 996

Song Index:

BOOM! I know I know not the best way to do this but DON'T WORRY!!!! IT WILL GET BETTER SOON I PROMISE! I hope the emojis weren't too confusing...I tried to make them easy to decipher but there's the key if you need it! Thanks so much for reading! I can't wait to continue this...Much love! ❄️💙

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