Hans' Plan

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Elsa's POV

"Elsa, we need to get out of here, now!" I nodded. After I saw those two men look at me with a terrifying glint in their eyes, I knew they were here to hurt me. I ran up the stairs, skipping steps because I have no time to lose. I got to the second floor and they took out their crossbows and pointed them at me. "No, please!" One of the men shot an arrow. I put my hands up in front of me to brace myself for the impact, but it never came. I looked up and saw the arrow trapped in a wall of ice. Maybe I can fight them? "Stay away!" I shot ice at them, so they wouldn't hurt me but I wouldn't hurt them. I kept my hands in front of me in case they tried anything. I shot more ice so they couldn't shoot me. They avoided all of my attacks. They surrounded me. I was in the middle and they were on either side of me. I had a plan. I shot ice at one of them, making it as sharp as possible and pinned him into my ice spike wall, making a very tiny spike inch forward to his neck, to deal with the other I knocked the crossbow out of his hand and boxed him inside, then I made an ice wall, progressively moving toward him, pushing him off the balcony.

"Snowflake?" I heard Jack, the fear in his voice. "What are you doing?!" I kept going on with my plan. I can't die yet. "Queen Elsa! Don't be the monster they fear you are!" That made me stop. I really have turned into a monster. Just the. I heard the sound of ice breaking. I looked up to see the ice chandelier I had made falling onto me. I got up as quick as I could and ran, ran as fast as I could, then slipped and everything went dark.

Jack's POV

I saw Elsa, lying there, knocked out. No, no, no! I was supposed to protect her! That Hans guy picked her up and carried her on horseback. I had to follow them.

We made it to the castle when instead of taking Elsa to her room, they took her to the dungeon! I flew after them and tried to stop them, but of course I went right through them. I came inside the cell and waited for Elsa to wake.

Finally when she woke up she got off the uncomfortable cell bed and looked outside. I hadn't even paid attention to what was going on until now. Nothing was visible. Just white. "No, what have I done?" "Elsa it's oka-" The cell door opened and revealed Hans. "Go find Anna!" Elsa whispered. "When he leaves." She added. I nodded. "Why did you bring me here?!" "I couldn't just let them kill you." "But I'm a danger to Arendelle. Get Anna!" "Anna, has not returned. If you would just stop this winter, bring back summer, please." Wow this guy is oblivious. "Don't you see? I can't. You have to tell them to let me go!" "I'll do what I can." As he left I flew out, not without hearing the sound of Elsa sobbing.

I followed Hans to the front door of the castle when Anna had come in. Her hair was more white and she looked like she had frostbite. "Hans you have to kiss me!" "What?!" "Now now!" "Woah, slow down! What happened out there?!" "Elsa struck me with her powers!" On accident! "You said she would never hurt you!" "I was wrong."

All was going well. Anna was going to be saved until, "Oh Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you." "What? Y-you said, you did." "As thirteenth in line, in my own kingdom, I didn't stand a chance.  I knew, that I would have to marry into the throne somewhere. "But- what are you talking about?!" "As heir Elsa was preferable of course, but no one was getting anywhere with her, But you! You were so desperate for love you were willing to marry me just like that!" Oh no. "I figured after we married I would have to stage a little accident for Elsa. But then, she doomed herself, and you were dumb enough to go after her." "Please, stop!" Poor Anna. "All that's left to do now is to, kill Elsa, and bring back summer." Kill? Elsa? Elsa, no!

Elsa's POV

I ran. I didn't know where I was going, but I ran as fast as I could. What was I thinking?! Letting my powers go? I'm so irresponsible! What would mama and papa think. I couldn't see anything. Everywhere I turned I saw white. I'm worried, about Anna, Jack, Arendelle. What am I going to do. Then I heard a familiar voice.

Word Count: 817
Hi everyone!! I hope you liked this chapter! I'm so excited to finish this one and move on to the next one in the series! I hope you enjoyed. Make sure to leave a comment! I'll be sure to comment back! Thanks for reading! Much Love!

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