Pitch Black

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Elsa's POV

"Pitch Black" North whispered. "Very good Santa." Pitch snarled. "And I see you have a new recruit. Pretty little thing isn't she?" He said lifting my chin so I could see his hideous face. "Back off Pitch!" Jack stood in-between me and the intruder, "If you touch a single hair on her head-" "Oh is this the little girlfriend I was told about Frost?" "Who told you-" "I have my sources." He snapped. "Do you speak your majesty, or does your boyfriend speak for you?" I stood up straight and faced him. "Get out before you regret it." I snarled between gritted teeth. "Feisty isn't she?" He said grabbing me by the neck. I gasped trying to get air. "Better be careful queenie." He whispered in my ear. Then just as quickly as he appeared, he dropped me and disappeared. "Elsa! Are you okay?" "I....I'm.....okay...." I said between gasps. "Just....let me....breath" "I'm going to take her back to Arendelle, she'll be safe in the kingdom, I hope." "Be careful Jack." "I'll be back ASAP."

We used a snowglobe and arrived in my bedroom. Jack was about to leave from the balcony I grabbed his arm. "Jack, wait. Are you going to be okay?" "I-*sigh* I don't know." My eyes filled with tears. "T-take me with you then. I can help." "No, Elsa, it's too dangerous, I need you safe." "Please..." I said my eyes begging. "I love you." He said right before he flew away. "Jack!" I ran to the balcony. "I love you too." I whispered.

I went to sleep that night, and it was harder than it seemed. I tossed and turned but my mind was still on Jack. Will he be okay? I finally fell asleep and woke up from my dreamless state because of an eerie cackling. "Who's there?" I asked. "Don't be scared, you're majesty." It's only little, old, me." He jumped out from a dark corner, and then I woke up drenched in sweat. "Fun isn't it?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned and saw Pitch in a rocking chair made out of his black sand. "What do you want?" I said standing up. "There's one teeny tiny thing that I want." "And that is?" "Your kingdom." "No! I would never surrender Arendelle to a monster like you!" "Monster? You wound me so your highness. I believe in the past you were the monster, and perhaps you still are..." He pointed at the walls and ice spikes were climbing up the walls. I looked around the room and saw Anna, a frozen statue. Kristoff was standing in front of her sobbing. "You did this Elsa!" "N-no I didn't!" "You told her, she wasn't good enough! That she could never be good enough for the kingdom!" "No...That can't be true!" "But it is Elsa." I saw Jack come from the shadows, with a different girl! "This is all. Your. Fault." "W-who's this?" "Oh this? This is my girlfriend, Tempest. She's much better than you..." "Jack?" I had tears in my eyes as I collapsed onto the ground, I couldn't take it anymore. "We'll play more tomorrow, your highness." I woke up to someone violently shaking me awake. "ELSA!" "Jack?" I immediately hugged him. "Please, stay. Tell me you won't leave me." "I promise Snowflake." "I love you Jack." "I love you too Elsa."

"Can you please tell me what it was about Elsa?" "I-it was...terrifying." Flashbacks of the dream played in my mind. "I-I was...a monster. A-and he was there." They kept going. "I killed Anna." Faster. "Everyone hated me." Faster. "Y-you..." I collapsed, and Jack caught me. "Els you need to see Sandy." "Yea, good idea.

We arrived at the North Pole with Jack helping me inside. "Sandy!" Jack called out. The yetis pointed to his room. "Sandy Elsa needs help." *What's wrong?* he signed. Jack told him the story and Sandy told me to lay down. With the help of Sandy's sand, I was asleep and had a peaceful dream.

Jacks POV

Elsa is strong, I know that. But that doesn't stop me from worrying. To see her break down like that, it was heartbreaking. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure she's okay. "So, she's okay now?" Sandy gave me a thumbs up and left the room. I sat on Elsa's bed and held her hand as she slept.

I felt Elsa stirring, and her eyes were opening. "Morning princess." "Jack..." she hugged me "thank you." "You're gonna be okay...and since I can't leave you alone in the castle anymore, you can join the fight, as long as you're safe." "I will Jack." She kissed my cheek as she was leaving. "I will."

Word Count: 806

Oh. My. Snowflakes! I am so sorry I did not update normally this time! It's really late where I am right now (12:54 AM) so I'm reeaaalllly sorry if this is crappy. I'm racking my brain for ideas but I'm guessing they won't come since I'm tired lol. Thx for reading, much love!!

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