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Elsa's POV
"Your perfect, just how you are." "You really mean that?" I asked. How could he say that when I almost killed my own sister? "Of course I mean that Elsa! Over time how I've watched you all these years you've gotten smarter and more beautiful, more you. And now you've revealed your powers but it doesn't mean your a monster. There is beauty in your power. You. Are. Perfect. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise." "Bu-" "No, no buts. Listen to me because what I'm saying is true, at least to me it is." "Okay. So besides watching me, that sounds creepy by the way, what else have you been doing?" "Well, just keeping up with the guardians, spreading a little snow here and there, occasionally having fun with children." "Sounds nice." I hear a knock at the door, and then a voice. "Elsa? It's me Anna!" Anna? I went downstairs and sure enough it was Anna. "Anna!" "Woah Elsa, you look different! It's good different! And this place, it's, amazing!" "Thank you, I never knew what I was capable of."

Jack's POV

I saw Elsa and Anna speaking. Elsa seemed more at ease with Anna until "Elsa we were so close, we can be like that again!" I saw the fear in Elsa's eyes as she relived the memory of hitting her sister. "No, we can't. Goodbye Anna." "Elsa wait" "No I'm just trying to protect you!" "You don't have to protect me, I'm not afraid!"

Please don't shut me out again!

Please don't slam the door!

You don't have to keep your distance anymore!

Cause for the first time in forever,

I finally understand.

For the first time in forever,

we can fix this hand in hand!

We can head down this mountain together!

You don't have to live in fear!

Cause for the first time in forever,

I will be right here!


Please go back home,

your life awaits!

Go enjoy the sun and open up the gates!

"Yeah but-" "I know!"

You mean well,

but leave me be!

Yes I'm alone, but I'm alone and free!

Just stay away and you'll be safe from me!

Actually we're not!

What do you mean your not?

I get the feeling you don't know!

What do I not know?!

"Arendelle's in deep deep deep deep, snow." "What?" "You kinda' set off an eternal winter, everywhere." "Everywhere?" "Well it's okay you can just unfreeze it!" "No I can't I-I don't know how!" "Sure you can! I know you can!"

Cause for the first time in forever
Oh! I'm such a fool I can't be free!

You don't have to be afraid!
No escape from the storm inside, of me!

We can work this out together!
I can't control the curse!

We'll reverse the storm you've made!
Ohhhh, Anna, please, you'll only make it worse!

Don't panic!
There's so much fear!

We'll make the sun shine bright!
You're not safe here!

We can face this thing together!

We can change this winter weather!

And everything will be alright...

A burst of ice came shooting out of Elsa. I was lucky enough that I was flying overhead, Anna, not so much. A man came in and was helping Anna get up. "Are you okay?" He seems chill. "I-I'm okay, I'm fine." Wow Anna is feisty today. "Who's this? Wait, it doesn't matter, just, you have to go." "No I know we can figure this out together!" "How?! What power do you have to stop this winter, to stop me?!" The walls started cracking, probably because of Elsa's fear of hurting someone else. "Anna? I think we should go." The mysterious man had said. Wait, is that a living snowman?! "No I'm not leaving without you Elsa!" Okay Anna calm down. She's scared don't you see? "Yes you are!" And just like that with her magic Elsa made a huge snowman, scarier than the other one that scooped the mystery man, Anna, and the talking snowman outside, outside. "Jack, you need to leave too." "Elsa you may have gotten rid of Anna, but I'm staying." "Jack please, I-I can't hurt anyone else." She pleaded. "Elsa you literally can't hurt me. Even if you do it'll heal in two seconds. Trust me!" "Okay."

Elsa's POV

"Get it together." "Elsa that's not helping." I blocked him out. I need time to myself. "Control it! Don't feel, don't feel, don't. Feel. Don't feel!" I gasp, the ice in my palace, it's turning red! This is exactly what grandpabbie showed me in the visions all those years ago. "Elsa, Elsa, Elsa!" "Jack! Don't scare me like that!" "Snowflake I'm worried about you. You've never been this frightened. It's scaring me." "I'm fine Jack." "No, you're not. You need to stop living in the past! It's over! You need to show yourself that you are in control." "Jack I can't!" "Yes you can. You need to be less scared!" I heard voices outside. I threw Anna out! Is she that persistent. I went to the balcony and saw many people outside. I went to see who it was so I went to the front door, and that's when I saw them. Hundreds of people, all here, to stop me.

Word Count: 882
Surprise! I'm here! My flight for my trip got cancelled (because of the Corona virus 😭😡) so I'm back to writing! I'm sad that I don't get to go on my trip currently but at least I get to write my story, which I love!! Please stay safe everyone! I know Corona isn't as bad as the flu but it's still a danger! Anyways in "For the First Time in Forever Reprise" Anna is in italics and Elsa is in bold. Thanks for reading! Much Love!

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