Everything Is Not As Perfect As It Seems

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Elsa's POV

Everything was perfect. Anna and Kristoff are great and very cute together. Olaf is...well he's Olaf. Jack comes and goes but most of the time he's here in Arendelle. As for me? I'm just happy that everyone else is happy. My family is great, my kingdom is great, my boyfriend...he's perfect.

"Jack! Where are we going?" I laughed as he dragged me down the stairs, blindfolded might I add. "It's a surprise!" He exclaimed. I tripped and almost hit the ground, I think, but Jack caught me of course. "You have to be careful Snowflake!" I giggled. "It's a bit hard to be careful because you've blindfolded me Jack!" "Okay, okay, you win, we're almost there!" He grabbed my arm again and dragged me some more. "Okay we're here!" I felt the familiar feeling of snow but I couldn't see anything. "Um Jack you're forgetting something." I giggled. "Right! Sorry." He quickly took my blindfold off and I gasped. He made a winter wonderland and right in the middle of it was a picnic. "Oh Jack...it's perfect!" I whispered. "Come on! Let's eat!"

After we had eaten we laid down on the blanket and talked for awhile until Jack said, "You know Snowflake, if you wanted to I could take you to meet the guardians one day." I sat up.  "Really Jack? You mean it?" I said surprised. He knows how much I've wanted to meet them since they're basically his family. "Well, yeah. I think it's time you met my family. We can go tomorrow." "Thank you so much Jack!" I kissed him. "No problem Snowflake." "I need to get back to work, you can come with me if you like." "Sure! That way I can tell you what to say to all those stuffy princes that send you marriage proposals!" "Jack!" I giggled. "I tell them all the same thing, I'm already in a relationship."

The Next Day

I was packing for Jack and I's trip to the North Pole when I heard a familiar knock. "Come on in Anna." I said. She came in swiftly and closed the door. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? I mean the North Pole could be dangerous!" "As I told you before Anna, I'm only going to be there for a night and Jack will be with me, you don't have to worry, just make sure the kingdom isn't in utter chaos when I return." I laughed as she pouted. "I'm not that helpless Elsa! Please be safe." "I will Anna, I promise." I hugged her as the door opened to reveal Jack. "You ready to go?" I nodded. "I love you Elsa, be careful." "I will Anna, I love you too." I hugged her quickly and she left. "I forgot to ask, how are we getting there?" "With this!" He showed me a snowglobe. "I'm sorry I'm confused..." "Oh! It's a magical snowglobe, you whisper where you want to go into it, throw it on the ground and it makes a portal!" "Oh, okay...is it safe?" "Of course it is! Would I ever put you in danger Elsa?" "I guess not." He whispered something to the snowglobe and threw it on the ground and a swirling portal appeared. "We will go together okay?" He said as he grabbed my hand. "Together, okay I'm ready." I took a deep breath and jumped in with Jack. We got to the other side to be greeted by the floor as we fell onto it. "Ouch" I exclaimed. "You didn't tell me it was going to be a rough landing Jack!" "I didn't know myself!" I heard stomping behind me and quickly got up into a defensive stance only to look up and see no one other than, "North! How are you?" "Pretty good Jack, and I see you brought a guest?" "I'm so sorry, I'm Queen Elsa of Arendelle sir." "Oh my goodness your majesty!" He immediately bowed until Elsa giggled, "Please, no need for formalities, call me Elsa." "In that case, call me North, I was never much of a sir anyway." "Where's everyone else?" Jack asked. "Right here mate." I heard someone say. I'm guessing it was the Easter bunny because Jack had said he had an Australian accent. "Hey Bunny!" "Who's the lovely lady?" He asked looking at me. "This is Elsa, the girl I told you about." "Oh of course! Pleased to meet you your majesty, I hope Jack treats you well." The last statement earned bunny a glare from Jack. "The pleasure is mine, and please call me Elsa, you are Jacks family," I said gesturing the the whole of them, "We might as well skip the formal titles." I smiled a bit when I heard a zip, followed by a shriek, and that's when I found someone was poking around my, teeth? "Oh. My. Floss! Your teeth are beautiful! They're whiter than Jacks! What's your secret?" I made a choking sound, before Jack said "Tooth! You promised not to be too intense!" "I'm sorry I couldn't help myself," She turned to me, "they're lovely. I'm Tooth by the way!" "Pleasure to meet you, Jack tells me we'll get along well." There was a pause until I spoke again, "I don't mean to be rude, but I thought there were five of you?" "Oh! There are!" Came the booming voice of North. "This is Sandy." He said pointing to a small man that looked to be made of yellow sand. He waved hello to me, and I introduced myself in sign language, since I learned it with all the time I spent on my room, after I had shown him I knew how to sign, he had a huge smile on his face, that faded as soon as he heard a dark cackling and dark sand engulfed the beautiful globe in the middle of the room. "W-whats going on?" I stuttered inching closer to Jack. "It can't be." Bunny said. "What is it?" I asked.

"Pitch Black"

Word Count: 1011

Hey! I'm back! Sorry that I took so long, I needed inspiration so I took a little break. Good news! I got an editor to do my covers!! Go to @Dreamsneyworks instagram if you love Jelsa (which I'm guessing you do since you've gotten this far in the book XD) her edits are amazing! Anyway thanks for reading! I'll try and update tomorrow! ❤️

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