The Enchanted Forest

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Elsa's POV

There was a giant wall of mist in front of us. I wondered how we were supposed to get in. Kristoff tried to go into it, but it magically pushed him back. Olaf realized this and started to have fun with it. Anna grabbed my hand and held it tightly. "Promise me we do this together okay?" "I promise." I walked forward and instinctively put my hand to the mist and it separated. We all started walking through slowly. "Did you know that an enchanted forest is a place of transformation? I don't know what that means...but I can't wait to see what it's gonna do to each one of us." Olaf said ominously. Suddenly behind us the mist started to push us forward. It was going really fast and we could hardly keep up. It finally stopped pushing and that's when I knew we were in the forest.

I turned away from the mist to look at the place we were now stuck in. "This forest is beautiful." It really was. All the different colors of leaves scattered across the forest floor, some stubbornly holding on to the trees. Me and Jack separated from the rest of the group since I got the feeling Anna and Kristoff wanted to be alone for a bit. We both looked around in wonder. "I wonder where the people are?" I jumped. "You scared me Jack!" I giggled. "Sorry...where do we go from here?" I don't know..." Suddenly Anna rushes toward us. "Elsa! There you are. You okay?" "I'm fine." "Oh hey Jack." "Hey..." He chuckled. "Where's Olaf?"

We looked around for Olaf for awhile when suddenly we heard him. "Woah!" We looked over to see a tornado had him! "Olaf!" We ran towards it careful not to get sucked inside but it seemed to have a Mind of it's own and rush toward us, pulling all of us in. "Hey guys! Meet the wind spirit!" "Ohh I think I'm gonna be sick!" "I'd hold your hair back but I can't find my arms!" There was a piece of a tree hurling towards Anna so I used my magic to blast it away. Suddenly the wind started to mess with my hands. "Hey! Stop!" It dropped everyone else and suddenly I was the only one inside the wind. I started to use my magic to freeze the wind, make it drop me. I looked over to see, figures..? They seemed to be saying something about the past. I looked away from the figures and concentrated all my power and finally it stopped.

The wind dispersed around me, and everyone ran up to me making sure I'm okay. "Elsa!" Jack rushed up to me first and hugged me tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay." He whispered. Anna ran up to me next. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine." We looked around and saw ice figured all around us. "What are these?" "They look like moments in time." "What's that thing you say, Olaf?" "The thing...oh! The theory about how advancing technologies are both our savior and our doom?" "No not that-not that one, the one about-" "the one about cucumbers?" "No, the thing about water." "Oh! Yeah. Water has memory. The water that makes up you and me has passed through at least four humans and/or animals before us, and remembers everything." We all made a disgusted face cause that seems disgusting. We heard a chirping noise and realized the winds back. "Hey the winds back! I'm gonna call you Gale!" It started messing around with each of us. "Well aren't you curious." "You in a better mood now?" I chuckled. It seemed to go over to another ice statue and we rushed over to see it. "Father. That's father." "This girl." "She's saving him." "She's Northuldra." Then we heard a horn. "What is that?" I felt like this would be dangerous. "Olaf get behind me." Anna grabbed a sword from one of the statues. "What are you going to do with that?" "I have no idea." The bushes rustled and Anna went forward and slashed through them. Behind the bushes were...people. A girl came forward. "Lower your weapon." Then there was a banging. "And you lower yours." "Arendellian soldiers?" "Threatening my people lieutenant?" "Invading my dance space, Yelena?" "Why does that soldier look so familiar?" I turned to see Anna unintentionally pointing the sword at the Arendellians. "Lieutenant!" "Get the sword!" Both sides ran toward us so Jack and I came up with the best solution in our heads...we froze the ground so they all slipped and fell. "That was magic...did you see that?" "Of course I saw it." "You chose an ice cold greeting..." Anna whispered. "They've been trapped in here this whole time?" "What do we do now?" "I got this!" Olaf steppes our from behind us. "Hi! I'm Olaf!" One of the northuldrans gasped. "Oh! Yeah. Sorry. I just find clothes restricting. Bet you're all wondering who we are and why we're here, it's really quite simple." He went up to the middle of the ice and told our story.

"It began with two sisters. One born with magical powers, one born powerless. Anna no too high! Blast! Awwwww! Mama papa help! Slam doors shutting everywhere, sisters torn apart! Well at least they have their parents...their parents are dead. Oh hi I'm Anna! I'll marry a man I just met. Elsa's gonna blow, snow, snow. Aaaaahhhhh run! Magic pulses through my snowflakes. *gasp* I live! Ice palace for one ice palace for one! Get out Anna! *pew pew!*" "Oh my goodness." "Only an act of true love can save you. Here's a true loves're not worth it! Guess what I'm the bad guy!" "What?!" "Then Anna freezes to death, forever...*exhales*" "Oh Anna!" "Then she unfreezes! Oh and then Elsa woke the magical spirits of the enchanted forest and we were forced out of our kingdom now our only hope is to find the truth about the past but we have no idea how to do that except Elsa's hearing voices so we have that going for us. Any questions?" They all looked at us with surprised faces. "I think they got it." Me and Jack removed the ice and went to talk to everyone.

"Are you really queen of Arendelle?" "I am." "Why would nature reward someone of Arendelle with magic?!" Jack put a protective hand on my shoulder, I guess he didn't like the woman speaking of me that way. "Perhaps to make up for the actions of your people." "My people are innocent, we would have never attacked first." "May the truth be found." Anna, being her perceptive self went to see how she knew the man in front of us. "Uh, hi, I-I'm sorry, what are you-" "Ah ha! That's it! Lieutenant Mattias! Library, second portrait on the left. You were our fathers official guard!" "Agnarr...what did happen to your parents?" "Our parents ship went down in the southern sea six years ago." "I see him...I see him in your faces." "Really?" "Soldiers. We may be getting on in years, but we're still strong. Proud to serve Arendelle." The solders went in front of us for protection and the Northuldrans started to back away. "Wait. Please. Someone has called me here. If I can just find them...I believe they have the answers to free this forest. I just want to help." "We only trust nature...when nature speaks-" there was suddenly a tree that burst into flames. "We listen!"

Word Count: 1267

Bum bum bummmmm! Cliffhanger! What's gonna happen! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's really fun!! Thanks for reading! Your comments make me soooo happy! Much Love! 💙❄️

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