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Elsa's POV

"You think I was too harsh on her?" I asked Jack for what seemed like the millionth time. "No. I think you did what was right to protect Anna." He grabbed my hands and looked at me, "Elsa, please don't blame yourself for this. If anything happened to Anna if she went on this trip, you wouldn't forgive yourself, so please, please, stop worrying." I sighed, knowing he was right. "I just- I don't want anyone to get hurt." "They won't Els, trust me." "Okay, I trust you." We kept walking on the path to the Dark Sea, trying to find out how we would get to Ahtohallan. "We'll figure that out when the time comes." Jack said. "I hope you're right."

We finally got to the edge of the Dark Sea, the rough waters taunting me. I looked at the waters and nodded my head. I turned around and took off my jacket and boots, to better channel the ice out of my feet as they touched the water. Then I took my hair out of my braid and put it in a low ponytail. "Gorgeous." Jack breathed. I looked up at him and smiled, then it was time for me to run. I ran toward the water as fast as my legs could carry me. The water freezing under me, then disappearing as the waves were too rough. As a wave was coming I tried to run up it, but failed. "Elsa!" I swam back to the shore and got ready to run again. "I'm okay." I whispered, reassuring Jack that I was, indeed, alright. I ran onto the waters and jumped onto them freezing them as I went. The wave coming toward me, taunting me of my last defeat, but I instead jumped through, and swam to a rock close to me. I climbed up the rock using a lot of strength to do so. When I got to the top, it was slippery, but I made a sort of ice slide, to slide down on. "Yeah!" Jack cheered me on. I ran and ran toward a giant wave coming my way. I blasted ice at it, making a path, but it started to break into chunks. "Elsa!" Jack yelled, worried, he tried to help freeze the cracks over but it was no use. "Woah!" I fell into the water, the wave crashing onto me.

 Underwater, I swam forward and upwards, until lightning struck, revealing the water spirit, a horse. I swam toward it, curious. But it disappeared, then reappeared closer to me, causing a whimper to escape me. It looked straight at me, then, as more lightning struck, it disappeared into a cloud of bubbles. That's when I realized how long I had been under the water, I frantically swam straight up, toward the water surface. I gasped for air as Jack flew toward me. "Elsa you scared me! Are you alright?" "I'm fine." I said, fighting the waves. I heard a squeal and looked under me, I saw the water spirit racing toward me, ready to strike. I frantically made a thick sheet of ice for me to get onto before the spirit rammed into me, but right after I climbed onto it, the spirit knocked me off, into the water. "No!" I screamed, right before hitting the water. 

I gasped for air yet again as I reached the surface, waves crashing into me. I turned to see a massive wave ready to crash into me, with the water spirit controlling it. It quickly pounced onto me, pushing me further and further under the water. I finally had enough and pushed onto it's leg focusing my power onto it, while the spirit froze for all of two seconds, before disappearing again. I quickly swam back to the surface to see Jack. "Elsa I can help if you just let me!" he yelled over the crashing waves. "I'm fine!" I yelled. Then the spirit threw me into the air yet again. "Woah!" There was a battle of sorts. Me sitting on top of a wave, throwing a sheet of ice on top of the spirit. The spirit forcing me underwater as I shot more ice at it. As it ran to the surface, I had an idea.

The spirit surfaced, and I was holding onto its muzzle. Water splashed in my face as it dragged me, but I wouldn't give up that easily. "Elsa? What are you doing?" "Trust me Jack!" I quickly made a lasso of sorts and wrapped it around the horse, hoisting myself onto it. The spirit quickly noticed what I was doing and started to buck around, trying to throw me off of it. "No!" I yelled at the horse, hoping it would listen to me, but the bucking continued. I kept pulling and pulling on the reigns, trying to get the horse to stop, and as we were coming over a wave, it seemed to get the picture that I wasn't going to hurt it. It stopped bucking me around and calmed down. "Woooo! That's my girl!" Jack yelled, I chuckled as I rubbed the spirits neck gently.

In the distance I saw a glacier, it seemed magical. Then it clicked. "Of course! Glaciers are rivers of ice! Ahtohallan is frozen." Then I heard it again. Ah ah ah ahhhh. I gasped at the lovely sound I had been longing to hear. "You hear it?" Jack asked. I nodded my head. "I hear you, and I'm coming.


Word Count: 914

Yay! another update! You're welcome! I hope you enjoyed this part, I'm really excited to write the next one, so keep an eye out for that. I'm so close to ending this book, I'm kinda sad :( BUT! I'm also really excited, I have so many ideas for other things to write. Anyways, thanks for reading! Please comment, they make me so happy! Much Love!! 💙

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