The Battle for Arendelle

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Elsa's POV

As I left I had a smile on my face. Jack if finally letting me help defeat Pitch! I was a bit scared as well. Pitch is a very evil man. And how did he know about me? Is Hans back? What if- "Elsa!" "Huh? What?" "Els you were staring off into space for a long time...are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Just got lost in thought I guess." "Okay...well North needs us, you sure you're up for this?" "I think so."

We arrived in the globe room...or I guess the main room where North was standing in the middle with a very serious look on his face. "Hey North what's wrong?" Jack asked, obviously referring to the concerned look on the elder guardians face. "Pitch has been silent for a long time...too silent for my liking..." "You don't think he'll do anything to Arendelle...right?" I whispered. They stayed silent. "Right?!" I asked panicked. If anything happened to Anna, or Kristoff, or Olaf, or Arendelle when I wasn't watching, I could never forgive myself. "We can't think about things like that Elsa...focus on the positive!" Tooth said. It's so hard to believe that she's so optimistic even in the bleakest of moments.

We racked our brains for ideas of what Pitch might be doing until I looked in the darkest corner in the room and saw black sand. "Sandy, Jack, everyone! Come here, quickly!" Just as everyone rushed to my side to see what was wrong a silhouette appeared from the darkness. "Well done Elsa, well done." The voice was familiar, but it wasn't Pitches. The man came closer and I could finally see the sick mans face. "Hans?" I whispered. "Miss me your majesty?" "What are you doing here?!" "I'm getting what I want, with the help of a few friends." Two more people came from the shadows, Pitch, and the woman from my dream. "This is my Fiancée Tempest, together we will be the rulers of Arendelle, not you and your pathetic sister." "No! You won't get away with this." "Oh but, I already have..." He held a sphere made of Pitches power and I saw Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf in the dungeon, and the people of Arendelle cowering in fear. "Arendelle..." I fell to my knees in despair. I failed my kingdom. I failed my sister. And worst of all...I failed my parents. "NO PITCH! YOU WILL NOT WIN THAT EASILY!" Jack screamed in Pitches ugly face. Then Pitch disappeared. "Anna..." I whispered. "We have to go save Arendelle." I said firmly. "I'm not letting Hans or Pitch or that fiancée of his Tempest." Just saying that woman's name disgusted me. "We'll save your kingdom mate. We just need a plan." Bunny said trying to cheer me up. "Els, I promise we will save Anna, and the kingdom." "Thanks Jack..."

We finally made a plan to save Arendelle. I hope we can do it. Jack said he had to go gather Jamie and his friends for the plan but said that he would be back soon. We all piled into the sleigh (after North finally convinced Bunny) and we were off to save my kingdom. *How are we gonna get in?* Sandy signed. I looked around and saw a door where servants were bringing in things. I pointed to the door. "Will that work?" "Nice thinking Elsa!" Tooth exclaimed. I smiled. We each snuck through the door carefully so no one would see a fairy, a man made out of sand, and a giant bunny going into the castle. We came in to see Jack and six little kids. "Jack!" I ran to him and hugged him. "I told you I'd be back." He laughed. "That doesn't stop me from worrying." "Oh! Elsa this is Jamie, Pippa, Monty, Claude, Caleb, and Cupcake." He pointed to each of the children as he said their names. "I've heard all about you guys. It's a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for helping me save my kingdom." "So you really are a queen?" The girl named Pippa asked. I giggled, "Yes, I am." The kids all gasped. "Okay, we have work to do. Here's the plan."

I burst into the throne room where Pitch, Hans, and Tempest were. "What are you doing here?!" Hans yelled. "I'm taking my kingdom back." I seethed. Ice was shot back and forth at Pitch and Hans as Tempest just stood behind, helpless. Just then Pitch summoned a wave of black sand that was about to crush me when I heard the familiar sound of ice being smashed. I opened my eyes and saw Jack in front of me with a very angry look on his face. He looked back at me and smiled then faced Pitch again. "Nice try Pitch, but you know not to mess with us. Everyone came out from the doors all around us. Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, the children, the guards, and all of Arendelle has come to fight. I saw the familiar look of fear in Pitch's eyes until his nightmares had turned on him once again and he was taken back to whatever hole he crawled out of. Hans looked around with a sheepish look on his face and tried to make a run for it. Luckily Anna caught up to him and gave him a well deserved punch in the face. "Anna!" "Elsa!" I ran to my sister and gave her the biggest hug. "I'm never letting you go."

After the big battle everything was great. Hans was put in the dungeon along with his fiancée with guards watching him all day and night. After the fight we were all so tired and fell asleep as soon as we hit our pillows. The next day to celebrate our victory we all ate dinner together. "I hope there isn't anything eventful in our lives any time soon. I'm exhausted." Anna giggled. "I'll be sure to take you up on that Anna." I joked back.

After dinner I had work to catch up on, after that I went to go find Jack. "Jack? Where did you go?" I walked for awhile until I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped and was about to turn around until I felt familiar arms wrapped around my waist. "There you are." I giggled. "Miss me your majesty?" Jack joked. "Possibly..." I joked back. We both laughed and made our way to the garden and sat down on a bench, enjoying the scenery. "I love you Elsa." "I love you too Jack."

Word count: 1097

I'm so sorry that this chapter took so long I needed the right inspiration, but now Rise if Pitch Black is all done! Don't worry there is still more to come! I'm so excited for the next two books in this story and I hope you are too! Please leave a comment if you want, they make me so happy! Much love! 💙❄️

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