40- I Love you

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My eyes fluttered open, there was a bright light. I tried to move but my entire body hurt. I closed my eyes and winced from the pain.

I felt someone's hand go to the side of my head. I leaned onto it because it felt familiar. I opened my eyes and I saw Harry, with bandages on his nose sitting on a chair beside me.

I was in a hospital room with him. I looked around and at me and saw my left arm was in a sling and my right arm had an IV in it.

"Why am I here?" I asked. I felt sleepy and dizzy and cold.

"Princess, you crashed into a tree, right after you left me." Harry said.

"The doctor said you were extremely dehydrated. He said that you must've fainted when you were driving." He finished. I grinned as I remembered that I hit him in his nose with my head.

"Did I break your nose?" I smiled proudly.

"No, but you managed to cut it." He said as he revealed a cut on his nose.

"Nice shot by the way." Harry said. I smirked at him and looked at my arm.

"Thanks, I was hoping to hurt you more than that. I wanted you in the hospital, not me." I said. I examined my arm that was in a white sling. They had wrapped it up pretty good. I could wiggle my fingers but when I tried to move my arm, a numb pain fell throughout my arm.

"Hunter we need to talk about this." Harry said. I ignored him.

"What about my arm? Is it broken?" I asked. I kept my head down to avoid eye contact with him.

"Your wrist is. And he said your ankle is sprained and you got your pretty face bruised up from the steering wheel. Your airbag didn't even deploy so you got the worst of it on your forehead." Harry said. I reached up and touched my forehead. It was really sore and it felt tender and bruised.

"Anything else I need to know about all my accident?" I asked.

"Well they said they're gonna need to put a small cast on and that you need to go through that IV and another one before you can leave. Hunter, do you know how stupid this is? How are you dehydrated? Just drink fucking water." Harry said getting angry. I shrugged at him. I didn't want to be lectured.

"How long was I asleep? All I remember is running away from you and then I saw black spots. And did you find me like right after or did someone else find me." I asked him.

"Just 2 hours you've been sleeping. And yeah. After you clocked me, I ran out after you after I heard you drive off. I watched you drive down the street and all of a sudden you swerved into the tree. I ran out to you and you were on your steering wheel. Hunter you didn't even to bother to put on your seat belt. You could've flown out of your windshield and you wouldn't be here. I didn't know if I should call your mother or not." Harry said. I rolled my eyes at him

"Yeah I wasn't really expecting this obviously. I was just trying to leave. I was worried you'd come back out and drag me back inside, putting my seatbelt on would've slowed me down. And no don't call her, she'd find out about yo-" I started then remembered we basically broke up.

"Call her. So she can come pick me up." I said.

"So we aren't going to talk about what you said to me?" He asked.

"You mean what you said to me?" I asked.

"Hunter, I wasn't trying to work you up. I'm sorry, I was just saying..." I started to tear up but tried to hold it together.

"You wanted to break up! I told you I hadn't thought about it. I assumed you hadn't either. I was just going by day with you. Everything was going just fine until you said that." I said raising my voice.

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