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I waited the entire week for Harry to call. I was starting to think that we were no longer a thing, but Lottie kept taking me out for lunches and dinners with Caroline and sometimes Haley, and now Brenna started joining along because her and Caroline were becoming friends. It made me happy that I could still hangout with Brenna.

Jaden hasn't talked to me either. She was coming to school but avoiding me in class. People took notice and tried to ask me about it. She was making me mad, she was acting so childish. I was thinking about what to do to make her talk to me. Nothing was really coming up except for Brenna's dads birthday.

Lottie, Caroline, Zayn, and Gigi wanted me and Brenna to hangout at Caroline's house tonight. I liked that it didn't feel awkward to hangout with them without Harry. They felt like i was friends with them. Not just Harry's girlfriend or something. I drove Brenna to Caroline's and since I told her about last time she was excited.

"Thats so cool that Caroline just smokes y'all out!" Brenna said clapping her tiny hands. I didn't know she knew that kind of vocabulary.

"Even if we did that again, you probably shouldn't smoke." I said, grinning at her. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Well duh retard." Brenna said giggling.

"When do you find out the gender of the baby?" I asked staring at Brenna's tummy. She shrugged at me.

"My mom said 18 weeks. But she could be wrong." She said.

"Are you still with Dave?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah. He actually seems fine now. Like before, he was always on edge. But now it feels like hes more relaxed." She said sincerely.

"Hes cool with the baby?" I asked.

"He says he is." She said.

"Brenna, people are gonna know its not his when the baby pops out the color of Trey, you know." I said. She nodded.

"Oh, it will be fine. Ill just tell Dave to get a tan." Brenna said laughing.

"Are you planning on telling the baby about Trey?" I asked.

"Depends on how Trey is doing with his career. But i think it will be cool to have em think that Dave is the dad." She said.

"Aw! Are you two gonna get married?" I asked teasing her.

"I don't know?" She said shrugging her shoulders.

I nodded as we pulled into Caroline's driveway. Brenna hopped out the car and ran up to the door and knocked while I followed behind her laughing. Caroline opened the door seconds later. I noticed that she always wore tights and her hair always looked ruffled around.

"Hey!" Caroline greeted us. She let us in and we followed her to the living room where my breath hitched and my heart raced when I saw who else was there. I felt the familiar adrenaline rush through my body at the anticipation of what was next. Butteries fluttered in my stomach and the horrible yearning to be touch came back. I saw the luscious black curls turn around and my Hazel eyes met jade green. Even after all this time, I still fall deeper into his gaze each and every time.

"Hey princess!" Harry said embracing me into a kiss that left me panting and gasping for air it was so long. His arms wrapped around my waist as he plunged his tongue into my mouth. I was kinda mad at him for not talking to me for a week. I tried to not kiss back but i couldn't help myself, his lips were so soft and warm and inviting. And Ive freaking missed him. I sighed in relief at his intimate notion.

"Harry! Where the hell have you been?" I asked hitting his chest as i tried to pull away from him. It didn't work and he laughed against my mouth at my struggle.

"I'm sorry. I had to go out of the country." Harry said grinning.

"Well, you could've told me something instead of just leaving me to believe you got over me." I whispered to him angrily. He sighed.

"I'm sorry, but it was urgent and I couldn't..." He started before Caroline's Voice caught our attention. I just realized that me and harry were the only ones in the living room now.

Everyone was in the kitchen around the counter. We followed the sounds as we chuckled that out kiss left us completely oblivious around us and saw her head pop up from one of the counters. She was breathing heavily while everyone around was laughing. Caroline wiped her nose.

"Brenna, if only you weren't pregnant!" Caroline said as she bent her head down again and I heard her sniff harshly. Lottie and Zayn joined on while Brenna and Gigi just watched them giggling to each other.

I felt a hand yank me backwards and I stumbled into Harry's hard chest.

"What?" I asked him smiling.

"Let's get out of here." He said.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked. He smiled at me.

"My house." He said as he dragged me out the door and gestured for my keys.


"This is a nice car. When did you get it?" Harry asked me. I was sitting in the passenger seat while Harry was driving us to his house.

"Sunday." I responded. Harry nodded.

"Where did you go?" I asked. I saw Harry tense up and stiffen.

"Out of the country." He said in a voice that said tread lightly.

"Well... why did you leave?" I asked.

"I had to close a deal. That's all I want to say about it." He said.

"Bu-" I started.

"Hunter." Harry cut me off softly. I sighed and rolled my eyes at him frustrated with how stubborn he is. I heard Harry chuckle.

"What?" I asked him.

"I'm just counting how many times you've rolled your eyes at me. Its been at least 8 times now." He said darkly making me shiver. I narrowed my eyes at him and smiled.

"So?" I asked, making him giggle again.

"You'll see." He said teasing me. I rolled my eyes and turned to look out the window again.

"9." He said looking back at the road.

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