*17*-Long Day

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Smut warning in the end!


He was the only thing on my mind as we ran down the stairs. I longed for him. My heart was beating fast. My breath quickened as each step I became closer and closer to seeing him again.

When we hit the bottom of the staircase, I immediately saw niall and Zayn. Gigi rushed up to him and Zayn embraced her in his arms. He stumbled a bit, I assume from his foot, but then quickly regained his balance.

Niall pointed to the door when me and Sophia glanced at him wondering where everyone else was. We quickly opened the door. Harry's car was parked out front. Louis slowly exited the car. He was holding his wrapped up arm.

Liam came around and Sophia ran up to him and kissed him.

"Your not hurt, are you?" She asked.

"Please!" Liam laughed cockily. Sophia laughed too. Liam wrapped his arm around Sophia's shoulders and walked inside the house.

Where is Harry!?

Then the driver of the car stepped out. The shoulder lengthed dark brown curls appeared.

"Harry!" I called out.

Harry turned around. I gasped at the sight. My hand covered my mouth. His lip piercing was gone. It looked like it was ripped out. He had tiny bruises on his face.

He walked over to me and took me in his arms. He was a little bit sweaty. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head against his chest. He lowered his chin onto my head, completely engulfing me into him. Shielding me.

"What happened?" I asked into his chest.

He I felt him take a deep sigh.

"Nothing you need to know about, other than we won." He told me. I squeezed him tighter, not wanting to let him go.

I thought of the wounds from his face. Who could touch such a beautiful man and leave marks like this.

I pulled away from him, and began to look at his face. He smiled at me.

"Don't worry princess, the bastard that did this to me got it so much worse." Harry said smirking at me.

"Your staying tonight, right?" Harry asked wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me into him.

"Yeah." I told him smiling.

"Good, I want to be with you tonight. I actually want you beside me at all times." Harry told me, squeezing me tighter. I wrapped my arm around his back too.

Harry's words made me blush. I still can't believe that he wants me!

We went back into the house. Everyone was sitting in the living room, discussing what had happened. Sophia came out of the kitchen with a plate filled with vegetables.

"Liam! I'm fucking tired of eating healthy!" Louis told Liam frustrated. He crossed his arms.

Dang! He's sassy!

How have him and Erica not killed each other yet?

"Wait! What happened to Erica?" I asked.

"Hm? Erica disappeared after the cops arrived. We don't really know where she is." Louis said to me gently and looking a little confused.

"Oh okay." I said shrugging it off. She's probably at home. Harry and I sat down on the couch next to Louis. I leaned into Harry's side and my head was resting on his chest. Our arms were still wrapped around each other. I was afraid to let him go, honestly. I didn't want to be separated again.

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