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*buzz buzz* I heard my phone on the side table vibrate. I groaned with a bit of a headache. It wasn't too bad though. I picked it up and checked who texted me. It was Lottie.

Hey boo. What were you and harry talking about last night? L

I read the text message. I tried to remember what he said. Oh right! Omg I got him to open up to me a bit. Granted I did trick him, but still this counts. Not so innocent now harry am I?

He told me how he started his gang. H

No way! L

Yeah. I had to get him a little tipsy first. H

That must be why he's been in a bad mood this morning. L

Why would he be mad? H

He doesn't like talking about that stuff hunter! It brings up bad memories of his past. He likes to live in the moment. L

I just wanted to know more about him. And what bad memories? He didn't say anything about that. H

No Ik I get it. And I'll leave that for harry to tell you. L

I felt bad now. I just wanted to know more about him. All I knew was he was in a gang. It frightened me and intrigued me at the same time. I got another text but it wasn't Lottie.

How'd the party go last night? You didn't bother calling me! J

Jaden I'm so sorry! Omg there's so much! H

I ended up calling Jaden and told her everything that went down at the party.

"Oh my god! Why did he drag you back to a bedroom?" Jaden asked.

"I don't even know! He has anger issues." I said.

"Hunter! He's killed people, I'm sure." She told me.

"Thats what gangs do Jaden! They kill people." I found myself defending harry. Why?

"Anyways have you talked to Brenna? Her and Dave are fighting." Jaden said.

"About what?" I asked. Dave and Brenna are always fighting over the stupidest things.

"I don't know. But Brenna called me crying and complaining about Dave and what he said to her. He's completely out of control. Maybe you should get Harry to rough him up." Jaden said laughing.

"Probably not. Louis sister told me he's mad." I said.

"He's a big boy! He'll get over it!" Jaden said.

"Yeah your right." I said agreeing. He didn't even tell me that much anyway. I could feel he was holding something back.

"Okay well I'm gonna go to Brenna's house today. Wanna come with?" Jaden asked me.

"Yeah, when?" I asked.

"Maybe 4, but whenever works." Jaden said.

"Okay cool, just text me before you get here I guess" I said and we both hung up.

I looked at the time. 12:38 pm! I slept along time! I got up and went to the bathroom. Omg I was still wearing my swim suit. Did I not shower last night? Gross. I got in the shower and scrubbed myself roughly trying to get the scent of chlorine off me. My hair was so dried out.

After my shower I got dressed. I put on a long grey sweatshirt and Nike shorts just to lounge around. I went downstairs.

Seth was in the living room with one of his friends Jorge. Jorge was originally from Mexico until his mom got a job on my moms show. Seth and Jorge always hung out. They were watching TV.

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