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What now?

Tom winced at the repeated sound of his name being called from downstairs.

"WHAT IS IT EDD?" He yelled, not getting a response. Eventually his name sounded from downstairs again, and he slammed a pillow over his head. Just ignore it. Just ignore it. Just ignore it. Suddenly he heard the muffled sound of the door to his room opening. He scowled and threw the pillow off of him. "EDD CAN I NOT GET 1 HOUR OF SLEEP IN THIS HOUSE-" "Ha, sorry Thomas, but Edd got a new movie so we all need to watch it apparently." His eyes shot open at the unexpected intruder. The Norwegian just looked at him, scratching the tuft of hair between his two 'horns', or at least, that's what Tom called them. "Ughh why'd he send you here commie..." Tord frowned at the name but kept looking at him. It made him uncomfortable and he rubbed his eyes. Stupid norwegian.. "It's The Cats 2..." he mumbled. "Eh? What did you say sunshine lollipops?" Tord immediately looked away from him at the name. "The cats 2 Jehovah." "Wait really?" "Mhm. You better come downstairs before Edd comes up here and drags you down there himself." Tom smirked. "I'd like to see him try."

Edd stared at the ceiling. What was taking them so long? He didn't hear any fighting, but it had been 5 minutes since Tord had went upstairs. "Are you ok Eds?" Matt asked him. "Huh? Oh ya, ya I'm good. Tom is just taking FOREVER and I want to watch the movie already!"Edd fell back on the couch, his left shoulder smacking against him. "S-sorry.." He blushed. "Your fine.." Matt replied, smiling at him. Edd stared at the play button. Come on. Come on. He squinted at the screen. "You know, we can start it without them, it's not my fault they aren't down here yet." Matt looked at him and back at the stairs. "I mean.. I guess we could. Just don't blame me if Tom gets all mad at you again though.." "It's ok. I'll survive, he's been mad at me more than once, I can handle it." Edd affirmed him. "If you say so..."

The sudden pounding of footsteps made Matt turn his head a bit. Well, they had really only watched about 5 minutes so hopefully they wouldn't die. Tom stuck his head out over the corner and glared at him. "SERIOUSLY??? You make such a BIG DEAL out of waiting on me, and you start it ANYWAYS?" Edd jumped at his tone of voice. Matt laughed and shot him a I told you so look. "Calm down its only been on for 5 minutes, nothing has even really happened yet." "Ughh...." Tom dramatically fell over the couch with a bottle of Smirnoff in his right hand. Tord laughed at him and leaned back between him and Edd. "Soooo enjoy being alone with-" "HA, I can start it from the beginning if you WANT...." Edd blurted, cutting Tord off, who was now smirking at him weirdly and making him nervous. He always said stuff like that, but when Matt was there it made it way, way more uncomfortable. Edd grabbed the dvd remote awkwardly, trying to get them to focus on the movie and not on him for the moment. "Nice, Tord." Tom said before shoving another Smirnoff bottle in his face. Tord giggled a bit. "Drunk." Tom just ignored him and stared at the television.

"Let's watch it again!" Matt said enthusiastically. "That wasn't even as good as the first one Matt." Tord retorted. "I have stuff to do..." "Thought you didn't have plans." Tom looked at him suspiciously. I just want to be alone. Damn Jehovah, if only you actually cared.. Tord just got up and walked to the stairs. He turned his head to see if any of them had followed him, but turned back realizing that that was stupid to think and even Edd wouldn't do that. He wished one of them would actually try to. To be honest, he just wished one of them wouldn't leave him alone. He always said he wanted to be, but he never meant it. He wished that they went on as many adventures as they used to, but now they would just watch tv and not care what Tord did at all. If he actually thought about it, they really weren't very close to him. Sure, they all paid off the house together and saw each other every day, but he didn't talk to any of them that much. Especially not Tom, but there were other reasons for that. He pulled open the door to his room and locked it behind him, sitting down in his rolling chair to open up his laptop. He stared at the lock screen. It was a picture of the four of them,Tord,Matt,Edd,and Tom all laughing at each other and hugging. What he noticed though that he hadn't before was him and Tom in the middle of it. And how happy he looked. How happy they all looked. Tord suddenly felt tears stinging his eyes, and the realization of how much they had all changed hit him like a brick wall. It got worse and he slammed his face into his desk, wrapping his arms around his head and sobbing uncontrollably. What caused them to change so much? Why did it all have to happen so fast, with him barely noticing and forgetting how good it had been before? Why couldn't Tom talk to him as much anymore? Why couldn't they have what they did before, and why didn't he realize what he actually felt until everything changed? Why did he feel so lonely around his friends? Tord got up from his chair shaking and fell back onto his bed. Did Tom even know? Did he even care? Did any of them care? A sudden meow interrupted his thoughts and he looked down to see Ringo. Oh. She must of followed me in here. Ha. I guess someone does care. The grey tabby jumped onto his lap and curled into a ball. Tord giggled and softly ran a hand through her fur. "At least you haven't changed." He said, smiling through his tears.

Sunshine { Tomtord Eddsworld au }Where stories live. Discover now