Memory loss

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That's all Tord could think about.

He was sprawled out on his bed, staring at the ceiling of his small space of room.

What they had called 'rivalry'.. was it even what it sounded like? Did the word actually mean enemies, or had Tord made it? Maybe the reason he'd pushed him away a while ago wasn't because of indifference.

Maybe it was because of this.

But why couldn't he remember?



The bell rang, indicating that third period was over, which meant Tom could finally get some good fucking food.

Oh yea, Tord had wanted me to meet him for lunch, for something he couldn't tell me in front of my so called 'nerd friends'. Damn, guess I have to.. But there's no way I'm not getting lunch first. Tom skipped among the rows of food, eyeing the lasagna they'd started making the following week. Hell yes. He filled his tray with the meat and saucy goodness, which would be accompanied by Smirnoff once he met up with Tord. He went out to search the cafeteria tables for the norski, his eyes flickering to the benches outside. Sure enough, the son of a bitch was out there, flicking on and off his cigarette lighter-seemingly ignorant of the teenagers around him. Tom scrunched his nose when he noticed the people staring at him. Lame pop hoes. He quickly went through the glass doors, fumbling over the grass to get to the bench Tord had so generously saved for him-with the condition of smoky air, of course. That aside-it was somewhat of a nice fall day, the wind was cool and the smoke and food made the space smell like a barbecue. He must've been lost in the moment, because the next thing he knew he was being dragged away by Tord-who must've somehow teleported next to him when he wasn't looking. "Woah! Watch the lasagna, enderman!" He said, glaring at him. Tord giggled. "I'm more important than lasagna." He retorted. Tom practically fell back against the bench."Tell that to my growling stomach." The norwegian rolled his eyes. "Do you ever skip lunch?" He asked, tilting his head at him. He shot him a 'are you that dense' look while he happily chewed his lasagna. "Figures. Anyways, tell me when your done, I have your vodka in the car." The norski chirped, something seemingly odd about his tone. "You sure..your not..gonna kidnap me?"   Tom said in-between bites. "From the school, you bet." He said, grinning. The Brit choked on his lasagna. "I have a math test today..." he whispered. Tord sighed. "Well, fuck that. We have more important things to do. I have my way with Sonya anyway, I can get her to overlook your absence." Tom glanced over at him. "Your disgusting." He mumbled. "I'll do it for you." Tord said, meeting his gaze. "Forget it. I would rather have my dad punch me into next week than my fr-you become a slut for me." He informed. Something seemed to flicker in Tord's eyes. "Tom, what do you mean.." The Brit narrowed his eyes at him. "Exactly what I sai-" "Is your dad abusive?" Wow, he was being pretty nosy-which was far from his usual, keep to his edgy self. "Why do you care?" Tom questioned. He could've just imagined it, but he thought he saw pink wave over the norwegian's cheeks. "You know.."  he mumbled under his breath. Tom grunted. "If this is one of your gay jokes-" "Just tell me!" He hissed. "Woah eager much, commie? And no, he's not. At least not physically-he grounds me over my grades though, if you consider that harsh." Tord seemed to ease up a little, but he was still more tense then usual. Tom finally finished the lasagna-making sure that he'd savored every piece of it, of course, and looked up to meet his eyes.

"So, what did you need to tell me?"

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