I miss you

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Did he....did he realize it too? Did Tord see how much they had grown apart in the past few years? Was he just acting like everything was normal even though it wasn't? Tom quietly stood next to the door to Tord's room, listening to the quiet but audible crying of the norwegian. He'd gotten bored of Edd and Matt and went upstairs, only to hear it on the way to his room. That usually wasn't how he cried if some shitty anime character or a guy in one of the shows he watched died. It just sounded a lot more...heartfelt than that. And Tord usually wasn't very quiet when he cried. He raised one of his hands to knock and mentally laughed at himself. He did not need the comfort of a drunk bitch right now. Especially if it was Tom. He wished he knew why they'd grown apart so much and how it resulted in them fighting all the time. He and the other two were fine around each other, so what happened to them? Who even hated the other first? Was that even what it was? Tom himself even felt sick hearing Tord in that state. He slowly turned away and started walking towards his room, a little wobbly from the two bottles of vodka he drank. He wasn't exactly in a better state than Tord though, if he really thought about it. I can talk to him tomorrow, if he'll actually listen to anything I have to say to him.


Tord played with the bacon on his plate, ripping it into several different pieces and just laying them there. Edd noticed the redness of his eyes, but he assumed it was just from staring at his laptop all night, which he knew Tord often did. But he did seem a little-off. "You gonna eat that?" Tord slowly nodded but didn't say anything. "Hey Edd can you come here?" Matt called from the kitchen. He looked at Tom and Tord and shot them a 'you better not start a fight'  look before getting up from the table. "What is it Ma-" Edd stared at his almost completely red stained hoodie. He immediately ran next to him. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?? I HAVE TO WASH IT IMMEDIATELY OR IT WILL BE LIKE THAT FOREVER!" Matt blushed and put a hand over his cheek. "I-I was trying to make spaghetti for lunch later because ya know-you always make the food for us, and I thought I'd do it for once but it got kinda messy.." Edd's eyes widened and he stared at all of the spaghetti in the pan on the stove. "Y-you did this for me?" Matt nodded, smiling at him. Edd's cheeks reddened a bit. "Thanks..I cant believe you'd do that to your hoodie though. Santa-or what's left of him- literally gave that to you.." Matt looked back at his hoodie. "I-It's fine! Here I'll take it off so you can wash it.." Edd stared at Matt while he pulled it over him, revealing the dark grey tank-top he usually always had covered. He was surprisingly really ripped underneath, and just looking at Matt made his heart rate increase. Oh. He handed Edd his hoodie, still looking into his eyes. Edd looked at it and back at him. "O-Ok! I'll go get the stains out! That spaghetti looks really good!!" He quickly walked to the washer, hiding his now flushed face. I didn't notice it before, but Matt seems to care about me more than the others do. But I could just be imagining that or... Edd poured bleach over the once purple hoodie, scrubbing almost all of it with soap and a hot washcloth. It took a while but it slowly lightened, and he threw it in the washer. What's with my heart though. Why do I care about him so much? I should care about the others more too, but they just seem so distant. I only see them all as brothers..Or I thought that until now. I'm not sure about Matt though, he makes me feel different. Could I possibly...

Tom and Tord sat awkwardly at the table, both of them not eating anything. Been a long time since Edd has left us alone. Like anything will happen since our last fight. Tom will probably start getting pissed over something stupid though-"Are you ok?" Tord dropped the piece of bacon he was toying with and tilted his head at Tom. Was he hearing things? "Did you say something?" Tom gave him an annoyed look. "Yea, I did. Do you need me to repeat it?" "Yea.." "Are you ok ..Tord?" The sudden sentence shocked him. He didn't even end it with 'sunshine lollipops' or the usual 'commie'. What's wrong with him.. And why would he ask me that as if he actually cared still..."U-Um.... Why would you ask me that?" He managed. Tom looked down at his plate. "Because you were crying." Tord's eyes widened. I was quiet I thought.. And how could Tom of all people hear me? Wouldn't he just assume it was from something sad that happened in an anime or something? "H-ha, it's nothing. Just another sad anime, Angel Beats! The ending was depressing..." he trailed off, looking up to see Tom glaring at him. "I'm not drunk. I know when you stutter it's not the real reason." "H-huh? Why do you care?" Tom stared into his eyes. "Because I miss you-I mean, I wish we all hadn't gotten so distant... I thought you felt the same, especially after..." Tord's face heated. He did care too? He missed how close they were before... But why was he telling him this now? "I thought you hated me." Tom looked away. "Because I thought you hated me." "I-I..." "Tom I..I never hated you..I just..." Edd suddenly ran into the room carrying a toaster. "Oh. You guys aren't fighting." Tom glared at him. "What were you going to use THAT for?" Edd stared at him and looked back at the toaster. "Haha, I totally wasn't going to throw it at your face..." "MhM." "TORD!!" Edd yelled. "What??" He grabbed his plate and stared at it. "This bacon is mine now." Tord groaned. "HA, NO!" He chased after Edd, who started frantically running around the house. "Y-Your gonna drop the toaster!!" Matt called. Tom just laughed and put his leg by the doorway after Edd went through so Tord would trip over it. "AA-" He fell over it and glared at Tom red-faced. "Really jehovah..." Tom was too busy laughing at him to even look annoyed. I missed this..

Sunshine { Tomtord Eddsworld au }Where stories live. Discover now