Pineapples and Mirrors

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{Back to Present time}

"I won't forget you. They can't make me."


Tom lunged forward from his sleep, a sharp pain in his head threatening to send him back down into his sheets.

What was that?

The brit huffed as he was hit with a wave of nausea, but he fought it back down, going against his aching nerves and defiantly sliding his legs over the bed to the blue carpet. He stayed there for a moment, playing with the soft cobalt tufts between his toes in pure boredom. He closed his eyes for a moment, deciding on whether to get out of his bed or not. Edd was definitely awake, he could hear him humming along with the clanking of plates and silverware. Tom wasn't exactly hungry, but he wanted to talk to someone. He thought about talking to Tord for a moment, before his mind went back to the events of the day before. "What was that?" "Noth-!" "Because it sounded like you're challenging me, sunshine."  Tom didn't even want to think about what happened later. That night was just so..weird. Tord had seemed off, and he could tell. The norwegian had made a beeline for his room when he had tried to start any sort of conversation, and had just cut him off by saying something else.

Anything else.

Maybe he was just..tired?

Whatever it was, there seemed more to it. Maybe he should just go talk to Matt...

Tom let out a heavy sigh, completely leaving the comfort of his warm sheets and walking to the door, before getting a glance at his mirror. Holy shit. I look higher than-uh-the sun? Eh, not the time. Tom pulled off his wrinkled-up "stay safe" shirt and boxers, changing into new clothes before doing his basic hygiene routine-which, was in fact, basic. No more than putting on deodorant, brushing his teeth, and brushing his hair-which was definitely less than Matt's morning beauty trauma. The British man limped out of his room, walking along the hall and taking a quick glance at the door to Tord's room. It was half open, which seemed inviting. His body seemed to be drawn towards it before he realized where he was going. No, no, we're talking to Matt. Matt of all people... Tom wanted to see what the norwegian was doing nonetheless, so he peaked through the slit in the door anyways. The norwegian was sound asleep on his bed, curled up over his sheets with a body pillow cuddled in his arms. Tom himself would even go as far as to saying he looked cute. The Brit shook off that thought. He refused to think of his friend like that. That's what he was right? His friend?  Tom peeled his eyes away from the sleeping norski, hesitantly walking over to Matt's door. He needed to get his mind off of these things, they were starting to scare him. The Brit checked the knob, which was unlocked, and opened the door. No Matt. Tom groaned, taking in the luscious space of room.

It smelled like honey and lavender, which was not surprising-this was Matt's room after all. There were multiple pictures of the four of them along the walls, but of course they didn't outnumber the photos of the ginger himself. Tom scoffed, not even trying to count them. Besides that, there were star lights across the ceiling and over the head of his bed, along with aroma candles-which must've produced the heavenly aroma he'd noticed. His room compared to this-he didn't even want to think of that. His room smelled like vodka and grease, which was definitely not as enticing. He decided to check out his room a bit more, since Matt wouldn't ever let anyone come in. He wondered why-it was such a nice room. Minus the million photos of him, that is. Tom looked over at his nightstand, which had a few candles lighting up the corner of his room. He walked over to it, noticing an edge of what looked like paper sticking out from one of the drawers. Probably just a picture of him. Tom pulled it out in curiosity anyways, a gasp escaping his lips. The person smiling back at him from the paper had a lime-green hoodie on, doing one of his signature winks with a cola in his right hand. The picture was surrounded with flowers, sparkles, hearts, and was drowned in pastel love. Tom stared at the picture in awe, a lot of things making more sense now that he thought about it. He smirked, suddenly glad he'd decided to look in the ginger's room.

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