Subtle colors

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Edd pulled up to the theatre, and Tord sneaked a pack of skittles into his pocket. Tom glanced at them before the four of them got out of the car. Him and Tord walked a bit faster than Edd and Matt, so Tom figured he'd ask him now. "Hey sunshine..." Tord's cheeks visibly reddened as he looked over at him. "I-I told you not to call me that!" Tom laughed. "Fine, but hey, can I have some of the...candy...." he motioned towards his pocket. Tord hesitated for a moment. "Sure if you buy me popcorn!" Of course. What I should've expected. "Fine what-" "SUPER-sizEDD" Tord squealed, moving his hands up and down. Tom raised an eyebrow at him, holding back a laugh. "Your such a dingus. You know that's not an actual size right?" Tord just giggled and nodded. "I just mean a large." They all walked through the set of double doors into the theatre and looked around. Tom just stared at the price on the popcorn. "There is NO way I'm going to spend THAT much just so I can have some of your SKITTLES." Tord's eyes widened. "Haha sorry, I forgot how expensive they were you can just get a small.." "THE SMALL IS 10 DOLLARS COMMIE." Tord laughed. "Ok, ok. I'll share them with you just stop being so loud." Tom looked over his shoulder and saw both Matt and Edd staring at him. Oh. He waved over at them. "Ha sorry guys, I just forgot how expensive this place was." Matt furrowed his eyebrows. "I know." Edd worriedly looked at the two of them. "H-hey we still have to pick a movie!" Tord pointed at some movie poster. "Hey! What about that?" Tom looked over where he was pointing. Childsplay. "I mean sure..I didn't know the new one was out yet." Tord elbowed him, smiling. "Hey we finally agree on something!" He chimed, looking over at Edd. Ha, that was smart. Edd looked a bit nervous, and kept looking at Matt and back to them. "Ok. Just.. cover my mouth before I scream...please.." Matt nodded at him and they got the tickets. Tom looked down at the one in his hand. "Hey it's gonna start in 7 minutes so we better get in for the trailers." "Ya, follow me guys." Matt retorted, running in front of them. The three of them ran after him. "Wait for me!" Edd called. They soon got to their seats and flipped them down. Tord just crossed his legs with the seat not all the way down so he looked taller. Tom took the seat to the right of him, Edd took the one left of him, and Matt sat next to Edd. Tord kept toying with the skittles wrapper he'd gotten out of his hoodie. "Where are scissors when you need them.." He looked at Edd, but he was talking to Matt. He hesitantly shifted his gaze to Tom. "Uh-um, can you open this?" he asked. Tom happily took the skittles from him. "G-give them back though!" This is impossible.. What the hell-I'm using all my arm strength. Maybe I should use my teeth but then.. He glanced at Tord, who was staring at the movie screen. I could try.. He bit into the wrapper and ripped the side open. Oh. Tord stared at him. "Ha, don't think I'm going to let you have them now. Maybe-bring scissors next time though...." Next time? Tom raised an eyebrow at him. "Huh, what you wanna do this again?" He retorted, giving him back his half-opened skittles. Tord took them with a flustered look on his face. "Hey guys it's about to start!" Edd whispered loudly. Tord put his bag of skittles in the cupholder between him and Tom. Guess that's his peace offering.

Matt didn't know if he should say anything, but Edd was clinging to his arm like it was his life-line. He didn't mind it, but it was making him nervous. "Agh.. Don't do it no no.." "It's just a movie Edd your fine." "B-But why would you get your son THAT?" "True. Then again, it's a movie." "I guess.." This was definitely worth the money.. Tord was still cross-legged in his seat, staring intensely at the screen. He looked over at them for a moment to shoot Matt a must be nice look. His face warmed a bit, but he sarcastically nodded at Tom. He could've just been imagining it but he thought Tord's cheeks reddened before he shook his head and looked back at the screen.

Tord had his hand over the left arm of his chair, where he casually kept grabbing skittles. He had accidentally brushed his fingers against his when he had reached for some, and it made him feel strange. Tom kept looking at the movie and back to his hand, frustratingly trying to distract himself from the thought of intertwining his fingers with the norwegian's soft ones. The hell, what am I even thinking? Why do I want to.. He tried to just glue his eyes to the movie screen, pushing the thoughts away. What was with him suddenly wanting to touch the damn commie anyways? Sure, his skin was more soft than he'd remembered it being, but it wasn't just comforting, it made him feel warm..And that wasn't normal was it? It made his head get all fuzzy and made him nervous. He always felt that way around him, but he didn't understand it at all, especially because of the mutual rivalry they'd had just a few days ago- "Tom" His train of thought immediately spun off as he locked eyes with the norski. The way the screen lit the room reflected into his red eyes, making them seem almost a vibrant purple. His eyes..He hadn't noticed them as much before, but now.."H-Huh? What is it? I'm watching the movie..." Well, more or less. "W-well you see.." He looked back at the screen. "N-never-mind...." What was that about? Tom pulled Tord's hoodie so that they were face-to-face. "You can't do that sunshine. What were you going to say?" Tord's cheeks flushed pink in the screen light. "Huh! I-I um.. I was going to ask.. is it ok if I um hold on to your arm?" Tom raised an eyebrow at him. "The fuck kind of question is that? You scared or something?" "Ha no! I-It's just that I get sugar crashes and if I fall asleep I might fall out of the seat if I'm not holding on to something that won't m-move.." Why was he stuttering so much? Tom narrowed his eyes at him. "I mean why should I? I'd like to see that happen." he mused. Tord glared at him. "Because I'm sharing my skittles with you idiot! You didn't even get me popcorn, so you owe me!" I mean, he has a point. "I-ugh. I guess.." Tord took the skittles and put them in Tom's left hand, pushing up the cup holder in-between their seats. Tom did everything to ignore the flip his heart did as he moved his arms around his own, pushing his body up against his. The norwegian rested his head against his shoulder, two tufts of his hair brushing his left ear. "H-Ha, is this ok Thomas?" Thomas? He hadn't heard him call him that in years.. "Tch, whatever. Just this once." Tord teasingly cuddled even closer to him, and heat shot through his body. "Don't push it."

Tord yawned but caught up to Edd and Matt, still clinging to the person they had least expected him to. Tom was still red-faced embarrassed and wanted to punch him for not letting go, but for some reason he didn't. Tord suddenly started waving his free hand up and down. "That was SO GOOD!! Thanks Matt!" Matt gleefully smirked at him. "Yea thanks I guess." Tom added, seeing how many people were staring at them. I can't believe Tom even let me do this..His arm feels so comforting locked in mine... And the way he looked at me I... Tord glanced at him, seeing that his once nervous face was now smirking at him. Wait-was he enjoying this? Tord abruptly pulled away from him, catching up to Matt and Edd. He kinda missed the soft arm locked in his, moving his hand into his desolate hoodie pocket. "What now? We gonna go back to the house?" "It's getting late, ya. If you guys want though.." Edd looked at him and Tord. "We saw this old creepy mansion on the way here. We could check it out and see if anyone lives there at midnight, might be fun." Sounds illegal. Sounds dangerous. Sounds like an adventure. Tord and Tom exchanged glances. "We're in."

Sunshine { Tomtord Eddsworld au }Where stories live. Discover now