Of all people, it's you

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Tord sat back in his rolling chair, causing it to lean dangerously close to the ground as he looked up at the chalky grey ceiling.
He didn't know what to feel. He didn't want to feel. But he did anyways. It came in waves. It always came in waves. First came longing, then came embarrassment and guilt, and then came confusion and pain. The norski sat back up, staring into the black reflection of himself as the video he was watching blacked out, indicating that his laptop had died. "jævla helvete!"

He slammed the computer screen closed, jumping when a creak sounded from the bed behind him.


The norski looked in the direction of the noise, sighing at the sight of a grey fur-ball making herself comfortable. Stupid. He's not coming back. His eyes fell on the cat who'd silently made her way next to him. She was carrying some sort of stuffed animal. "What is it, cat? I'm not in the mood.." Ringo dropped the stuffed bear onto his lap, purring and laying down on the bed next to him. He would've recognized that patched up piece of stuffing anywhere.

"Ah, shit Ringo! Tom's going to kill you!"

Oh right, the brit.

Tord shuffled in his chair, looking back at the ceiling. Why did he get all defensive and leave? What was wrong with him? I didn't do anything did I?

Tord's cheeks flushed.

Other than loudly reacting to over 100 fucking pound pressure-no.

What was Tom trying to hide anyway, did he get a boner or something? Tord nearly wheezed at the thought. No, no. He wouldn't get so defensive about THAT, right? I mean sure he has an ego, but he would've just acted weird, and I definitely would of felt it with how close he was.. Tord bit his lip. He had liked it when he touched him..which definitely meant that...he wasn't sick. The norwegian's face burned. Since when have I even..? How did I.. The norwegian let a heavy sigh escape his lips as he reached over to pet the purring grey tabby.

Why Tom, of all people?

His rare genuine smile, his dumb laugh..how he's secretly lonely and doesn't do well hiding it, how he's tall and intimidating but also has a soft side, how he freaks out over literally nothing, how his voice gets when he's flirting-even if it's jokingly, his stupid pretty face and his tequila-glossed lips..his unusual black eyes he always found himself getting lost in..how he knows he cares even when he doesn't show it.

Yea, yea. I just needed one reason mind.

Tord groaned. He hadn't felt like this in a while, and the last time he did, it didn't end well. But it had never been like this before. His eyes darted to his door, debating on whether he should go find out what the brit was hiding or not. Remembering the odd look in Tom's eyes, he decided that he'd do just that.


Edd leaned against Matt, pouting.

"Come on, can I pick a movie? Nemo is literally for 5-year-olds!"

The ginger shrugged.

"Actually, I can see why you'd pick it, since the main guy is a clown-fish, just like you."

Matt glared at Edd, who snorted and cracked up laughing. "That was stupid."
The ginger informed. "Nemo's stupid." Edd interjected. "Ya, well how is it for kids, it's literally about one getting kidnapped!" The brunette blinked a few times before going into a wheezing fit. "Oh..my..god.."


"IT'S. A. FISH."

Matt rolled his eyes. "Same difference."
Edd's laughs softened into giggles.

Sunshine { Tomtord Eddsworld au }Where stories live. Discover now