Surprise kisses and bacon snitches

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Sssss. Edd tossed the pan of bacon in the air, catching it in one quick swipe. He honestly wanted to eat all of it right then and there-even if his tongue melted off. He was surprised only Matt had come downstairs earlier, only to disappear to get something seconds later. Usually Tord would already be down there at the smell of bacon, but he was probably sleeping in because of yesterday night. Haha, more bacon for me. He looked off for a moment, watching the now cooking red slivers of pure deliciousness. "Mrreooww."  The brunette jumped at the sudden noise, and Ringo tilted her head to the side, as if she were amused by this. "Ah. It's only you." Edd scooped up the grey tabby, petting her soft fur. Ringo purred, her eyes looking up at him. He laughed. "No, no. The bacon's not for you. It's too hot anyways-" "Mrreooww."  Edd patted the cat's soft head. "Ok, ok. Maybe later you can have a few. A FEW. Not TEN, like last time." Ringo rubbed her face against his hands, as if coming to an agreement with the brunette.

"Feeding the cat bacon, are we now?"

Edd flinched and looked up to see none other than the ginger himself. "I-" Matt raised an eyebrow. "You're going to get Ringo fat again, Edd!" He laughed.

The brunette's face flushed as if he'd been caught in the act. "It's not even ready yet, shut up. And I'm only going to give her a few, just-keep that a secret from Tord. He doesn't need to know where that extra bacon went.." Matt looked off in thought. "Hmm, what if I don't."  Ringo suddenly jumped from Edd's arms and landed on an empty pan, which flipped and flew towards-THWACK. Matt held his cheek, his eyes watery. "NOT THE FACE!" Edd left the pan on the floor and quickly scrambled to the sink, practically throwing a wet washcloth at the ginger. "HOLY SHIT, RINGO! BAD KITTY!"  The cat just licked her paw, ignoring the exasperated brunette. Matt forced a laugh. "I-It's ok. It just-stings a bit." Edd frowned. "No it's not! Oh my god, I'm so sorry Matt!" The ginger looked down at the washcloth in his hands. "Um, what's this for?" Edd quickly moved to help him. "It's for uh-here let me help." He took the washcloth from his hands and reached up to hold it against his burn. Matt blushed a little, and Edd realized how much of an awkward position this was. He was awfully close to Matt, considering he had to stand on his heels to do this. The brunette bit his cheek. Stay calm, stay calm. You're fine, this is fine. He held it there for a few more seconds, until Matt said that he could do it himself if he wanted. He hurriedly agreed, letting him take the washcloth before moving away. "Haha, again Matt-I'm so sorry!" Edd looked at him sympathetically, picking up the pan from the floor and tossing it into the sink. CLANK. He scrunched his nose at the noise and turned back to the ginger. "Edd, really, it's ok! It could have been worse."

The brunette smiled sheepishly. "A-Are you sure?" Matt nodded.

"Of course~"


"Kiss me."

WHAT THE HELL? Did he actually just- "Did you actually just say-"

Tord's hands crawled over his thighs, and he stared intently into his eyes as he moved even closer. "Kiss me, Thomas."

Tom's eyes dropped to his half-parted lips. Everything in him was telling him to go for it. But he was frozen.

Badump. Badump. Badump. Badump.

Tord seemed a little shaky, like he was nervous, or he was getting tired of waiting for him. He narrowed his eyes, biting his lip. "Getting cold feet, Thomas?" Move you idiot! What the hell? What's wrong with you?!  Don't. Don't. Something will happen. Don't. Tord sighed.

"Ah. Allow me to encourage you, kjære~"

He leaned almost close enough to close the gap between them, before he did something Tom would've never been ready for-even if he knew it was going to happen.

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