Kiss or Reject

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Tord examined the brit's face, his heart doing a small flip in his chest. He looked..different. "Hey.." the Brit waved awkwardly. "What was with you last night?" The norwegian didn't know what to say. I felt sick? I was tired? What am I supposed to say, I don't even know what was wrong with me.. "I, um-I felt sick, I just wanted to sleep as soon as possible. I didn't mean to ignore you.." He managed. Tom nodded. "That makes sense. Guess I don't have to go get my harpoons now, commie." The norwegian's eyes widened before going lax again. "You idiot!"       He punched Tom in the arm with a flustered look on his face, and the Brit laughed until he started coughing. Tord suddenly felt sick all over again. What's wrong with me.. "T-Tom, can we go do something in my room, I don't feel like going anywhere." The Brit raised an eyebrow at him. "Do what  in your room?" The norwegian blushed a little. "Shut up! You know what I meant.." "Do I?"  He retorted. "Why don't we just watch a movie in my room or something?"   Tord groaned. "But I got this new game we could play..." The Brit seemed to consider that for a moment. "I-Fine." When they reached his room, the norwegian geared up his Eddbox, putting in some sort of game with an anime girl on it. "Oh shit."  Tom breathed. "It's a role-playing game, calm down you perv."  Tord happily watched as the screen lit up, and handed Tom a controller before sitting crisscross next to him on his bed. "Why don't we just play Minecraft? What kind of game is this anyways?" The Brit mumbled. "It's a dating game."  Tord explained. "You're in high school and you get to meet a bunch of people, but you eventually get to pick someone you like. If you pick to be a guy as your character, you get to ask them to prom, and if you pick a girl, you get to choose who takes you. " Tom looked at the screen. "So, Yandere simulator?"  He joked. "Oh my god, Tom." Tord nearly wheezed. "No-o."  He started up a new game, and the Brit realized he wasn't playing. "Hey, where's your controller?" He asked. "What? Do you want to date me?"  Tord mused. Tom blinked a few times before blushing and looking away. "I'm just watching you play, we can take turns. I wanted to see you play an anime game for once." The norski added. Tom seemed to understand, watching as the game started up.

A few hours later he had to choose who to ask. "I don't see why I can't just ask all of them."      Tom said wryly. Tord laughed. "It doesn't work like that, Tom! This isn't a harem anime!"  The Brit scanned over the options for a moment. "Huh, Chi-sick-ey Form-oi-ya, I kind of like her I guess." Tord wheezed at his pronunciation. "That's-" Cough. "-not how you say her name, you dork." Tom just shrugged and pressed the button to ask her.

"Tom-senpai! U-Um, it's not like I want to go with you or anything, hmph, but I don't have anything else to do. I guess we could go together.."

The girl's voice sounded from the screen. Tom blinked again before looking back and forth from the girl to Tord. "What the hell, I didn't know you  were in an anime game?" The norski flushed red. "Tom, shut the fuck up!  I am NOT a Tsundere!"  The Brit laughed. "I've seen enough anime with you to know that you are. 'It's not like I even want to finish the bacon!', 'It's not like I care what Tom is doing!', 'It's not like-'" Tord scoffed. "Do Tsunderes give you cuddles?"  Tom shrugged. "You do. That's why I like you  more."


"Holy shit! She literally punched me, what the hell?" Tord stared at the screen in confusion.        He likes..w-what? He really does like it when I do that? Why would he just tell me that now? He suddenly felt a strong urge to do so, hearing that he liked it. But he usually liked to do stuff he hated..what changed his mind? He looked over at Tom, the thought of just cuddling him like usual bringing him an immense feeling of nervousness. He usually did it, what was different now? Nothing had changed. Right? Yea, Whatever. I'm cold anyways. The Brit seemed surprised when he wrapped his arms around his waist nonetheless. "You like this?" Tord murmured, watching the screen with pink cheeks. Tom looked over at him, his black voids skimming his lips before he settled on his eyes. The norwegian felt his breath catch for a moment as he met his gaze. "You're adorable."  Tom whispered. Tord quickly pulled away. "Fine, fine." The Brit made some sort of sad expression. "Wait, no, I meant it. Come back!" He laughed. "N-No. Play the game, Tom!" Tord felt his face heat up as he pulled him against his chest. He squirmed a little, his heart rate going through the roof. "T-Thomas, what the hell?!"  The brit had his arms around him but still had the controller in his hands. "What? I'm just playing the game." He stated nonchalantly. Tord relaxed against him for a moment. Well, this is new. Tom's hoodie was actually really comfortable, and he could feel his heartbeat against his back. It was a little fast, but steadier than his own. Tord exhaled, trying to calm his nerves. Tom was usually never the one to initiate this kind of contact, it was usually him. The fact that he had returned the touch caused something to go off in the norwegian. He quickly brushed the feeling aside, labeling it as nervousness.

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