The side of you I never knew

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Drip. Drip. Drip.

Tom woke up to the sound of the sink being turned on from the bathroom next to his room, and the warmth and comfort he was bundled up in made it almost impossible to move. He groaned, squinting his eyes open. They were adjusted to the dark-as of now, which was somewhat helpful to him removing himself from the heavenly heat of his sheets. He walked over to his door, his eyes catching on the mirror in the process. Oh right. He still had a bit of his human characteristics, the purple shades of fur stopping around the ends of his elbows and thighs. His horns and tail were fully grown, along with the slight tint of purple in his eyes. He smirked. He rarely ended up in this form, but it was definitely his favorite-considering now badass he looked, and that he had most control over it. He admired himself further, his wolf-looking ears, his long tongue, his sharpened teeth and nails. Any normal person would be terrified. Tom was not normal. He never wanted to be.

Knock. Knock.

He flinched.

"U-Um, Thomas? Can I come in?"

Mm it's him, why don't you get that tassssty thing in your bed again, with me you can make him feel better than ever~

Tom raised his eyebrows, his cheeks flushing red.

NO! He's not a thing for you to play with, he's friend!

These thoughts are definitely more than friendly, you can't deny that.. you've never called him that anyways. Not once.

"Tom, come on! I know you're awake.. I just..want to talk."

You can't sssssay no. You want him. You want-

FUCK OFF. Tom scowled, staring at himself in the mirror. AND HOW DO YOU PLAN ON HIDING THIS?

Tord waited by the door, his heart pounding. Maybe this is a bad idea..He didn't answer earlier and..Oh god, why am I doing this? He's not going to..


The door opened and he could make out Tom's figure in the dark, but he had a blanket wrapped around his entire body, and he looked like some sort of..

"What do you want."

It was more like a statement than a question. Tord couldn't help it, he laughed.

"You look like a nun."

Tom looked away. "Why are you here?"

Tord's eyes widened a little, and he nervously toyed with his hair.

He ignored me.

"You got mad for no reason."

The Brit grimaced. "Just drop it. It's literally 2 a.m, I don't have time for this."

The norski felt something new arise in his chest, something that had been begging to show itself once again. He narrowed his eyes, something sparking to life in them.

"Stop pushing me away!" He breathed, poking the brit in the chest. Tom backed away, the norwegian hot on his heels. "I FUCKING gave you what you wanted, and then you YELL at me and lock yourself in your room?" The norwegian felt hot tears forming in his eyes. "WHAT THE HELL? Did you just want to use me for what YOU wanted and LEAVE, was that your PLAN?"

"N-NO! I.."


Tom backed into something and toppled over it, along with Tord. He smashed his head against chin, causing a yelp of pain to escape his lips. The norwegian reached out, still recovering from the hit and trying to feel around the dark room. Ugh.. His fingers soon touched and trailed over something soft, something really soft. And Tom was definitely a guy, so it wasn't tits.

Sunshine { Tomtord Eddsworld au }Where stories live. Discover now