Keys and Cages

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Edd pulled in next to the gate to the old mansion, which was really in the middle of no-where. Just past the interstate it was by itself, surrounded by patches of lush grass and vines. 

Tom glanced in the car mirror and saw Tord sleeping against Matt, and he quickly looked away, something annoyingly nagging at his heart. He ignored it, still defiantly sneaking glances at the sleeping norwegian. The ginger pinched his cheek, and he slowly stretched out his arms and opened his eyes, yawning. "Huhhh? Are we there yet?" Edd laughed. "Yeah." Tord sprung up with sudden energy and swung open the car door. "Oh!" They all got out to look at the black, rusty gate with greenery growing all around it. Tord stopped next to Tom, eyeing the gate in front of them. Edd walked up to it, doing the same. "I think we have to climb this. It's definitely not gonna open." Matt nodded. Tom absently put a hand in front of Tord, looking at him as if to say 'nope'. "Yes I can!" He said, glaring at him and puffing his cheeks. Tom nervously watched him pull himself up, slowly pushing off one of the vines growing over the gate. He was actually pretty close to the top, but one of the vines under him gave in and Tord was hanging by his fingers. "AGH-" Tom quickly ran below him, reaching up to press his palms under his sneakers. Edd and Matt were already over, anxiously watching them. The sudden strength in his legs helped him pullover, and the norski carefully jumped down, Tom coming right after him. "See I told you you couldn't, sunshine." Tord smiled. "Not without you." He said, the moon reflecting in his eyes. Thump. Tom stopped walking for a moment, replaying the moment in his head. He didn't mean.. He quickly sprinted after the three of them, nearly tripping over the uneven ground. They all walked up the rusty, gray steps to the creaky patio, all of them eyeing the rusty door knob. "Ya, there's no way anyone lives here. I mean come on, there's not even a car." Matt observed. "Oh ya, great that makes it only us at this hella creepy excuse of land." Tord retorted. The ginger just ignored him. Edd reached for the doorknob, turning it slightly but it didn't budge. "I could run into it.." Tom suggested, eyeing the wooden frames. "No need for that, I think if we all try we can pry it open." The brit looked over at Edd. With what? Our hands?  He pointed to the crack in the door. "If we all put our hands there and pull, the door is bound to open considering how old it is!" Tom cocked his head to the side, but did what he said. They all pulled on the door, and it budged a little bit, creating a small space to slide through. That's way too small to-oh. "Hey shorty, can you fit through that?" Tord looked at the door and back to him, an unamused look on his face. "Ugh, I'll try beanstalk." He turned sideways, and it took some effort, but he eventually pushed through.

Breaking into an abandoned house would usually be kinda scary, but he loved the adrenaline it gave him. He didn't know what would be around a corner, or who had even lived here, or why it had been abandoned. And that-atleast to him-was the thrill of it. Tord squinted in the dim-lit room. "Hey Edd, you brought flashlights right?" He yelled. We have our phones idiot!" Came the faint reply. So much for nostalgia.. Tord pushed on the door, using all the weight of his lean body. It didn't move. The norwegian scowled at the door, as if it could even see him. He tried pulling it, and the door slammed shut. Tord nervously leaned his head against it. "U-Um... G-Guys? Can you still hear me?" No response. Tord anxiously pulled on the doorknob, stopping when the cold object cracked off into his hands. Tord shivered, dropping it and turning around to face the darkness of the house. Ha. Tom will probably come run into the door any minute now. I shouldn't worry.. He turned his phone light on and aimed it at the door, trying to see if there was any way of opening it. Nope. Ha. I get to be the damned-sel in distress. No shit. He looked around the space, revealing how big the room actually was. There was a huge set of stairs in front of him and a sad excuse for a chandelier hanging in the midst of it. Might as well use the time I have before the rest get in here. There were long, dark halls leading into even more darkness at both sides of him. He smirked defiantly. "Hmm. Which first?"

"THIS ISN'T GOOD!" Matt yelled. "NO SHIT ITS NOT!" Tom yelled back.

Well this is not helping.. "Calm down! We can try to find another way in." He motioned towards the back of the mansion. "B-But Tord!" Matt murmured. "Tord will be fine. Knowing him he's probably saying 'ha, danger? I laugh in the face of danger!'" Matt shrugged, still looking almost as anxious as Tom. He walked down the patio steps, looking back at the two. "Come on, we can see if there is an entrance in the back!" Tom scowled. "I just wanted to run into it-" He breathed. They all sprinted to the back of the mansion, looking around to find any sort of entrance. "Oh! Maybe this!" Matt pointed to a cellar door in the ground. "Oh great. The cellar." Tom said wryly. Edd looked closer at it. "It has a lock on it." He examined. Tom rummaged through his hoodie pocket and pulled out a paper clip. Without saying anything, he kneeled down next to it and turned it, and the lock almost instantly clicked and fell off. "Does that help?" Edd reached for the handles on the cellar doors, pulling them open. "Since when were you so good at picking locks?" He said, eyeing the Brit. "Since when were you so nosy?" He retorted. Edd winced and went in the cellar before all of them, turning on his phone's flashlight and walking down the creaky steps. Tom followed close behind, shining his phone on their surroundings. The small space of room was eerily empty. Just the occasional spider web and dusty wooden pillar enveloped the stair walls. Atleast it's not a bloody library. After they reached the end of the stairs,  they spotted a door in the corner of the small space of room. Tom and Edd walked over to it, and Tom backed away as if to run into it head on. Edd just pushed it, and it creakily opened. "Ugh, you don't let me have any fun." He scowled. "Wait-where's Matt?" Clack. They both turned around to see the ginger fiddling with something in his hands. "Matt what are you holding?" Edd asked. He came over to them, holding some sort of key. "I just found this lying around under the stairs." Well someone had made somewhat of an effort to hide it. Tom took it from his open palms and turned it around in front of his 'eyes'. "Yea-I'll hold on to it. We need to go find Tord." Matt glared at him. "Hey! But I.." Edd waved his hand at him . "It's fine. Why are you worried about Tord so much anyways?" Edd questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. Tom sunk his head into his shoulders. "I don't know.." he mumbled. "Maybe because I should be?" Edd cocked his head to the side. "So you actually care about each other now? I didn't know I'd live to see this day-" Tom punched him in the shoulder to cut him off. Matt and Edd followed him to another short set of stairs, trailing behind him as they made it to a long two-way corridor. Matt stared down the dark halls, pointing towards the one on their left. "Hey, that one looks less creepy, let's go that way!" "They're literally the same." The Brit pointed out. Edd started to follow the ginger, but turned around when he realized Tom wasn't behind them. He was just standing there, staring off into the darkness of the other hallway. "We should split up. I can go that way. You guys keep going." Was looking for Tord that important? Splitting up usually wasn't the best idea..They came here to check out the house and that's probably exactly what the norski was was doing. "I-I guess. Enjoy the scary hallway." Edd retorted. And without saying another word, he sprinted off.

I swear if I hear water dripping or fucking scraping... Tom walked cautiously close to the walls, aiming his phone light at every shadow and doorway. The front door just closing seemed a bit off, there was no way it would've just gotten stuck by coincidence. We didn't think anyone was here... and if there is I don't even have any weapons. Wait a second- He pulled a sword out of a knight statue's gloved hand. This'll work. He spun it around several times in his hand until he nearly hit himself in the head. He quickly lowered it to his side, his cheeks burning. Tom kept walking along the halls, waiting for some kind of noise. Suddenly one of the doors next to him flung open, and he whipped around, tripping over an overlapped piece of wood. "AGH-" He fell into the room, dropping the sword as he did. Clack. The door slammed, but it caught on it and stayed partly open. A light suddenly blared in the corner of his eye and he looked over to see a fire filling the once dark fireplace. "What just-" He backed away, making a run for the door and pulling the stone sword free after he was in the other room. The hell, this place is either haunted or someone was just in that room-He sprinted down the hallway, adrenaline kicking into him. He shined his phone's light on the floor in front of his sneakers, occasionally aiming it back at the space around him. He suddenly stopped, walking into a huge room with an ancient chandelier and a tall door with lions engraved in it. He shined the light on it, eyeing the hole where a doorknob should've been. Wait is that the front door? No wonder it got stuck.. Tord must be somewhere around here... BOOM. BOOM. The Brit jumped at the sudden knocking,  his gaze shifting to the long set of stairs. What the hell was that- His eyes widened.


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