Knights, Princesses, and Ballerinas

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"HELP!" Tord banged on the door as hard as he could, but soon after pulled away his red, throbbing knuckles. Not to mention his shoulder. They'd thought this house would be an open door for adventure, but it sure had a way of closing doors on him. Dammit. I hate this. I can't even do anything... I'm trapped. Tord leaned against the door, sliding down to the floor. It had just slammed on him-before he could even see if someone was there, or if it had just closed on its own. The anxiousness was starting to get to him, forming a knot in his stomach and making him cringe. Tord fidgeted with his fingers, looking around the lamp-lit room. He looked off, examining the old peeling wallpaper with drawings of dancing horses embedded in it. The room seemed almost peaceful.. something that did not mix well with how he was currently feeling. The peace didn't last when he thought about the movies him and Tom had watched recently, though. As if it were a jinx, there was suddenly faint creaking on the other side of the door, and he held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew better not to say anything. Suddenly there was a soft voice behind it, well, more of an audible whisper. "Tord? S-Sunshine? Are you in there?" The voice was familiar... Tord stood up quickly, putting his ear against the door as the voice settled in his ears. "TOM?" He pounded on the door. "TOM CAN YOU-" "HOLD ON!" Tom yelled back. A sudden sharp object surged through the crack in the door, and he jumped back, nearly falling over. The door flung open, and the familiar face of the Brit stood right behind it. "T-To-" Tom suddenly ran into him, wrapping his arms around him tightly. Tord was surprised at the embrace, but his body warmed and he did the same, feeling somewhat more secure then he had been. What's going on with me lately... His heart was still pounding in his chest, half because of being shut in the room and half because of- "W-Wait did you call me sunshine again?" He deadpanned. Tom just laughed it off, and the norski scrunched his nose. "Were you that worried about me?" Tom slowly pulled away in retaliation, his back bumping into a bookshelf in the process. "H-TOM WAIT!" It knocked over and fell through the floor just a few inches away from him, Tom on the edge. "OH SH-" Tord rushed towards him, grabbing him by his blue hoodie, and quickly pulled him away from the edge. They both backed away from it, their faces fairly close. So close-that their hairs brushed against each other, and it actually felt...nice. He could feel Tom's eyes on him and he quickly moved away, melting back into reality. It's just the proximity.. He assured himself. "U-Uh thanks for saving my life I guess.." Tom managed, nodding at the hole in the floor. Tord laughed at him before something in the wall  caught his eye. "Hey what's that?" Tord pointed behind him curiously. "My poor ego being abused" Tom mumbled. "No seriously, look!" He turned around to see a small encased box with a small keyhole engraved in it. It was inside a cut-out piece of the wall that had apparently been behind the bookshelf. The two of them carefully walked around the hole towards it, not realizing they were holding hands-until they broke apart to examine the box. The lingering warmth in his fingers continued to confuse him further. Proximity...or.. His fingers twitched in response. What was that feeling, then?  Tom picked up the small box and turned it, examining the small keyhole in the bottom. "Hmm. I think this might work." Tord tilted his head at him. "Huh?" Tom pulled what looked like a key out of his hoodie pocket. The norwegian leaned in next to him to stare at it in disbelief. "The hell? You just happen to have a key for some reason? That's a little suspicious, pineapple boy." He nodded at the key. "Oh no, you gonna arrest me then?" Tord couldn't help but let a smirk overcome his face. Tom noticed it and shot him a disgusted look. "You know what I meant.." He deadpanned. Tom held the key to the hole, slowly sliding it in and turning it-not helping his horny thoughts to any extent. Tord watched as the top of the box opened, revealing a ballerina turning in a circle, and a soft staticy song played. "Oh it's some kind of music box." He observed. "Not creepy at all.." Tom turned it over as the music continued to play. "There's no place for batteries anywhere.." Tord took it from his hands and examined it for himself. Sure enough, there wasn't. "Hah! Must be haunted!" He winked at him playfully. Tom just rolled his eyes. "Suuure." He mused.

Edd ran after Matt, shining his phone light at everything around them. "Hey Edd come see this!" Matt's distant voice called. Edd slowly wandered after it, finally spotting him next to a skeleton. "OH MY GOD MATT!" Edd ran up next to him. "THIS IS SO COOL!" He scream-whispered. He ran his fingers along the skeleton's ribcage, and it was actually pretty solid. He felt a finger tap him on the shoulder and he whipped around. The ginger held out his hand to him, some kind of necklace with a chain of three swords dangling from his palm. "Huh? What's this?" Edd asked, tracing his finger over the swords. Matt slid a hand behind his neck. "Oh-I um-it was on the skeleton and I thought um..maybe you'd like it?" Edd tilted his head at him. "But Tom took the key you found, and you found this so shouldn't you keep it for yourself?" Matt awkwardly looked down at the necklace. "I think you should have it! I-It's fine..I don't need it to look good~" He added, winking. "Are you saying that I don't?" Edd retorted. "T-that's not-!" He giggled. "I'm just joking, silly." He slowly reached his hand up, gently picking up the necklace. He tried clipping it on, but he couldn't quite see it when it was right under his nose. Come on... Wait maybe.. "Could you help me put it on?" The ginger seemed surprised at the question, but nodded. "Can you flash the light on it so I can see?" The brunette nodded, holding the phone light under his necklace. Matt reached his arms around his neck, pulling the silver necklace around him. Edd flinched at the contact, his skin practically burning from where he'd touched him. I liked that..W-Why did I like that?  He shook his head as if shaking the thoughts away physically. We need to find the others and get out of here..I'm starting to lose it.. Matt clasped the necklace together and quickly pulled his arms away, pink tinting his cheeks. Edd looked down at the three shiny swords dangling from his neck. "Thanks Matt!" He said, smiling brightly at him. "I-It's nothing.." Matt looked away, hiding his now seemingly red face. "M-" CREAK. Edd suddenly rushed behind him, shining his phone light over his shoulders. "W-what was that?" He squeaked. Matt looked over at him. "I think it came from the ceiling.."

We should be fine right? There's not anyone else here.. but Tom and Tord..

"We should find the others and get out of here!" Edd said shakily. "I just realized how paranoid we're gonna be after this.." Matt shrugged. "You mean how paranoid you-" The brunette grabbed his hand and started running down the creaky floor. "H-huh?!" "Come on let's go get 'em!" He exclaimed. "O-Ok!" The two of them ran into a large room, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a long set of stairs to their right. "TOMMMMM! TORRDDDD!" Edd yelled. Matt jumped at his sudden loud voice. "S-SHH! Their could be someone in here!" Edd stanced himself. "SO?" Matt stared at him. He sure had a way of changing the mood, just a few seconds ago he would have only whispered.. CREAKKKKK. Both of them whipped their heads up. The ceiling again... Could that be..? Or.. "Should we go look?" Matt thought about it for a moment. "Ok, but DO NOT leave my side!" Edd snorted and headed up the stairs in front of him. "H-Hey!! WAIT FOR ME!" He yelled after him.

Tord was shuffling through the drawers in the room, trying to see if there was anything else interesting or 'haunted'. Tom was just slouched over on one of the old crates in the room-which he'd thought would've gave in by now. "So, where'd you get that sword from? Did ya kill someone with it or something?" Tord asked, his gaze still on the drawer in front of him. "Nah. I just took it from one of the stone knight statues downstairs-boring, I know. Thought I'd take it just in case there was a princess who needed saving." The norski shut the drawer he was searching and glanced over at him. "Well I'm no princess-and you're no knight in shining armor either, buddy." He chuckled. Tom rolled his eyes, slowly getting to his feet. "Hey, maybe we should g-" The door slammed shut and the two boys jumped up. Usually they'd start making fun of each other, but they decided that now wasn't a good time. "En gang til?!" The norwegian breathed. Tom scrunched his nose. "Now's not the time to forget English.." he said wryly. Tord seemed embarrassed for a moment-considering the fact that he went silent-but quickly recovered and walked next to the door. "Do you think there's someone else here?" He asked, looking through the broken keyhole. The Brit picked up his sword and walked over to him.

"Let's find out."

Sunshine { Tomtord Eddsworld au }Where stories live. Discover now