The promise

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{still past-time}

The two noisily slurped their beverages, one being a steamed chocolate chip latte, and one being a strawberry sunshine frappuccino. Strawberries and cigarettes were the ultimate stress relievers-at least, to him. "You were right-for once-this is really good." Tom murmured. "Hah, I know. Should calm down the strong-ness of your vodka." They sat in silence for a moment-well, more like loud drinking noises. "I didn't know it was that bad. But, what if...what if you couldn't remember what you told me?" Tom questioned, breaking the 'silence'. "That could work, but I don't know how you'd manage to drug me that hard without me noticing, Thomas." He mused. The brit rolled his eyes. "I'm not talking about drugs, sunshine and strawberries. I'm talking about the good shit combined with that pure sugar your drinking." Tord raised an eyebrow at him. "Did you seriously just give me a nickname? Doesn't seem like something you'd do, Tommy~" He took another sip of his coffee. "I like it." Tom blushed faintly, quickly forcing a scowl on his face. "Shut up and tell me what you think of the idea, moron." Tord watched people walk along the sidewalks outside his window, considering his proposal. That could work. The army couldn't get out of him what he couldn't remember. He opened his mouth to speak, but an older lady outside suddenly caught his attention. The obvious drunk waltzed out of a bar, and seemed to be yelling at some man walking away from her-well, more like running. The man quickly escaped to a blue corvette, madly driving away from the place, and the woman fell over to her knees, seemingly crying-but he was too far away to tell.

Then it hit him.

What if..something slipped out. Something that he didn't want Tom to know, like what he'd so stupidly gathered the courage to tell him earlier that day-only to waste it. Would it be worth Tom knowing everything else? Did he really want Tom to worry about him, to bring him into his fucked-up life? For him to know..the real him? Would Tom even want to be a part of this? Would he even like the real him? What if he..didn't? What if he rejected him, and stopped talking to him? He wouldn't even know why. What if he...lost the one person he needed more than anything-all because of some stupid feeling.. Tord looked away from the window, starting to pick at the rips in his jeans. Tom needed to know, either way. He wanted him to know the truth-even if it did mean losing him. He deserved to know him-the real him. And if he chose to leave him.. Tord let out a shaky breath. That was his choice.

"I'll do it."

"Well-your finally going to know what it feels like to have a headache tomorrow." Tom informed, watching the norwegian pour another can of Smirnoff into his empty coffee cup. He seemed really tense at first, but he was definitely easing up a little. "My taste buds haven't exactly liked this idea so far.." Tord mumbled. "I never said they would."  Tom retorted. "Feel a little drowsy yet?" The norski nodded, picking at the rips in his jeans. "This feels..weird.."  Well he was definitely being more blunt than usual. "So, Tord. Why do they call you red?"

The norwegian's eyes flickered to his. Good, he had his attention. "I-It's more like an expectation than a name.." Tord said quietly. "That's all my parents call me, they say that I'll lead them. That's why they adopted me-just for that purpose. I tried to fight them on that, argue with them; ask them to treat me normally. But they...didn't l-listen..they only answer to the army. They wouldn't stop m-making me do things.. I didn't want to do.." He trailed off, shaking.

This was a lot darker than Tom had thought. He honestly hadn't known what to expect though-Tord was a wall behind a wall. He leaned in towards the norski. "What did they do to you?" he managed. Tord shuddered. "They'd make me hurt innocent people with different w-weapons-that I'd built; use them as lab rats-torture them..leave them in a cage all chained up until they'd work for you.They made me go to school to enhance my knowledge and skill just so I could get better at.. t-those things. Engineering, chemistry, math..all for that." He shut his eyes. "And if I refused to do what they asked.." The norski looked over at Tom, his eyes glossed with tears.

"T-They'd do that me."

Tom didn't know what to say. So he didn't say anything. He just pulled Tord over the cup-holders and into his arms, and the norski melted into the embrace, sobbing uncontrollably. Motherfucking harpoon gun. He'd been through more shit than he'd ever heard anyone his age go through. He didn't just keep to himself because he wanted to, he had to. That's why he was so numb. And he thought his parents were awful. Harsh, my ass. "I won't let them hurt you ever again." Tom heard himself promise, before he realized that he couldn't keep it. It was fine, Tord wouldn't remember this anyways. The norwegian pulled away from him, his arms not leaving his sides. His eyes were cloudy and tears streamed down his pink cheeks, but that didn't stop him from meeting his gaze. "Runaway with me." He said, smiling through his tears. Tom's heart nearly exploded at the sight of seeing Tord like that. "W-What? W-Why me?" He stammered. The norski slid one of his hands across his cheek. "You know.." He whispered, trailing his fingers down to his lips. Tom's face heated and he instinctively pulled back at the touch."Tord, don't. This isn't the time for you jokes." The norwegian's smile faltered, and he bit his lip. "I-I w-wasn't.." He choked on a sob. "I-I thought..after everything.." Tord laughed at himself. "Haha.." sniff. "I-I'm so pathetic. T-To think someone might actually l-love me b-back.." He laughed bitterly, covering his face with his hands. Tears spilled down the cracks of them like water bursting from a spring.

Tom's heart stopped.

He'd meant it? This entire time, it hasn't been an act-he actually feels that away about...m-me? Why? I'm nothing-well I'm something; a dorky, smart-ass, short-tempered, nosy bastard. And he fell for me of all people? Even after all the shit I gave him day after day after everything he's been through? Damn it.. He's way too good for me. He'd be better off-Tom glanced at the miserable norwegian, and his heart dropped. Then again, maybe not. A promise was a promise, even if he had the power to keep it or not. Even if he remembered it, or not-Tom would do everything he could to keep him safe. Tom grabbed Tord's hands before he himself started crying-oh wait. Maybe he was.

Ah shit. The emo has infected me. He silently laughed at himself before pulling Tord's hands away from his face-his heart nearly cracking to its core when he saw how much of a drunk mess he'd made him. "T-T-Tom! P-Please..!" Tord choked out, trying to fight back. He moved his hands to his cheeks, and the norski quickly shut up, his expression softening. Tom took a deep breath, meeting his eyes. "Is this what you want?" He asked softly. "This bastard?" Tord's eyes seemed to regain a spark of hope, and the norwegian's lips curled into a half-smile. "Y-Yes! Of-course I want you, you classic stupid, stupid Tom!" He cried. Tom felt his own eyes let go of the tears they'd been holding. "And I selfishly, so selfishly want you, sunshine lollipops!" He cried back. "R-Really?" Tord sobbed. "I may not be completely sober-but I've never been so sure of something in my life." The norski's face practically radiated sunshine-and for once he actually looked..genuinely happy.

And before Tord could say what he'd gathered the courage to say that day-the dorky, smart-ass, short-tempered, nosy, classic stupid, handsome bastard's lips collided with his.

And those were the only lips he wanted.

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