Falling endlessly

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Edd and Matt walked close to each other, peering through every door they came across. And to say the least-the rooms were pretty empty. Eerily empty. Edd wouldn't be surprised if a doll came running around the corner with a knife. He had taken the advantage of the moment to interlock his hand with the ginger's-it was the least he could do to keep himself from clinging to him like a sloth. "If what we heard wasn't Tom or Tord, I'm using you as a sacrifice." Edd deadpanned.

Matt's eyes flickered to his in desperation. "H-Huh?!" The brunette snickered. "I was only joking, silly.." Matt seemed to gain his oxygen back. "I-I knew that.." The two kept walking for a few minutes, nearly giving up-that is, before Matt was almost stabbed with a sharp sword. "AHH!!" He shrieked, stumbling back and making Edd fall in the process. The object disappeared back behind the doorframe it had suddenly surged through, and the door flung open-revealing the familiar blue hoodie of their friend. He looked down at them, and Tord appeared behind him, laughing his guts out. "Oh. It's just you guys." The two of them scrambled back to their feet, both of their faces flushed in embarrassment. "W-What happened?" Tom nodded his head at Tord.

"Ask him."

The four of them got to the gate, hesitantly taking one more look at the house. "There was definitely some sort of ghost in there." Tord informed. "Tom was the real ghost! He nearly gave us a heart attack!" Matt shot back. Tom smirked in satisfaction, teasingly pointing his sword at Matt-who gave him an annoyed look. Edd and Tord giggled, falling back onto the grass. "OW!" They both whimpered in unison. "That wasn't as soft as it looked." Tom took the chance to roughly mess with the norwegian's hair. "Aww, did little commie get hurt by the grass?" Tord's cheeks flushed. "S-Shut up! It hurt!" Edd nodded. "It did." He confirmed. They all stared at the gate in front of them for a few more seconds, half-expecting it to force itself open. It didn't. Tord sighed, making sure Tom was behind him before he made his way to the top of the gate. CRACK. The hinges suddenly seemed to loosen, and the gate itself seemed to start collapsing on itself. Tord frantically looked below him, and the others watched him, frozen in place-except Tom. "W-W-What do I do?!" He yelled desperately. Tom ran as close as he could beneath him, and Tord could feel him looking right into his eyes. "Jump."

Tord's heart pounded, his grip loosening on the gate bar every second. "I-I.." His legs felt like jello, and his mind swirled around chaotically. I'm gonna die. This is the end. You never accomplished anything you really wanted to did you? Your only a waste of space. No one ever wanted you anyway. Just accept your fate.. Tears stung his eyes, and he felt completely helpless. "T-TOM I C-CAN'T!" He screamed. "YES YOU CAN!! COME ON, I'LL CATCH YOU! JUST DO IT! OR.. OR YOU'LL DIE YOU IDIOT!" Tord closed his eyes. You've done way crazier things than this and survived. You can.. Tom's voice ringed in his ears. "I'll catch you.." He took a deep breath, adrenaline overriding his anxiety. "You better!"

It all happened in a blur. 

Falling, endlessly, until.. CRUNCH. 

And everything went cold, and darkness consumed 

his view of the world he held so dear.

But that wasn't what happened.

His eyes remained shut in fear, but it went away in a flash. The cold wind turned to sudden warmth and the smell of..Smirnoff? And that was when he realized, he wasn't falling anymore.

He felt safe, his anxiety was long gone. If he had died, he felt at peace. But when he opened his eyes, it wasn't to darkness, it was to the familiar face of someone he knew. They hadn't came into focus yet, but he already knew who it was. The dark, charcoal eyes gave it away, and everything that had went numb flooded back to him. 

Tom had caught him bridal style, which didn't seem like something he would've done, but he liked how it felt. His chest and arms were unexpectedly bulky  for an alcoholic, considering the fact that he'd caught him so easily-then again, he didn't weigh that much himself.

 His eyes seemed to involuntarily drift to his jawline, which was..actually pretty nice. But his lips..his heart stopped for a beat. Holy shit, I'm not..That fall really did something to me.. I've never felt like this, what even is this? I'm probably just glad he saved me.. Holy shit he saved me! Fuck, I'm gonna owe him so much for this I- "Damn, didn't know I was that hot to look at." Huh? What was he- Tord's face flushed when he realized where his gaze was-which was in the same place as before. "I-I-I fucking z-zoned out you asshole!! I literally almost died a second ago.." Tom laughed softly. "But you didn't, angel." His breath caught in his throat. Sure, sunshine was far from what he'd liked, but this.."W-What did you just-" Tom had a smug smile plastered on his face. "Ya know, cause you fell from heaven?" Oh my god-he did not just say that.. "Hello? Am I talking to Matt or Thomas?" He let out a nervous-laugh. "Am I not allowed to make a joke?" Tord giggled, and the two kept it going for a few minutes just to lighten up the atmosphere. The others still seemed a bit shook at what had happened-especially the gate that laid before them-but they seemed to be easing up too. Tord glanced up at the Brit. "Are you going to let me go?" he hummed. "Nope."  He smirked, carrying the norwegian over what was left of the gate. The norski playfully poked him in the cheek. "Guess you kind of are a knight in shining armor-a classic stupid one that is." Tom scrunched his nose, pink invading his cheeks. "Who's acting like Matt again?" The ginger seemed to finally catch onto their shenanigans.

"You know, I'm right here guys..."

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